"Weed Wars" clinic (Harborside) under RICO filing by CA. USDA

Thank you good sister.

There is a bit of a "black thing" going on between Poet and I. :0) Just being honest.

Nothing personal, but can get a bit passionate. He thinks Obama is Neo because he's black. I don't. But that disconnect is not unique to him. I have friends and family who run from me. I hadn't spoken to my sister since 2008 .. she wouldn't return my calls .. until a couple of weeks ago when we hugged at our family reunion. I missed my sister. :0)

The problem for Poet and my sister is that they can't defend Obama against the truth.

The problem for me is that I can't support anything but the truth.

I get it. I am between you and poet basically. I'm not at all happy with Obama, but I am voting for him. I know I will take a lot of heat for that down the line but I'm not going to lie. I'm voting for him. And I do think he is more than marginally better than the alternative. I do see a difference, though nowhere near as much of a difference as I would have liked.
Which is one of several reasons why Johnson is attractive to many.

if for no other reason then by default, yes. I am more libertarian then I care to admit - i want a smaller less intrusive gov't, one that doesn't constantly expand fed'l powers, and enjoin the states from their role as "the laboratory of change".

Toss in the Rep/Dem duopoly of sameness, i guarantee ( a $5.00 bet being as i'm poor) :rolleyes: that whichever party takes over Congress, whomever is in the WH;
the GWOT (globalwar on terror) wil continue.
It's manifest by Obama's actions, and Romney says nothing but he does criticize Obama for "not being tough enough on (fill in the country/policy)"

I'm sick of the loss of federalism - this whole thread is based on allowing the states to not usurp Fed'l powrs, but for the Fed to respect state laws.
Things were going nicely, one of the few areas I praised Obam about, till the "suits" decided we can't have this ( or maybe just Obama caved to the DEA)

There is absolutey no reason to be going after medical marijuana -except to please Big Pharma - who wants to sell you dervitives they OWN patent rights on.
The same bunch of corporatists who helped write the HC laws.

we already have vaporizers, for those who claim "smoked MJ is not medicinal" -or just eat it ( cookies etc.)
The more sickening I find the duopoloy, the more i want real change - not just powershifting in DC.
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I get it. I am between you and poet basically. I'm not at all happy with Obama, but I am voting for him. I know I will take a lot of heat for that down the line but I'm not going to lie. I'm voting for him. And I do think he is more than marginally better than the alternative. I do see a difference, though nowhere near as much of a difference as I would have liked.

Vote for Obama .. I'll still love you. :0)

War is the decider for me. To the families and children that Obama slaughters, he is a monster. He slaughters innocent people for profit.

I understand the concept of lesser evil, I just don't buy into it. It's why the Democratic Party has lost the moral high ground and become almost indistinuishable from the Republican Party.

Lesser evil still gets you evil.
if for no other reason then by default, yes. I am more libertarian then I care to admit - i want a smaller less intrusive gov't, one that doesn't constantly expand fed'l powers, and enjoin the states from their role as "the laboratory of change".

Toss in the Rep/Dem duopoly of sameness, i guarantee ( a $5.00 bet being as i'm poor) :rolleyes: that whichever party takes over Congress, whomever is in the WH;
the GWOT (globalwar on terror) wil continue.
It's manifest by Obama's actions, and Romney says nothing but he does criticize Obama for "not being tough enough on (fill in the country/policy)"

I'm sick of the loss of federalism - this whole thread is based on allowing the states to not usurp Fed'l powrs, but for the Fed to respect state laws.
Things were going nicely, one of the few areas I praised Obam about, till the "suits" decided we can't have this ( or maybe just Obama caved to the DEA)

There is absolutey no reason to be going after medical marijuana -except to please Big Pharma - who wants to sell you dervitives they OWN patent rights on.
The same bunch of corporatists who helped write the HC laws.

we already have vaporizers, for those who claim "smoked MJ is not medicinal" -or just eat it ( cookies etc.)
The more sickening I find the duopoloy, the more i want real change - not just powershifting in DC.

I agree with all that.
I think that was uncalled for.

