Were Confederate soldiers terrorists?

And I'm asking, what was the specific bill on the table which threatened slavery in the South that you alluded to?

I didn't allude to any specific bill, you will have to post a quote from me so I understand what you are talking about here. The South did not decide to secede from the federal level, it was state action, so why would something in the US legislature have any bearing? There was the Kansas-Nebraska Act, and the Missouri Compromise, and I suppose many slave owners were feeling threatened by the course the country seemed to be taking, our country is comprised of individuals who think independently, so certainly this was the case. However, the "legal" justifications and cause, had to do with fundamental constitutional freedom, as it had been defined in the time.

This war was not about Civil Rights for black people, no matter how much you wish to imagine that was the case. It just simply wasn't, and to try and comprehend or understand what happened with regard to the war, on that basis, is absolutely ridiculous. I take you back to Dred Scott, a slave who was owned by a northerner! He tried to gain emancipation and was refused by the SCOTUS.... not the CSA. General Robert E. Lee did not personally believe the institution of slavery was okay, he was very much an abolitionist. Ft. Mims Regiment for the CSA was one of the most tenacious and resistant in the whole war, was comprised of mostly Choctaw and black soldiers. There are literally hundreds of stories which have been buried under a steaming heap of Nationalism, with regard to the Civil War. The victors write the history books.

It's important to remember, in all the years from the Civil War until Civil Rights, the nation was controlled and run, mostly by racist white people. As with ANY bigotry, it was much easier for them, all of those years, to prop up the myths and legends about The South and make them the scapegoat for all the evils of slavery. The issue of the Civil War was not about enslavement of black people, it was about the power of federal government to violate the constitution and take away personal property. For a century before the Civil War, and even another century before we became a nation, slaves lived in the South because that is where they were used to pick cotton. Northerner's knew about it and were okay with it, because it was allowed and permitted to exist all of that time. In fact, the main beneficiaries to southern cotton, were northern industrialists who used the cotton to make textiles. Cotton was the #1 US export, and thus earned the nickname, King Cotton. It just so happened that cotton grew better in a certain area of our country, and this was where the concentration of slaves existed. It had nothing to do with the character of the people who lived in the South, they had the same diversity of character as Northern people, and the sentiments toward black people was pretty much universally racist by today's standard.
This war was about southerners being a bunch of whiny babies. To that extent, the war was a miserable failure, as we didn't kill enough if them to improve their attitude.

You said earlier that the South seceded because they feared seizure of their property via statute. You made a comparison to how I would feel in environmentalists banned automobiles and seized my car.

I correctly pointed out that no such statutes were being proposed in Congress in Dec 1860. In fact, a compromise known as the Crittenden Amendment was on the table to protect southern slavery in order to keep the retards from seceding. The South rejected the proposed Amendment, because they were offended by attacks upon slavery.

Which brings me back to the point that the southerners were a bunch of whiny babies. In other words - fags.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Get educated, you twit! The ideology of slavery switched parties LONG time ago (look up Nixon's "Southern Strategy"). What few Democrats that are left that still adhere to that old bilge have LONG been identified as "Dixie-crats"....and they are the SILENT MINORITY in the Dem party. Deal with it.
Are you trying to tell me that your objective is to teach African Americans how to be self reliant? Show me how you assholes aren't trying to do the same thing as your predecessors, but in a more subtle way (poverty as opposed to literal chains).

WTF are you babbling about? You don't have a clue beyond the bigoted bilge you grew up with and accept with willfull ignorance what affects black Americans.

Let me clue you in, stupid: the law that guaranteed my right to an education anywhere at any school in the USA is only 4 years older than I am. And the law that protects the right of people to marry each other regardless of race, creed or color is 8 years younger that me! So to come here with this BS about black folk not being self relient and the Dems using gov't to hinder them is guff found only in the rantings of right wing radio hacks...because if it were NOT for the federal gov't, little creeps like you would be sitting back excusing all types of discriminiation and such (i.e., Jim Crow laws....which didn't end until the early 1960's). Like it or not, Nixon's "Southern Strategy" is a matter of fact and history, and my previous statement stands.
The ideology of slavery switched parties LONG time ago (look up Nixon's "Southern Strategy").

