Welsh friend of mine just posted this on Facebook



I can see better bar bands than those posers anywhere.

If you think claiming to be "mates" with the guitar player makes you look cool, you're wrong.

You're still an obvious geek who tries too hard.
Everything sickens me these days, PC left wing bolux, stupid idiots who have everything in life better than ever before but are continually bleating about being oppressed in some way or other. Go and walk in the shoes of some African in a village full of sickness and starvation...If they had any shoes. Then you'd have something to moan about.

I'm sick of the neo-Marxist post modernist whinging tossers we have become in this country.

My time on this planet is slowly coming to an end as I hit retirement age but I really think when my time does come I'll be saying "Thank fuck for that, I just don't fit here anymore"

Good, glad you're sickened, or rather that you found an excuse for your condition to get you through today.
Everything sickens me these days, PC left wing bolux, stupid idiots who have everything in life better than ever before but are continually bleating about being oppressed in some way or other. Go and walk in the shoes of some African in a village full of sickness and starvation...If they had any shoes. Then you'd have something to moan about.



I can see better bar bands than those posers anywhere.

If you think claiming to be "mates" with the guitar player makes you look cool, you're wrong.

You're still an obvious geek who tries too hard.

Evidence, if any were needed, why Nonads was runner up in the most obnoxious poll. He would have been the winner, along with his equally loathsome bumchum Dumber76, but for CFM and TDAK.
Evidence, if any were needed, why Nonads was runner up in the most obnoxious poll. He would have been the winner, along with his equally loathsome bumchum Dumber76, but for CFM and TDAK.

Better than being a phony ass poser who constantly posts "Hey everybody, look at me!!!" posts.

Like you.
He posted this today on FB, can't ever see Iolo saying anything as witty.

Do you think if an alien ship was watching us from above and focused in on Britain that they could be forgiven for thinking that dogs were the dominant species on earth.

Every dog leading a human behind them whose job it is to feed them and then clean up their shit wherever they go.