Were Confederate soldiers terrorists?

Absolutely, he is trolling, but it's important to note WHY he is trolling. He needs a scapegoat for his own bigotry and prejudice, and by laying the blame for slavery and racism at the feet of the South and Southerners, he absolves himself from guilt for his own racism. It's like a habitual petty shoplifter lamenting the evils of greedy capitalists, as he fills his pockets with the stolen property of others. When he lashes out here at JPP, it is like a wife beater taking pot shots at his wife, then blaming it on her smart mouth.

In a thread from over a year ago, on this same subject, 3-D revealed to me his rationale for the hate he displays here for Southerners. He says he believes if the South had not gone to war over slavery (which they didn't), that we could have resolved the slavery issue by freeing them under the condition they would live in burros, away from the white folk. But since we had to go and start a Civil War (we didn't), the wheels of Civil Rights were irreversibly set in motion, and now we have to live next to them. I am paraphrasing, of course, but that is the gist of what he revealed. So, in his bigoted opinion, the CW pushed to the forefront, the issue of equality, and all the things which happened as a result, from women's suffrage to civil rights, is an offshoot of that issue, which would have never been, had we not endured the Civil War. He blames the South for our desegregated society where everyone is treated with equality. His preference was to have everyone live in their own little burro, where his white European decedents wouldn't have to deal with the "lesser" people of the world.

And I'd also like to make a note here. If the south wanted to maintain their slaves, all they had to do was stay in the union. King Abraham wanted to maintain slavery in the slave states with his original 13th amendment proposal with the stipulation that if the union remained intact and the southern states would not secede, they could remain slave states.
and the CSA tried their silly little venture for a few years, got their asses kicked across the continent and then, finally came to appomattox with their tails between their legs and had to endure reconstruction as their well deserved punishment. for my money, we should have let them secede and been rid of those crazy rednecks once and for all. great to be back!

And what right did your heroes have to attempt to commit cultural genocide on the southern people?

The financiers of New York City were having their profit margins lowered by them leaving?
and the CSA tried their silly little venture for a few years, got their asses kicked across the continent and then, finally came to appomattox with their tails between their legs and had to endure reconstruction as their well deserved punishment. for my money, we should have let them secede and been rid of those crazy rednecks once and for all. great to be back!

Imagine how much more advanced America would be without the South. We'd at least have a biodome on Mars by now.
We have the space program located in the South because it is convenient, no patricians will be disturbed by loud explosions, and there is plenty of open space. We could just as easily have the program located in SoCal where we wouldn't have to worry about tropical storms and weather patterns, as far as launching. The Houston facilities could always be moved to NM or CO (where they could link up with NORAD) or anywhere, really.
Why was almost the entire war (except for Gettysburg Pa. and Sharpsburg MD doesn't count because at the time most of Maryland was considered the south) fought in the south?

Because their dad burn wagons with the confederate flag license plate broke down before they could get to the border?
We have the space program located in the South because it is convenient, no patricians will be disturbed by loud explosions, and there is plenty of open space. We could just as easily have the program located in SoCal where we wouldn't have to worry about tropical storms and weather patterns, as far as launching. The Houston facilities could always be moved to NM or CO (where they could link up with NORAD) or anywhere, really.

Backtrack much?
How is that backtracking? The space program rests in the South out of convenience. Stanford, MIT, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, etc. are all in the North, along with the bulk of its funding.
True Story:

When I lived in Birmingham, I worked with a lady by the name of Svetlana, who was from Russia. She was very well educated, and her family was one of the more privileged in Russia. She would often complain about America, and brag about how great Russia was, and so, one day I had an ear full of it, and I asked her, "Why the hell did you move to America if it sucks so bad?"

She said, it was because of her son. She had a 2 yr. old son who had been born with a particularly rare heart mality, and the best doctors in Russia (which were available to her family) told her the best place in the world for her to take her son, was UAB Medical Center, in Birmingham, Alabama. They had the most renown heart doctors in the world, and this is where her son would have the best chance of long-term survival. Her son's condition was stable, but he required some fairly risky surgery, and his doctors at UAB had only one recommendation for his mom when it came to where she should go for this, Vanderbilt Medical Center in Nashville, TN. I heard from Svetlana the other day, her son will be graduating high school this year.

I guess she got used to the outhouses, dirt-floor shacks, banjo music, and barefoot people with straw in their mouth.
How is that backtracking? The space program rests in the South out of convenience. Stanford, MIT, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, etc. are all in the North, along with the bulk of its funding.

Well you popped off some nonsense about where we would be if not for the South, and I responded with the fact that the men who sent us into space were all Southerners living in the South, working at facilities in the South, and you come back with... well, we didn't HAVE to do it that way! Well, no... but WE DID DO IT THAT WAY, so you don't know where you'd be in the space race if you had to compete against Southerners. We like blowing shit up, going fast, and things that go "boom!" so we'd probably be way ahead of you morons by now. WE might have colonies on Mars, hell NASCAR might be scheduling races there!

Vanderbilt, Georgia Tech, Duke, UAB... all in the South! Tennessee's Forensics department is the best in the country, the medical schools as well as a lot of medical research, is second to none. The Center for Disease Control is in Atlanta. Not to mention, the VAST oil reserves! What the fuck would you Yankees do if you had to pay $50 a gallon for heating oil? Nationalize Pennsylvania? :P
lol...cultural genocide.

Tell that to the black slaves in the south.

Well many of them were part of it.

Over two million people killed, starved, denied medicine, forced marched from one state to another state, thousands of people denied due process and thrown into prison as political prisoners in the north and the border states, families both black and white torn apart with women and children sent north and never reunited as families again.
Because their dad burn wagons with the confederate flag license plate broke down before they could get to the border?

Your sick humor doesn't impress me.

You seem to be so highly morally superior so you think, you can justify total war on civilian populations as long as the population is white and Christian despite other races being caught and chopped up in your meat grinder also.
lol...cultural genocide.

Tell that to the black slaves in the south.

By the way, how many slaver ancestors do you have in your family tree?

You understand that their were no such thing as free blacks in the north, don't you?

They weren't free to do anything in the secular progressive north except live in squalor and try not to starve to death.
By the way, how many slaver ancestors do you have in your family tree?

You understand that their were no such thing as free blacks in the north, don't you?

They weren't free to do anything in the secular progressive north except live in squalor and try not to starve to death.

Lol...I'll have you know my family tree has a fine pedigree of Jewish Dutch slave traders from Barbados.