Wow, I never knew Nixon advocated slavery! I also never knew that the strategy to garner Southern votes by the Republican party, who seldom got Southern votes, was anything more than political strategy to get more Southern votes. Were Southerners in 1968 demanding we re-institute slavery? Seems to me, if that were the case, the candidate who would have been most likely to promote the idea, would have been George C. Wallace, the Democrat-turned-Dixiecrat, who ran as an independent against Nixon and Humphrey. No???

Wow....the Dixie Dunce rides again! For all your smoke blowing, you ignore the simple truth....Nixon, a Republican, employed a a strategy that would "appeal" to Southern Democrats who were pissed at the progressive (ie, civil rights) leadership of their party (Truman & Johnson). Jim Crow laws had replaced outright slavery, don't cha know. Why don't you get an adult versed in US history to explain it to you? "Dixie-crats" subsequently flocked to the Republican party. Here's a soft soap version for you:

Lee is like the 19th Century Saladin. Even staunch Pro-Americans of the Civil War always praise him to me. I'm like, an oathbreaking traitor is still a scumbag, however you dress it up.

Lincoln was a mass murderer. Over 700,000 lives. He also corresponded with Karl Marx and loved him. And he slept with other men in the White House.
What's truly pathetic is that apologist for the Confederacy see slavery as and after-thought in their bilge about "states rights". Yeah, real concern about human beings.

The Constitution was amended to out-law slavery (a major component of Southern States economy)....the Confederates didn't see it that way, and went to blows about it. they lost. They're pissed (still to this day) about the hypocrisy of the Northern states that were in the slave trade, but could afford to give it up.

It's over, you lost. Deal with it.
What's truly pathetic is that apologist for the Confederacy see slavery as and after-thought in their bilge about "states rights". Yeah, real concern about human beings.

The Constitution was amended to out-law slavery (a major component of Southern States economy)....the Confederates didn't see it that way, and went to blows about it. they lost. They're pissed (still to this day) about the hypocrisy of the Northern states that were in the slave trade, but could afford to give it up.

It's over, you lost. Deal with it.

Lincoln was offered by one of his generals to buy all the slaves freedom. Lincoln said no.

He didn't care about the slaves until it helped him politically.
Wow....the Dixie Dunce rides again! For all your smoke blowing, you ignore the simple truth....Nixon, a Republican, employed a a strategy that would "appeal" to Southern Democrats who were pissed at the progressive (ie, civil rights) leadership of their party (Truman & Johnson). Jim Crow laws had replaced outright slavery, don't cha know. Why don't you get an adult versed in US history to explain it to you? "Dixie-crats" subsequently flocked to the Republican party. Here's a soft soap version for you:

More Democrat lies!
Lincoln was a mass murderer. Over 700,000 lives. He also corresponded with Karl Marx and loved him. And he slept with other men in the White House.

The second two sentences are lies. The first two are subjective - I personally think he didn't kill enough people in that war.

The war of northern aggression.

Who fired on US troops at Ft. Sumter - America or the Confederacy?

Lincoln was offered by one of his generals to buy all the slaves freedom. Lincoln said no.

He didn't care about the slaves until it helped him politically.

Which general was that? I wasn't even aware that any of his generals owned all of the slaves.
The second two sentences are lies. The first two are subjective - I personally think he didn't kill enough people in that war.

Who fired on US troops at Ft. Sumter - America or the Confederacy?

Which general was that? I wasn't even aware that any of his generals owned all of the slaves.

I'll look for the source(s), and get back to you.

You are 100% right about Ft. Sumter. S. Carolineans are some really dumb people. I mean really dumb!
While Lincoln did sleep in the same bed as other men in his log cabin days, that was common at the time for men who traveled a lot and who had limited means. It didn't make them gay. Before he married Mary Todd, he had already been in love with another woman. I believe she lost her patience and they broke up, but he had wanted to marry her. This was the first source of the many troubles he and Mary would experience in married life - that she was his second choice.
While Lincoln did sleep in the same bed as other men in his log cabin days, that was common at the time for men who traveled a lot and who had limited means. It didn't make them gay. Before he married Mary Todd, he had already been in love with another woman. I believe she lost her patience and they broke up, but he had wanted to marry her. This was the first source of the many troubles he and Mary would experience in married life - that she was his second choice.