I welcomed Rune's comments and I apologized because he was correct.

I disagree with Poet .. but I was wrong to call him an idiot .. particularly because he isn't here.

I understand what you're saying and my exchange had more to do with Rune and his constant and unwavering defense of Poet, no matter what Poet said.
Rune was of the opinion that Poet was the wherewithall, regarding everything; only because Poet was Black.

I think you were gone for the majority of this.

That and I like to see Rune twisting in the wind; because he's nothing more then a windsock.
Again, I disagree .. and, with all due respect, suggesting that any of them "want to be black" because they support the political and social aspirations of black people is beneath your intelligence and wisdom. I support the political and social aspirations of all kinds of people .. doesn't mean that I want to be them. We should all be comfortable in the skin we're in .. but recognize that it's just skin. Underneath that skin, we all look the same.

Without people like Gatorman, Darla, Christiefan, Rune, and many others, the plight of African-Americans and other non-white people would be far worse than it is today. There are no words that quantify my appreciation for their humanity. The last thing my presence does for them is throw them into a quandry. I am a product of their spirituality. These aren't just meant to be nice words my good brother. I am deeply sincere about everything I'm saying here.

I sense no need for them to agree with me anymore than I feel the need to agree with them. They know that we can disagree .. and I will still have great respect for them. I know they feel the same.

No problem with you thinking I was the mother. I raised her by myself .. so in a sense, I was the mother and the father. :0)

I like you and enjoy the conversations although we don't always agree on issues.

My comment of them wanting to be Black has to do with their unwavering support for Poet, no matter what he said or suggested.
Poet felt that only Blacks can understand racism and they agreed
Poet said he would slap a women for wagging her finger in his face and they agreed.
Poet labeled Blacks in politics, that he didn't agree with, as Uncle Toms, House niggers, Oreas, etc. and they agreed.
Poet labeled all whites that didn't agree with him as being racist or closet homosexuals and they agreed.

Now a lot of things are said, with the intent to incite; but when he went completely off he wall, they accepted his comments as the absolute truth.

Poet has some very serious issues with women and it was suggested many times that he seek help for this.

Thank you for your kind comments and I like our exchanges also.
My comment of them wanting to be Black has to do with their unwavering support for Poet, no matter what he said or suggested.
Poet felt that only Blacks can understand racism and they agreed
Poet said he would slap a women for wagging her finger in his face and they agreed.
Poet labeled Blacks in politics, that he didn't agree with, as Uncle Toms, House niggers, Oreas, etc. and they agreed.
Poet labeled all whites that didn't agree with him as being racist or closet homosexuals and they agreed.

Now a lot of things are said, with the intent to incite; but when he went completely off he wall, they accepted his comments as the absolute truth.

Poet has some very serious issues with women and it was suggested many times that he seek help for this.

You're a liar. I love when you tell lies that everyone here knows are lies. You just showed ten more people that you're a liar. Thanks.
Thank you good sister.

There is a bit of a "black thing" going on between Poet and I. :0) Just being honest.

Nothing personal, but can get a bit passionate. He thinks Obama is Neo because he's black. I don't. But that disconnect is not unique to him. I have friends and family who run from me. I hadn't spoken to my sister since 2008 .. she wouldn't return my calls .. until a couple of weeks ago when we hugged at our family reunion. I missed my sister. :0)

The problem for Poet and my sister is that they can't defend Obama against the truth.

The problem for me is that I can't support anything but the truth.


You're refernce to "NEO" was priceless.
Thanks :D
You're a liar. I love when you tell lies that everyone here knows are lies. You just showed ten more people that you're a liar. Thanks.

But Darla; it's been proven that you lie about everything "great and small" and that was from your own "side", so it can be taken that you're still lying. :D
Again, I disagree .. and, with all due respect, suggesting that any of them "want to be black" because they support the political and social aspirations of black people is beneath your intelligence and wisdom. I support the political and social aspirations of all kinds of people .. doesn't mean that I want to be them. We should all be comfortable in the skin we're in .. but recognize that it's just skin. Underneath that skin, we all look the same.

