Dixie - In Memoriam
New member
What's important to recognize here, is that touchyliberal is a disingenuous asshole. Nowhere did I infer that 90% of blacks are on welfare. My message was to convey that approximately 90% of blacks are liberals and they've been conditioned to believe that they are victims of white conservatives. Of course, anyone who is NOT a disingenuous asshole, knows that is total bullshit. In essence, they have grown dependent on guidance from the DNC. The irony here is, that the Left has been grooming black liberals for government welfare while they've been feeding blacks this 'white devil' nonsense. The thing I find confusing, is why are so many black Americans stupid enough to lap up this deceptive horse shit?
Chicklet is a parody, it's got to be. Nothing else could be so predictable and scripted. I have found it best to simply ignore his posts, he contributes absolutely nothing to the forum other than, antagonism.
I can answer your last question though, if you want an honest answer. They are 'stupid enough to believe' because it is easy for them. When you are poor and black, it is easier to think of yourself as a victim because of the white man keeping you down, than to take advantage of the opportunities presented to you, if you work hard at getting an education and being a responsible person, making responsible choices, etc. When the black person is raised up in a culture that constantly points to racial discrimination as the source of all it's problems, it is just easier to accept this must be the truth, and what white people say, must be false. When they open a history book, it is full of past discrimination by white people, and it's just hard for them to believe that all of these white people changed their minds and hearts in a few generations. So there is a catalyst for distrust here, and it is coupled with the victimhood mentality, and this is why they continue to lap up deceptive horse shit.
If Chicklet, evince or BAC, ...or any self-respecting black person here, would go take a look at the economic prosperity status of their race from their emancipation to today, they will learn that black people actually managed to improve their status gradually, from an economic perspective (I'm not talking about discrimination socially). After WWI and WWII, blacks were able to work and buy homes, feed their families, send their kids to college. Yes, we had blatant and terrible discriminatory policies, but they still managed to do better than living in dirt floor sharecropper shacks, like their grandparents. Black people, as a race, did consistently better economically, until around 1965, when the Federal government began the Liberal White Guilt policies of LBJ and others, and since then, there has been a steady decline in the economic status of the black community. There are currently more unemployed and unemployable blacks than any time in our history, and 78% of black children are born with no father around, so the problem exacerbates itself as time moves on.
When you raise these points, you are labeled a "racist" because it doesn't fit the template of Liberal White Guilt. You see, we have to all believe that Texas redneck Lyndon Baines Johnson was without a racist bone in his body or thought in his mind, when he came up with the Great Society. He just loved black people so much, and thought they deserved everything they ever wanted, because he was a nice old man who was on their side! But what did his programs do? They literally enslaved generation after generation of black people, who might have achieved greatness had they been motivated. It's kind of like LBJ said, "look, we'll give you a popsicle, and you go sit over there in the corner and be good, and stop this marching stuff, okay?" And the black people took the popsicle.
In the end, it didn't change attitudes. Black people still have a problem with white people, and probably always will. And to be honest, maybe they should have a problem? Maybe that is deserved? But at some point, black people will have to honestly look at the situation and make a conscious change.