Welfare pays very well

Wow... Do you normally have this type of reaction to someone printing a story for discussion?

Yes, when it is an idiotic story which has been presented here 1000 times by a 1000 different idiots, based on lies of a known propaganda agency of far extreme far right (fascists)
in printed by an obvious idiot, I always have the same reaction.

Sell your lies and bullshit somewhere else, fool.
Well, its "welfare" but it isn't "Welfare." The former can refer to pretty much and governmental assistance to low income persons while the latter typically refers to Temporary Assistance to Needy Family benefits. You remember Welfare reform don't you?

Did you use a laser to split that hair?

all one and the same to me.

Looks like it pays better to sit in your fat lazy ass than to work. No wonder so many people drop out of the workforce
Minimum wage jobs are for the youth, and to lazy to apply themselves. They're not for the person trying to feed a family.

But now with all the anti-business legislation that has ran off all the good paying jobs, people have forgotten this, or are to young to know better.

Like you.

No, minimum wage jobs are all that is available to vast swaths of the country. It makes no difference what they are "for".

Until you neo-libertarians can lose your selfish social-conservative stance and get real and separate yourselves from the GOP and the Tea Party, you will be fighting a losing battle.

Comments such as the one quoted here cement you squarely on the wrong side of this issue.
Did you use a laser to split that hair?

all one and the same to me.

Looks like it pays better to sit in your fat lazy ass than to work. No wonder so many people drop out of the workforce

You see, that's the problem. It doesn't. Because what you get if you work a minimum wage job is a wage plus "welfare" as you've defined it (depending on the state and family size, a minimum eage earner would be eligible for myriad "welfare" benefits, including Medicaid, housing assistance and SNAP benefits) and if you are simply on "welfare" you get TANF benefits plus "welfare." So then the calculus really becomes whether TANF benefits are more generous than minmum wage earnings.
You see, that's the problem. It doesn't. Because what you get if you work a minimum wage job is a wage plus "welfare" as you've defined it (depending on the state and family size, a minimum eage earner would be eligible for myriad "welfare" benefits, including Medicaid, housing assistance and SNAP benefits) and if you are simply on "welfare" you get TANF benefits plus "welfare." So then the calculus really becomes whether TANF benefits are more generous than minmum wage earnings.

Look, this is how I define welfare. You receive money from the government that is taken from someone who worked for it. Got it?

You may not agree. I don't much give a shit. Bottom line is we have a country filled with too many takers. You libs like that as long as you think someone elses money is being taken.
I'd like to hear more about what they included as "welfare" - since what we normally think of as welfare doesn't pay very well. But sounds like they're including food stamps, housing assistance, and other things.

I will bet you dollars to donuts they combined each and every one of the 126 different programs the Government has to help the poor that were mentioned in the article, as if anyone could gain access to every program at the same time, and when they add it all together it came out to averaging more than minimum wage.
No, minimum wage jobs are all that is available to vast swaths of the country. It makes no difference what they are "for".

Until you neo-libertarians can lose your selfish social-conservative stance and get real and separate yourselves from the GOP and the Tea Party, you will be fighting a losing battle.

Comments such as the one quoted here cement you squarely on the wrong side of this issue.

Again,,,, the reason minimum wage jobs are all that is available to vast swaths of the country is because all the good jobs have been driven away by legislation from legislators that people like you have voted for. So it stands to reason that your the real problem.

It's you who are being selfish by including people like me to pay for your bad choices. Then you have the nerve to state that it's me and people like me who are being selfish. What a very bad person you are.

I'm on the right side of this issue. NOT YOU!!!!!

I have nothing to do with the GOP, and have never supported them in my life. I don't belong to the tea party either. You should know that by now. I hate the republican party more than you. And I don't need a "I suck the dick of one of these two factions/parties" tell me I'm something I'm not,,,, you double standard person.
Again,,,, the reason minimum wage jobs are all that is available to vast swaths of the country is because all the good jobs have been driven away by legislation from legislators that people like you have voted for. So it stands to reason that your the real problem.

It's you who are being selfish by including people like me to pay for your bad choices. Then you have the nerve to state that it's me and people like me who are being selfish. What a very bad person you are.

I'm on the right side of this issue. NOT YOU!!!!!

I have nothing to do with the GOP, and have never supported them in my life. I don't belong to the tea party either. You should know that by now. I hate the republican party more than you. And I don't need a "I suck the dick of one of these two factions/parties" tell me I'm something I'm not,,,, you double standard person.

Hello Liberty! Equal hater, ;) good to see you!
Welfare programs pay more than minimum wage in 35 states.

That's according to a new study released this week by the Cato Institute, a Washington-based libertarian think tank. It's an update from its 1995 study that examined the same issues.

Its conclusion this time around, accounting for the changes in the government's 126 separate programs for low-income people, is that government aid can be more than the earnings from a regular, entry-level job. And the pay gap has increased in recent years, the study concludes.

Here are some of its numbers:

Not only do government-assistance programs for the unemployed pay more than minimum wage in 35 states, but they also pay more than a $15-an-hour job, according to the report. Hawaii has the "most generous benefit package," following by the District of Columbia and Massachusetts.

In 11 states, these programs pay more annually than the average teacher after his or her first year on the job. In 39 states, it pays more than a starting salary of a secretary. And the comparisons continue.


Which again proves that minimum wage needs to be raised a lot! And taxes on rich people need to be raised so welfare can be paid for. That's Obama's mission because he's a black man.

Oh, and a Kenyan and is Satan.
Again,,,, the reason minimum wage jobs are all that is available to vast swaths of the country is because all the good jobs have been driven away by legislation from legislators that people like you have voted for. So it stands to reason that your the real problem.

It's you who are being selfish by including people like me to pay for your bad choices. Then you have the nerve to state that it's me and people like me who are being selfish. What a very bad person you are.

I'm on the right side of this issue. NOT YOU!!!!!

I have nothing to do with the GOP, and have never supported them in my life. I don't belong to the tea party either. You should know that by now. I hate the republican party more than you. And I don't need a "I suck the dick of one of these two factions/parties" tell me I'm something I'm not,,,, you double standard person.

Yet your argument is straight out of the GOP socially conservative handbook, and there is simply nothing libertarian about it at all.
The rest of your personal attacks not withstanding, you completely missed my point.
Stay an un-noticed 3rd party forever for all I care, moron.
Yet your argument is straight out of the GOP socially conservative handbook, and there is simply nothing libertarian about it at all.
The rest of your personal attacks not withstanding, you completely missed my point.
Stay an un-noticed 3rd party forever for all I care, moron.

I educated you, and you still make a fool out of yourself.

The GOP try to sound libertarian, but act like democrats, and you can't get it. Traders of liberty, for security.

Good luck if you have a part time/minimum wage job. You're going to need it, and you deserve it. Too bad you won't see the real problem,,,,, which is you.
I educated you, and you still make a fool out of yourself.

The GOP try to sound libertarian, but act like democrats, and you can't get it. Traders of liberty, for security.

Good luck if you have a part time/minimum wage job. You're going to need it, and you deserve it. Too bad you won't see the real problem,,,,, which is you.

Too bad you don't see your real ally, which is me.
I'd bet corporate welfare is a lot more lucrative. How about we ban it and start feeding the children, poor and homeless? And providing them healthcare?

Silly boy. The children, poor and homeless can't pay for issue advertising and publications. Money is for rich people. ;)
Because you hate Libertarians/Liberty.
What is this opinion based upon? I am a liberal libertarian. Your judgement of me is incorrect, unfounded and unfair.

If you think your party will ever accomplish anything with only the far right in attendance you are fantasizing.