Well im leaving FP bogus site

I ain't sending you down the river if I don't vote. They need a majority to vote yay and if I don't vote, then they are less likely to get that.
LOL, I think its getting retarded. The main reason I wanted to be on the council was to improve the site. The resolutions I propsed are sitting there while stupid shit like making robdawg a troll gets all the attention. BTW, the resolution I proposed has been sitting for three days waiting on all eight votes. Right now its at 6 Yay - 0 Nay. Needs the other two votes yet.

Ain't shit gettin done.
I see some comparisons to government in between your lines.
Y'all know nobody is going anywhere...

Are you getting rich off this site yet? Making maybe what $5,000-$7,000 per week? An IPO in the near future? I think it all hinges on robdawg deciding which site he'll use more.
Are you getting rich off this site yet? Making maybe what $5,000-$7,000 per week? An IPO in the near future? I think it all hinges on robdawg deciding which site he'll use more.
LOL. Riches.... Still a net loss...