"Weed Wars" clinic (Harborside) under RICO filing by CA. USDA

There was a discussion about some of this, on a talk radio show, and I thought that it was spot on.

Obama didn't inherite this.
He asked for it and even demanded for the responsibility.
He knew what he was getting into, when he made the decision to run, and if he wasn't aware of what was going on, then he was an idiot for taking on a task that he didn't know the circumstances.

The bottom line is this:
Obama wanted to be President of the United States and that means he willingly accepted the entire job. Warts and all.
And if his supporters are going to continue to try and blame Obama's woes, and his inability to handle the job he begged for, on Bush; then it's nothing more then an admission that Obama should never have campaigned for and then accepted the job.

if only everyone applied to this every president
Thank you, my "Sistah". ;D
<Poet would have said that my comment was racist; because I'm not "Black" and the liberals on here would have agreed with him>

Poet is an idiot of the highest order. Just my opinion. He claims all things black .. but then goes deaf and blind to Obama's atrocities in Libya and the horrors he visited on its black population. Psuedo-blacks like Poet are a dime a dozen.

Just my opinion.

By the way .. that's my daughter in my avatar .. I'm her father. :0)
Poet is an idiot of the highest order. Just my opinion. He claims all things black .. but then goes deaf and blind to Obama's atrocities in Libya and the horrors he visited on its black population. Psuedo-blacks like Poet are a dime a dozen.

Just my opinion.

By the way .. that's my daughter in my avatar .. I'm her father. :0)

Poet is hyper-sensitive about perceived racism. Can you blame him, especially being a lifelong southerner. As to the Obama thing, Poet applauded all about Obama that was different than bush/Cheney. Admittedly the differences now appear slight.
I understand your need to distinguish yourself from Poet but I disagree on him being an idiot. No one is perfect.
Poet is hyper-sensitive about perceived racism. Can you blame him, especially being a lifelong southerner. As to the Obama thing, Poet applauded all about Obama that was different than bush/Cheney. Admittedly the differences now appear slight.
I understand your need to distinguish yourself from Poet but I disagree on him being an idiot. No one is perfect.

I appreciate your perspective.

I have no need to distinguish myself from Poet. I couldn't care less if some think I'm him or not.

My disgareement with Poet is the same disagreement that I have with other African-Americans who claim 'blackness' while pushing massa's cart. It wouldn't make any difference what Obama does to black people .. there will be lots of Poets there to applaud him. Blind loyalty to Obama does great disservice to what should be the African-American agenda .. and it defines our politics as immature.

Poet and I have had these conversations before.

Being from the south is no excuse.

I agree with you that I should not have called him an idiot .. I apologize.
I appreciate your perspective.

I have no need to distinguish myself from Poet. I couldn't care less if some think I'm him or not.

My disgareement with Poet is the same disagreement that I have with other African-Americans who claim 'blackness' while pushing massa's cart. It wouldn't make any difference what Obama does to black people .. there will be lots of Poets there to applaud him. Blind loyalty to Obama does great disservice to what should be the African-American agenda .. and it defines our politics as immature.

Poet and I have had these conversations before.

Being from the south is no excuse.

I agree with you that I should not have called him an idiot .. I apologize.

Indeed, I actually meant to qualify the distinguish comment, but then didn't follow through, sorry.
I thank you for appreciating my perspective. That is such a nice thing, and so uncommon arround here.
Poet is an idiot of the highest order. Just my opinion. He claims all things black .. but then goes deaf and blind to Obama's atrocities in Libya and the horrors he visited on its black population. Psuedo-blacks like Poet are a dime a dozen.

Just my opinion.

By the way .. that's my daughter in my avatar .. I'm her father. :0)

I figured the picture was of your daughter; but from some of your comments, I thought you were her mother. My bad. :(

Poet came on here, a few month's back, and proceeded to classify anyone who disagreed with Obama as either being a racist, an Uncle Tom, an Oreo, etc.
Plus he was the only poster I know, that revealed so much of his personal life and himself.
Then when a poster referred to something he revealed, he said that it was personal information that no one had any right to talk about.

You do know that you've now thrown Gatoman, Darla, Christiefan, and some others into a quandry.

They want so hard to be black and they were such supporters of Poet, that they now won't know what to do; since you made a disparaging remark about him, you're Black, and they feel they have to agree with what ever you say. :D
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Poet is hyper-sensitive about perceived racism. Can you blame him, especially being a lifelong southerner. As to the Obama thing, Poet applauded all about Obama that was different than bush/Cheney. Admittedly the differences now appear slight.
I understand your need to distinguish yourself from Poet but I disagree on him being an idiot. No one is perfect.


He born in Houston and moved to CHICAGO; So unless you're referring to SOUTH Chicago! :palm:
I figured the picture was of your daughter; but from some of your comments, I thought you were her mother. My bad. :(

Poet came on here, a few month's back, and proceeded to classify anyone who disagreed with Obama as either being a racist, an Uncle Tom, an Oreo, etc.
Plus he was the only poster I know, that revealed so much of his personal life and himself.
Then when a poster referred to something he revealed, he said that it was personal information that no one had any right to talk about.

You've do know that you've now thrown Gatoman, Darla, Christiefan, and some others into a quandry.

They want so hard to be black and they were such supporters of Poet, that they now won't know what to do; since you made a disparaging remark about him, you're Black, and they feel they have to agree with what ever you say. :D

Fuck off retard.
See; even you can't defend Poet, without realizing what an ass he was.
Now; aren't you going to agree with BAC?
I mean, he is black and you know how much that means to you. :D

I think that was uncalled for.

I welcomed Rune's comments and I apologized because he was correct.

