Were Confederate soldiers terrorists?

I support Blessed John Brown and his work in Lacompton. His valient efforts at Harpers Ferry should stand in our memory like Davey Crockett at the Alamo!!


Progressives are such war mongering imperialists.

Here's a terrorist .. John Brown being canonized by a liberal progressive for slaughtering white people in the middle of the night after dragging them out of their beds.
Nothing I said in that post is untrue.

FACT: JB did not, in fact, terrorize slaves, because he opposed slavery and didn't have any.
FACT: His adversaries, white slaverowners, did own slaves, and did rape and terrorize the slaves.
FACT: Those same white slaveowners were the enemies of America - politically, culturally, economically, and, after the Southern secession and attack on America, physically as well.
Nothing I said in that post is untrue.

FACT: JB did not, in fact, terrorize slaves, because he opposed slavery and didn't have any.
FACT: His adversaries, white slaverowners, did own slaves, and did rape and terrorize the slaves.
FACT: Those same white slaveowners were the enemies of America - politically, culturally, economically, and, after the Southern secession and attack on America, physically as well.

Everything you said is misleading and not entirely true.


JB did not, in fact, terrorize slaves, because he opposed slavery and didn't have any.

Most people consider being dragged out of their bed in the middle of the night by a vigilante, a terrorizing experience.

His adversaries, white slaverowners, did own slaves, and did rape and terrorize the slaves.

Not all of them did. In fact, a very small percentage of them did. How many non-slave owning whites did he kill? And what about the non-white slave owners, are you giving them a pass here? Maybe non-white slave owners didn't beat and rape slaves? Or maybe you are a racist bigot trying to attack a scapegoat so we don't see what a racist piece of shit you are?

Those same white slaveowners were the enemies of America - politically, culturally, economically, and, after the Southern secession and attack on America, physically as well.

Factually incorrect. Before the UNION attack on Ft. Sumter, Southerners served in Congress, served as presidents, helped write and draft the Constitution, and ratified it. They certainly were not enemies of the state while doing so. Economically, the South provided the nation's #1 export crop, nothing else even came close. Without the cotton trade, this nation wouldn't have made it to the Civil War. Culturally and politically, the South was the birthplace of the Underground Railroad, where "lowly Southern racist white people" helped to free thousands of slaves.

So every facet of what you spewed is either incorrect or completely bigoted. You lack the intelligence to overcome your bigotry, and you've decided the best way to handle that is to create a scapegoat for your profound bigotry, and attack it, so as to distract from your own prejudice. The problem is, you're on the Internet, where a lot of people can respond to your bigotry with the truth, and show you to be a bigot. This causes frustration, which results in you're insatiable need to continually bash the South, Southerners, and anything related to it. But to no avail, you have been rumbled.
You're trolling.

Absolutely, he is trolling, but it's important to note WHY he is trolling. He needs a scapegoat for his own bigotry and prejudice, and by laying the blame for slavery and racism at the feet of the South and Southerners, he absolves himself from guilt for his own racism. It's like a habitual petty shoplifter lamenting the evils of greedy capitalists, as he fills his pockets with the stolen property of others. When he lashes out here at JPP, it is like a wife beater taking pot shots at his wife, then blaming it on her smart mouth.

In a thread from over a year ago, on this same subject, 3-D revealed to me his rationale for the hate he displays here for Southerners. He says he believes if the South had not gone to war over slavery (which they didn't), that we could have resolved the slavery issue by freeing them under the condition they would live in burros, away from the white folk. But since we had to go and start a Civil War (we didn't), the wheels of Civil Rights were irreversibly set in motion, and now we have to live next to them. I am paraphrasing, of course, but that is the gist of what he revealed. So, in his bigoted opinion, the CW pushed to the forefront, the issue of equality, and all the things which happened as a result, from women's suffrage to civil rights, is an offshoot of that issue, which would have never been, had we not endured the Civil War. He blames the South for our desegregated society where everyone is treated with equality. His preference was to have everyone live in their own little burro, where his white European decedents wouldn't have to deal with the "lesser" people of the world.
Nothing I said in that post is untrue.

FACT: JB did not, in fact, terrorize slaves, because he opposed slavery and didn't have any.
FACT: His adversaries, white slaverowners, did own slaves, and did rape and terrorize the slaves.
FACT: Those same white slaveowners were the enemies of America - politically, culturally, economically, and, after the Southern secession and attack on America, physically as well.

How does a small child being forced to watch his or her parents being mutilated and butchered in the middle of the night after being drug from their homes equate to taking the fight to them?
What's important to recognize here, is that touchyliberal is a disingenuous asshole. Nowhere did I infer that 90% of blacks are on welfare. My message was to convey that approximately 90% of blacks are liberals and they've been conditioned to believe that they are victims of white conservatives. Of course, anyone who is NOT a disingenuous asshole, knows that is total bullshit. In essence, they have grown dependent on guidance from the DNC. The irony here is, that the Left has been grooming black liberals for government welfare while they've been feeding blacks this 'white devil' nonsense. The thing I find confusing, is why are so many black Americans stupid enough to lap up this deceptive horse shit?

And here is where we see the psychotic break by wanna be David Dukes like Granule:

granule wrote: "...Approximately 90% of the US African-American contingent are helpless victims. They have become dependent on the DNC, and these shepherds of welfare....."

And then he tries to deny his statments, it's inferences and logical conclusions.

Granule----just another intellectually challenged racist clown with delusions of intelligence.
The fort was already there, the CSA had no right to claim sovereignty over it. An American military base is sovereign territory and to seize it is an act of war.
The fort was already there, the CSA had no right to claim sovereignty over it. An American military base is sovereign territory and to seize it is an act of war.

Well, I am sorry, but after seceding from the Union, they most certainly had right to claim sovereignty over it because it was in their country. It's like trying to argue the British controlled sovereignty of Boston Harbor after the American Revolution began.
Well, they did. America had to seize it for themselves. This is what the South was doing as well. It did not legally belong to SC, whether it be located within the state's geography or in Antarctica.
and the CSA tried their silly little venture for a few years, got their asses kicked across the continent and then, finally came to appomattox with their tails between their legs and had to endure reconstruction as their well deserved punishment. for my money, we should have let them secede and been rid of those crazy rednecks once and for all. great to be back!
Well, they did. America had to seize it for themselves. This is what the South was doing as well. It did not legally belong to SC, whether it be located within the state's geography or in Antarctica.

No, they didn't. Once independence had been declared, the British had no legal right to anything from the perspective of the US, US law and US courts. That's generally how it goes in wars of independence, I don't know of any circumstance where the enemy is allowed to remain in possession of forts and military installments within the borders of the opposing country, it just doesn't happen in reality... but then, we know you don't live in reality with the rest of us.