APP - We're going to court': Sarah Palin to face legal battle over grandson

good gawd, can the media get any lower...

Levi Johnson has become the new toy for the left..they are the ones financing his decent into the gutter for their dirty politics...

one thing he should take a look at, Cindy Sheehan..they used her and then spit her out when she started speaking out against them...he will become a bigger nobody than he already is..
Abortion has kept this country center right. Liberals like to kill off their unborn babies...kind of their own personal sacrifice to celebrate their hedonism. Sick, yes, but then what isn't sick about a liberal...rhetorical question of course.
good gawd, can the media get any lower...

Levi Johnson has become the new toy for the left..they are the ones financing his decent into the gutter for their dirty politics...

one thing he should take a look at, Cindy Sheehan..they used her and then spit her out when she started speaking out against them...he will become a bigger nobody than he already is..

The liberal always attracts the garbage to their cause...
good gawd, can the media get any lower...

Levi Johnson has become the new toy for the left..they are the ones financing his decent into the gutter for their dirty politics...

one thing he should take a look at, Cindy Sheehan..they used her and then spit her out when she started speaking out against them...he will become a bigger nobody than he already is..

What does a custody case have to do with being liberal or conservative? Johnson is the baby's biological father and has every right to see his son, unless he signed those rights away, which he didn't. If the story is true, the Palins are going to get a big dose of reality from the courts.

Please don't tell me you're against a parent seeing his child, just because you think he's a "nobody". It took two people to make that baby.
What does a custody case have to do with being liberal or conservative? Johnson is the baby's biological father and has every right to see his son, unless he signed those rights away, which he didn't. If the story is true, the Palins are going to get a big dose of reality from the courts.

Please don't tell me you're against a parent seeing his child, just because you think he's a "nobody". It took two people to make that baby.

oh and because it's Sarah Palins GRANDBABY it's a major NEWS STORY..
it's a case against the mother of the baby, not Sarah Palin as the headline screams..but we won't let that little nugget get in the way..

has the lamestream media done a major story on John Edwards getting a woman knocked up while his wife was dying of cancer and then denying the little baby was his all this while he was running for PRESIDENT..??

lefties don't care how low they have to crawl for's seems to be a sickness in them all for POWER.
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From the OP link:

Johnston admitted to the Guardian that comments he made to Vanity Fair and other outlets calling Palin a distant mother and a political hypocrite were partly made in retaliation. "If they had let me see my kid, I wouldn't have done any of that."

Asked whether he worried that his outspoken remarks about Tripp's grandmother might be harmful to the child, he replied: "I don't know. I hope not, but what else are you going to do?"

This guy has no morals and appears to be a liar as well.
oh and because it's Sarah Palins GRANDBABY it's a major NEWS STORY..
it's a case against the mother of the baby, not Sarah Palin as the headline screams..but we won't let that little nugget get in the way..

has the lamestream media done a major story on John Edwards getting a woman knocked up while his wife was dying of cancer and then denying the little baby was his all this while he was running for PRESIDENT..??

lefties don't care how low they have to crawl for's seems to be a sickness in them all for POWER.

It's a nasty struggle between two families that should never have been made public. Then again, Palin shouldn't have openly criticized Johnson's mother in the media either, right? There's been a lot of tit for tat between these people and it doesn't reflect well on any of them.

Of course the MSM covered Edwards, the affair and the baby. Have you been in a coma? There were newspaper, internet and TV stories, and the coverage is still continuing.
It's a nasty struggle between two families that should never have been made public. Then again, Palin shouldn't have openly criticized Johnson's mother in the media either, right? There's been a lot of tit for tat between these people and it doesn't reflect well on any of them.

Of course the MSM covered Edwards, the affair and the baby. Have you been in a coma? There were newspaper, internet and TV stories, and the coverage is still continuing.

From the very beginning Palin was carrying too much baggage to enter public life. I doubt that many people anywhere would even support her in her old job of whatever it was in Alaska.
She was a fool to leave Alaska. She was a fool to let herself be persuaded to stand with McCain and she was doubly a fool for not realising just how stupid she really was.
She deserves everything she gets. If her being shot at by the press et al prevents another person like her from entering public life then it is all worth while.
The only thing the woman ever achieved was to prove to the world that America housed someone even more stupid than bush.
From the very beginning Palin was carrying too much baggage to enter public life. I doubt that many people anywhere would even support her in her old job of whatever it was in Alaska.
She was a fool to leave Alaska. She was a fool to let herself be persuaded to stand with McCain and she was doubly a fool for not realising just how stupid she really was.
She deserves everything she gets. If her being shot at by the press et al prevents another person like her from entering public life then it is all worth while.
The only thing the woman ever achieved was to prove to the world that America housed someone even more stupid than bush.

I agree. Lots of politicians carry baggage but if they're smart they know how to keep it in the background or use it to their advantage. That's where Palin fails, she's not smart by any stretch of the imagination. A person who can't name one news source she follows regularly isn't someone I want to head the country.
you people crack me up..

she got elected mayor and then Governor because she can't remember what news sources she reads...
I agree. Lots of politicians carry baggage but if they're smart they know how to keep it in the background or use it to their advantage. That's where Palin fails, she's not smart by any stretch of the imagination. A person who can't name one news source she follows regularly isn't someone I want to head the country.
Most hide the baggage, and Democrats have an endearing press that allows them to. I couldn't name more a news source that I follow regularly either, and I'm pretty well informed.
Most hide the baggage, and Democrats have an endearing press that allows them to. I couldn't name more a news source that I follow regularly either, and I'm pretty well informed.

But you could probably name a source, even if you don't read it regularly. Your fingers don't type a random string of letters when you search for news online. You ask for a newspaper by name when buying or subscribing. Palin couldn't give a single name, not even Juneau Empire or Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman from Wasilla.
But you could probably name a source, even if you don't read it regularly. Your fingers don't type a random string of letters when you search for news online. You ask for a newspaper by name when buying or subscribing. Palin couldn't give a single name, not even Juneau Empire or Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman from Wasilla.
I put these type of questions along with the one that the press asked Bob Dole that he couldn't adequately answer, so they chided him for it relentlessly: How much is a gallon of milk?" Neither has any bearing on a candidate's qualifications.
As far as I know you're not a public official but could probably name some of the news sources you read.

is that all you guys got? she can't name what rags she reads...
she was a mayor than a Governor...the Hugo Obama was a community organizer then a JUNIOR senator. so I don't care if she reads the rags or any books..she still has WAY more experience and life living than that elitist cold smug thug snob in the white house right now..

you all should be very afraid of Sarah Palin, very afraid..:clink:
is that all you guys got? she can't name what rags she reads...
she was a mayor than a Governor...the Hugo Obama was a community organizer then a JUNIOR senator. so I don't care if she reads the rags or any books..she still has WAY more experience and life living than that elitist cold smug thug snob in the white house right now..

you all should be very afraid of Sarah Palin, very afraid..:clink:

Afraid of an unintelligent, incurious far rightie who knows diddly-squat about our country's foreign policy?