I disagree with Poet .. but I was wrong to call him an idiot .. particularly because he isn't here.
Obama crappola speak


Obama:] Here's what's up: What I specifically said was that we were not going to prioritize prosecutions of persons who are using medical marijuana. I never made a commitment that somehow we were going to give carte blanche to large-scale producers and operators of marijuana – and the reason is, because it's against federal law. I can't nullify congressional law. I can't ask the Justice Department to say, 'Ignore completely a federal law that's on the books.' What I can say is, 'Use your prosecutorial discretion and properly prioritize your resources to go after things that are really doing folks damage.' As a consequence, there haven't been prosecutions of users of marijuana for medical purposes.

The only tension that's come up – and this gets hyped up a lot – is a murky area where you have large-scale, commercial operations that may supply medical marijuana users, but in some cases may also be supplying recreational users. In that situation, we put the Justice Department in a very difficult place if we're telling them, 'This is supposed to be against the law, but we want you to turn the other way.' That's not something we're going to do. I do think it's important and useful to have a broader debate about our drug laws.

what a load of shit, "maybe used by recreational users" Harborside was well run, many of the clinics were well run.
Doesn't matter -RELEASE THE DEA HOUNDS!! -cuz Obama really really cares....except when it's inconvenient.
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On Feb. 29, 2009 Attorney General Eric Holder said that he did not expect raids on medical marijuana clinics to continue. "He was my boss during the campaign, he is formally and technically and by law my boss now. So what he said during the campaign is now American policy."

On Oct. 19, 2009 the Department of Justice issued its now famous Ogden memo, which announced that prosecutorial priorities should not target "individuals whose actions are in clear and unambiguous compliance with existing state laws providing for the medical use of marijuana." Most observers believed that medical marijuana users and caregivers who complied with state law would no longer be the focus of federal prosecution.

However, on Oct. 7, 2011, federal prosecutors in California announced their efforts to crack down on medical marijuana dispensaries with "significant commercial operations." Drug policy experts have alleged that federal raids on medical marijuana clinics indicate that President Obama and the Department of Justice (DOJ) have contradicted their earlier positions on medical marijuana.
Just in case it 's missed Berkley and Harborside were well run, and documented. Harborside was closed over a city permit -nothing more
I figured the picture was of your daughter; but from some of your comments, I thought you were her mother. My bad. :(

Poet came on here, a few month's back, and proceeded to classify anyone who disagreed with Obama as either being a racist, an Uncle Tom, an Oreo, etc.
Plus he was the only poster I know, that revealed so much of his personal life and himself.
Then when a poster referred to something he revealed, he said that it was personal information that no one had any right to talk about.

You do know that you've now thrown Gatoman, Darla, Christiefan, and some others into a quandry.

They want so hard to be black and they were such supporters of Poet, that they now won't know what to do; since you made a disparaging remark about him, you're Black, and they feel they have to agree with what ever you say. :D

Again, I disagree .. and, with all due respect, suggesting that any of them "want to be black" because they support the political and social aspirations of black people is beneath your intelligence and wisdom. I support the political and social aspirations of all kinds of people .. doesn't mean that I want to be them. We should all be comfortable in the skin we're in .. but recognize that it's just skin. Underneath that skin, we all look the same.

Without people like Gatorman, Darla, Christiefan, Rune, and many others, the plight of African-Americans and other non-white people would be far worse than it is today. There are no words that quantify my appreciation for their humanity. The last thing my presence does for them is throw them into a quandry. I am a product of their spirituality. These aren't just meant to be nice words my good brother. I am deeply sincere about everything I'm saying here.

I sense no need for them to agree with me anymore than I feel the need to agree with them. They know that we can disagree .. and I will still have great respect for them. I know they feel the same.

No problem with you thinking I was the mother. I raised her by myself .. so in a sense, I was the mother and the father. :0)

I like you and enjoy the conversations although we don't always agree on issues.
Again, I disagree .. and, with all due respect, suggesting that any of them "want to be black" because they support the political and social aspirations of black people is beneath your intelligence and wisdom. I support the political and social aspirations of all kinds of people .. doesn't mean that I want to be them. We should all be comfortable in the skin we're in .. but recognize that it's just skin. Underneath that skin, we all look the same.

Without people like Gatorman, Darla, Christiefan, Rune, and many others, the plight of African-Americans and other non-white people would be far worse than it is today. There are no words that quantify my appreciation for their humanity. The last thing my presence does for them is throw them into a quandry. I am a product of their spirituality. These aren't just meant to be nice words my good brother. I am deeply sincere about everything I'm saying here.

No problem with you thinking I was the mother. I raised her by myself .. so in a sense, I was the mother and the father. :0)

I like you and enjoy the conversations although we don't always agree on issues.

I actually argued with poet fairly often, but also defended him from in particular, homophobic, gendered attacks. Though I often disagreed with him, I also often agreed with him. I always used to wonder what you would make of him, I had no idea you knew him from another board!

Thank you for your kind feelings bac...they are returned in full. :)
If Gary Johnson were president you could be sure that HIS justice department would not be filing these types of lawsuits.
I actually argued with poet fairly often, but also defended him from in particular, homophobic, gendered attacks. Though I often disagreed with him, I also often agreed with him. I always used to wonder what you would make of him, I had no idea you knew him from another board!

Thank you for your kind feelings bac...they are returned in full. :)

Thank you good sister.

There is a bit of a "black thing" going on between Poet and I. :0) Just being honest.

Nothing personal, but can get a bit passionate. He thinks Obama is Neo because he's black. I don't. But that disconnect is not unique to him. I have friends and family who run from me. I hadn't spoken to my sister since 2008 .. she wouldn't return my calls .. until a couple of weeks ago when we hugged at our family reunion. I missed my sister. :0)

The problem for Poet and my sister is that they can't defend Obama against the truth.

The problem for me is that I can't support anything but the truth.