Without people like Gatorman, Darla, Christiefan, Rune, and many others, the plight of African-Americans and other non-white people would be far worse than it is today. There are no words that quantify my appreciation for their humanity. The last thing my presence does for them is throw them into a quandry. I am a product of their spirituality. These aren't just meant to be nice words my good brother. I am deeply sincere about everything I'm saying here.

I sense no need for them to agree with me anymore than I feel the need to agree with them. They know that we can disagree .. and I will still have great respect for them. I know they feel the same.

No problem with you thinking I was the mother. I raised her by myself .. so in a sense, I was the mother and the father. :0)

I like you and enjoy the conversations although we don't always agree on issues.

Wow man, you are like the major power of example as to how to be a man. Thanks.
what a load of shit, "maybe used by recreational users" Harborside was well run, many of the clinics were well run.
Doesn't matter -RELEASE THE DEA HOUNDS!! -cuz Obama really really cares....except when it's inconvenient.
No...it isn't a load of shit. The scam that the docs are running is well documented. Don't pretend there are 100,000 cancer patients who rely on this clinic.

There's plenty of high grade weed to be found. Nobody 'needs' a dispensary.

Yes...the feds are morons. They've lost millions in tax revenue here.

But don't pretend the abuse isn't rampant.

This is a back door attempt by many, to skirt the bogus marijuana laws.

There are other ways to address it.
I understand what you're saying and my exchange had more to do with Rune and his constant and unwavering defense of Poet, no matter what Poet said.
Rune was of the opinion that Poet was the wherewithall, regarding everything; only because Poet was Black.

I think you were gone for the majority of this.

That and I like to see Rune twisting in the wind; because he's nothing more then a windsock.

You are such a moron. I love Poet because he is an artist (like me) who happens to be gay and black. He has a unique perspective especially compared to you.
No...it isn't a load of shit. The scam that the docs are running is well documented. Don't pretend there are 100,000 cancer patients who rely on this clinic.

There's plenty of high grade weed to be found. Nobody 'needs' a dispensary.

Yes...the feds are morons. They've lost millions in tax revenue here.

But don't pretend the abuse isn't rampant.

This is a back door attempt by many, to skirt the bogus marijuana laws.

There are other ways to address it.

There's plenty of high grade weed to be found. Nobody 'needs' a dispensary
so what are you saying, no need for medical marijuana laws to dispense? Where you find this high grade, in a situation where you are not drug dealing? At a dispensary, even Obama is not going after the users, the DEA is simply destroying patient access to them thru it's green light to seize WELL RUN and documented clinics, over a city permit.Harborside also had some tax questions, but the reson for the Long Beach raid by local cops was CIVIL, not criminal. though now RICO seizure is ordered, because "the large amount of patients makes it more likely" Duh.

Did you see the video? want me to find it where the cops are smashing up everything -even the cameras?

Don't pretend there are 100,000 cancer patients who rely on this clinic.
State sets the criteria, cancer is not the only illness covered by a prescription.

Here's why the raid by the Fed's (circular logic)

SAN FRANCISCO -- Federal prosecutors have filed civil forfeiture actions against an Oakland medical marijuana dispensary that bills itself as the world's largest, as part of a crackdown by U.S. authorities on California's massive cannabis trade.

The lawsuits, filed on Monday in U.S. District Court in San Francisco, seek forfeiture of two properties where Harborside Health Center operates, said Melinda Haag, U.S. attorney for the Northern District of California.

The larger the operation, the greater the likelihood that there will be abuse of the state's medical marijuana laws and marijuana in the hands of individuals who do not have a demonstrated medical need," Haag said in a statement on Wednesday announcing the actions.
EDIT MINE: WTF? a "larger operation"the greater the likely hood there will abuse??" no evdence, no evaluation of actual practices? just a hunch because it's big - its bad?
Look at Harborsides record, and their documentation, they run as best a dispensary that can be run. Look at their web, and look at the NOTHING Haag has here. Berkley was well run too. same modus operandi -RICO it.

filing of the civil forfeiture complaints against the two Harborside properties is part of our measured effort to address the proliferation of illegal marijuana businesses in the Northern District of California," she said

It's picking and choosing without ANY criteria EXCEPT random "measured efforts" :palm:

Earlier this year, federal prosecutors and the Internal Revenue Service raided Oaksterdam University, a medical marijuana trade school in Oakland, and forced its founder to step aside.

