Well this was surprising.

Jade Dragon

And I'm the one that jaded you.
Just the other day I heard something I never thought I'd hear. Mom want's us to start planning another trip for next year. :wha: Granted a much shorter trip, but still a surprise. We did miss a couple things on our last trip, and I guess Mom is still very interested. The last one was an insane 3 week excursion, but this one might be up to a week, or slightly more.

I wonder who that big lug is, in the Hoh Rainforest. Any guesses Yurt?

nobody cares

No, several people enjoy my excursions. Yurt also flipped out about it, but got banned when I went last time. It's not like this place is swamped with good discussion, so travel sounds like a fun thing to talk about. I can maybe get some ideas from people. After all, I think Damo lives in Colorado Springs. I didn't ban anyone, so those that don't care, don't need to do anything. If they do it to excess, I'm going to assume they have issue with me.
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No, several people enjoy my excursions. Yurt also flipped out about it, but got banned when I went last time. It's not like this place is swamped with good discussion, so travel sounds like a fun thing to talk about. I can maybe get some ideas from people. After all, I think Damo lives in Colorado Springs. I didn't ban anyone, so those that don't care, don't need to do anything. If they do it to excess, I'm going to assume they have issue with me.

im sorry jade, you are usually a pretty nice dude. I am too much of a cynic and I love giving people shit, but you probably should go in my innocent civilian category. I hope you have a great trip. cheers.
Just the other day I heard something I never thought I'd hear. Mom want's us to start planning another trip for next year. :wha: Granted a much shorter trip, but still a surprise. We did miss a couple things on our last trip, and I guess Mom is still very interested. The last one was an insane 3 week excursion, but this one might be up to a week, or slightly more.

I wonder who that big lug is, in the Hoh Rainforest. Any guesses Yurt?


Is it ... Jade Dragon?
im sorry jade, you are usually a pretty nice dude. I am too much of a cynic and I love giving people shit, but you probably should go in my innocent civilian category. I hope you have a great trip. cheers.

I have a tendency to do that myself, with certain people.
I'm glad you got a few photos. Last I can recall, most of the photos were of Mom, well, Mom and a table setting of food. :)

It was the videos I took that were the real hit. I never figured out how to post them though. Maybe if I saved them to youtube, or something. Of course that makes them public.
I have a tendency to do that myself, with certain people.

im chill as fuck. no one can be as chill as me on here. I am the only one willing to be friends with everyone, as long as they are willing. No one else here has that standard. I am amazing and quite god like if I don't say so myself. How do I do it? Am I really that special of an individual? What higher plane of existence am I in? Am I on my fifth life and getting closer and closer to nirvana? Is that what it is? Am I one of the most superior people around? :thinking:

i am really high right now on some platnium cookies.
real introspective right now.
finally broke through. it's been a while.
haven't gotten to that good level of high where the room gets electrified
been in doldroms mostly because I am too advanced with weed now I am on snoop levels I can handle anything
but tonight I broke through
so good on me, good on me.
It was the videos I took that were the real hit. I never figured out how to post them though. Maybe if I saved them to youtube, or something. Of course that makes them public.

hey. You did fine. Posting a lot of cool pictures back to us 'Stay-at-Homers' was great. One picture you took in Washington State, looking over some mist filled valley, made me feel like I was breathing pure, clean, fresh air from a mountain top in the forest. And your 'Ride from Hell and back' was a good narration. Do the same thing on your next exciting adventure! (some of us like the vicarious experience)
jade this thread is about to get cool.
but it would have been much cooler if I had started it. I wish I did so I could really boost the oncoming cool
im chill as fuck. no one can be as chill as me on here. I am the only one willing to be friends with everyone, as long as they are willing. No one else here has that standard. I am amazing and quite god like if I don't say so myself. How do I do it? Am I really that special of an individual? What higher plane of existence am I in? Am I on my fifth life and getting closer and closer to nirvana? Is that what it is? Am I one of the most superior people around? :thinking:

i am really high right now on some platnium cookies.
real introspective right now.
finally broke through. it's been a while.
haven't gotten to that good level of high where the room gets electrified
been in doldroms mostly because I am too advanced with weed now I am on snoop levels I can handle anything
but tonight I broke through
so good on me, good on me.

Congratulations. (I think Jade likes cookies, but not the ones laced with weed. --->this is just a guess on my part<--- )
Just the other day I heard something I never thought I'd hear. Mom want's us to start planning another trip for next year. :wha: Granted a much shorter trip, but still a surprise. We did miss a couple things on our last trip, and I guess Mom is still very interested. The last one was an insane 3 week excursion, but this one might be up to a week, or slightly more.

I wonder who that big lug is, in the Hoh Rainforest. Any guesses Yurt?


Keep up the good work.

Compared to the bevy of racists, bigots, slanderers, white nationalists, and xenophobes this board is infamous for, your threads tend to be models of civil decorum and etiquette.

In my opinion, a mental note should be taken of the posters who find time to criticize your thread, but yet they stand by in ignominious silence as truly degenerate racists and bigots pollute the board on a daily basis.
Congratulations. (I think Jade likes cookies, but not the ones laced with weed. --->this is just a guess on my part<--- )

I've actually been tempted at the stuff, rather then the opioids. I have a suspicion it's not covered by medicaid though.
Nice picture. (Got your good side, I see.) ;)

I gotta acknowledge that i have been under the impression that you were a woman. I think the name threw me. It sounds feminine to me...plus there was a Jade in another forum I knew to be a woman.

Shouldn't matter...but it does help with pronouns.