Cancel 2018. 3
<-- sched 2, MJ sched 1
There was a discussion about some of this, on a talk radio show, and I thought that it was spot on.
Obama didn't inherite this.
He asked for it and even demanded for the responsibility.
He knew what he was getting into, when he made the decision to run, and if he wasn't aware of what was going on, then he was an idiot for taking on a task that he didn't know the circumstances.
The bottom line is this:
Obama wanted to be President of the United States and that means he willingly accepted the entire job. Warts and all.
And if his supporters are going to continue to try and blame Obama's woes, and his inability to handle the job he begged for, on Bush; then it's nothing more then an admission that Obama should never have campaigned for and then accepted the job.
if only everyone applied to this every president