I could type in everything [most everything] that I would need to support what I know from this one book, but this one book is worth reading. Please read it if you can. If not,,,,,,,, I'll take the time to type specific things.
WTF are you babbling about? You don't have a clue beyond the bigoted bilge you grew up with and accept with willfull ignorance what affects black Americans.

Let me clue you in, stupid: the law that guaranteed my right to an education anywhere at any school in the USA is only 4 years older than I am. And the law that protects the right of people to marry each other regardless of race, creed or color is 8 years younger that me! So to come here with this BS about black folk not being self relient and the Dems using gov't to hinder them is guff found only in the rantings of right wing radio hacks...because if it were NOT for the federal gov't, little creeps like you would be sitting back excusing all types of discriminiation and such (i.e., Jim Crow laws....which didn't end until the early 1960's). Like it or not, Nixon's "Southern Strategy" is a matter of fact and history, and my previous statement stands.
Easy, comrade. I'm just the messenger:

Lincoln was offered by one of his generals to buy all the slaves freedom. Lincoln said no.

Because he came to the personal epithany that slavery was WRONG, you libertarian lunkhead! WTF was the federal gov't suppose to do, have an annual or bi-annual slave buy-out? Please, stop acting more simple minded than you already are!

He didn't care about the slaves until it helped him politically.

Yeah, a civil war helped him politically! Actually, it was people's sense of doing the right thing that helped IN ADDITION to the political/economic factors.

Jeezus, if it were left up to you libertarian lunkheads, "Jim Crow" laws would STILL be in effect. Blow it out your ass, buddy.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
WTF are you babbling about? You don't have a clue beyond the bigoted bilge you grew up with and accept with willfull ignorance what affects black Americans.

Let me clue you in, stupid: the law that guaranteed my right to an education anywhere at any school in the USA is only 4 years older than I am. And the law that protects the right of people to marry each other regardless of race, creed or color is 8 years younger that me! So to come here with this BS about black folk not being self relient and the Dems using gov't to hinder them is guff found only in the rantings of right wing radio hacks...because if it were NOT for the federal gov't, little creeps like you would be sitting back excusing all types of discriminiation and such (i.e., Jim Crow laws....which didn't end until the early 1960's). Like it or not, Nixon's "Southern Strategy" is a matter of fact and history, and my previous statement stands.

Easy, comrade. I'm just the messenger:


Actually, you're just some willfully ignorant neocon/teabagger parrot trying to justify his own racism and bigotry by linking some op-ed swill from that right wing rag (a'la' Rev. Sun Yung Moon) the Washington Times.....which STILL does not disprove or change my previous statement. "
"The opinions of Communities writers do not necessarily reflect nor are they endorsed by the Washington Times"

Like Rev. Moon, you cry "communist" whenever your racist, fascist drivel is accurately debunked. Blow it out your ass, buddy.
I don't mean to interfere, TC, but you just told two guys to blow it out their ass. Any chance you could get this gas issue solved soon? We at JPP are in dire need of cleaner, less odorous alternatives.
Actually, you're just some willfully ignorant neocon/teabagger parrot trying to justify his own racism and bigotry by linking some op-ed swill from that right wing rag (a'la' Rev. Sun Yung Moon) the Washington Times.....which STILL does not disprove or change my previous statement. "
"The opinions of Communities writers do not necessarily reflect nor are they endorsed by the Washington Times"

Like Rev. Moon, you cry "communist" whenever your racist, fascist drivel is accurately debunked. Blow it out your ass, buddy.
Actually, I'm the bringer of truth. Approximately 90% of the US African-American contingent are helpless victims. They have become dependent on the DNC, and these shepherds of welfare are more than happy to guide the blacks through the shark infested waters of poverty. ;)