Well this was surprising.

We got rain

Whew. Middle daughter texted me this evening to say that the freezing rain showed up there in VT today. Took her two hours to get home from work. Dozens of cars in ditches. We got hit Monday. Thankfully our power stayed on. Marquette got it a lot worse than we did. We have a winter storm warning for tomorrow -- 12-18" of snow. NWS and power company are warning of further power outages due to ice still on the trees and power lines. Our trip home from town this evening was harrowing due to black ice, cars off the road, etc. But we got home to this so it was all right.

Will you be going through Canada this time, or just stay in the States? What sites are you hoping to hit?

Not to change the subject, but did you get the ice storm yesterday? Got Winter Storm Warning for tomorrow too?

The Badlands, Devils Tower, and visiting family in Colorado, going to a few sites there. Some we are revisiting, but others we never got the chance on our 2009 trip. Mom is tempted towards Glacier National Park, but it's a far ways off.

We are expecting ice, and do have the winter storm warning. I hope we don't get inundated with it, enough to lose power. We don't have a wood stove anymore.
The Badlands, Devils Tower, and visiting family in Colorado, going to a few sites there. Some we are revisiting, but others we never got the chance on our 2009 trip. Mom is tempted towards Glacier National Park, but it's a far ways off.
We are expecting ice, and do have the winter storm warning. I hope we don't get inundated with it, enough to lose power. We don't have a wood stove anymore.

I've never visited those areas of the West. Hope you get to go, looking forward to your pics!
Stay warm and safe, hope your power stays on. Same with us.