California Attorney General Kamala Harris, in a November interview with The New York Times, said the federal campaign had "only increased uncertainty about how Californians can legitimately comply with state law."Harris also said federal authorities were "ill equipped to be the decision makers as to which providers are violating the law
The Feds are shooting in the dark.
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My comment of them wanting to be Black has to do with their unwavering support for Poet, no matter what he said or suggested.

With all due respect, that is a huge leap of logic. On most posts, I have unwavering support for what Darla says. Does that mean I want to be a woman, or white? OR, does that mean that in most instances I have the same positions that she does. Did Poet also agree with their opinions? Did that mean that he wanted to be white? Doesn't it work both ways?

Poet felt that only Blacks can understand racism and they agreed

Guess what, I agree with that .. although I wouldn't necessarily say "understand", rather FEEL the racism that we endure .. have endured for over 400 years in this country. Case in point, you don't feel it. In most cases it oblivious to you .. may even think it doesn't exist.

Poet said he would slap a women for wagging her finger in his face and they agreed.

I would slap Poet .. and feel real good about it .. and, that's my problem with Poet. How do you presume to speak for black people while at the same time feeding into a stereotype that denigrates us .. particularly black men. Slapping women is not who we are.

Poet labeled Blacks in politics, that he didn't agree with, as Uncle Toms, House niggers, Oreas, etc. and they agreed.

I have no problem with that. I don't feel the necessity to use those terms, but the shoe often fits.

Poet labeled all whites that didn't agree with him as being racist or closet homosexuals and they agreed.

I'm assuming that your characterization of what Poet has said and the agreement of others is correct .. I'm sure someone will correct you if it isn't .. but again, I think labelling whites anything because they don't support Obama, isn't a democrat, or doesn't have black friends is wrong, wrong .. and wrong.

Additionally, as African-Americans, we should be more careful in how we sling around terms like "homosexual." We are a severly homophobic people. We think its culture. Although I do recognize where that comes from .. time to grow the fuck up.

Now a lot of things are said, with the intent to incite; but when he went completely off he wall, they accepted his comments as the absolute truth.

Poet has some very serious issues with women and it was suggested many times that he seek help for this.

Thank you for your kind comments and I like our exchanges also.

Enough about Poet. He isn't here to defend himself.

That being said, may I offer something strange. Spirituality is real my brother. I'm not talking about religion. Spitituality has a presence that transcends physical contact. If one is connected to it, they can sense it .. they can feel it. There is no Bible, no doctrine, no temple. One is connected by their sense of humanity. Point being, some of us are spiritually-connected .. through the magic of cyber.

Sounds strange I know.

But its real.
I get it. I am between you and poet basically. I'm not at all happy with Obama, but I am voting for him. I know I will take a lot of heat for that down the line but I'm not going to lie. I'm voting for him. And I do think he is more than marginally better than the alternative. I do see a difference, though nowhere near as much of a difference as I would have liked.

You live in NY... there is no chance in hell of Obama not taking NY. So why not take a look at Johnson? Cast a vote in protest of the two parties and for a candidate that will actually benefit this country.
Do you think Romney would like to invade Iran, will stop using drones, end the war on drugs, is a corporatist, thinks Russia is our biggest foriegn policy issue, will abandon the war on terror or serve the peoples interests? No aguing, just asking.

No, No, No, Yes, Yes, No
I get it. I am between you and poet basically. I'm not at all happy with Obama, but I am voting for him. I know I will take a lot of heat for that down the line but I'm not going to lie. I'm voting for him. And I do think he is more than marginally better than the alternative. I do see a difference, though nowhere near as much of a difference as I would have liked.

You are lucky certain posters got banned. That second sentence would have set them into a frenzy. ;)