APP - We're going to court': Sarah Palin to face legal battle over grandson

hey, a lot of us are HORRIFIED right now that you all elected a no experience (except for community organizing) Chicago thug to be our you all just might have to deal with a Madame President Sarah Palin..

man would that be fun...:cof1:
Fun would be watching thousands of liberals commit mass suicide....:)
Obama had the same experience as Lincoln when he entered office.

The Thug title is proved by what evidence?

Palin cant even name the information she reads, she has made a fool of herself on national TV and has dismal ratings.

You people get behind her all you want and distroy your own party, its fine with me.
Obama had the same experience as Lincoln when he entered office.

The Thug title is proved by what evidence?

Palin cant even name the information she reads, she has made a fool of herself on national TV and has dismal ratings.

You people get behind her all you want and distroy your own party, its fine with me.

haha, Palin as of today probably has a larger following then the community organizer in chief, he has SUNK in the polls over 30% in just a year..must be some record.....

so as for giving advice to Republicans you might be more worried about the Progressive's drowning and might need some CPR..
Please, your honours', said she
I am able, by means of a secret charm,
To draw all creatures living beneath the sun
That creep or swim or fly or run
After me so as you never saw.'
Her pipes she played and elks and bears
Lay down before her, feet in air
And only a bullet had she for them. But then
She beckoned and first there came
Alaskans, white and brown, the same
Then following with speed the magic sounds
Did elephants and hooded men abound
And took she them far underground
So far that'll never more be found
And piercing voices still you hear
Come back for us oh Sarah, dear.
And Hammelin's city had lost its vermin
Carried away 'hind a coat of ermine
The children too had disappeared
With mothers and fathers all clad in blue
And piercing voices still you hear
Come back for us, oh Sarah dear.
It's a nasty struggle between two families that should never have been made public. Then again, Palin shouldn't have openly criticized Johnson's mother in the media either, right? There's been a lot of tit for tat between these people and it doesn't reflect well on any of them.

Of course the MSM covered Edwards, the affair and the baby. Have you been in a coma? There were newspaper, internet and TV stories, and the coverage is still continuing.


Your going to disturb mini-meme's trip to fantasyland.
Sarah Palin has as much chance to run for President as any citizen in this country..

the Republican party better wake up and start listening to the people who vote for them, we are not going to be Commie-lite ...if we wanted to be like the Democrat party, we would join them..

and talk about what things say about a party, the Democrats just voted in a inexperienced COMMUNITY ORGINIZER Chicago thug as a President..what the hell does that tell ya...

A community organizer, a graduate of Harvard Law School*, president of the Harvard Law Review**, a civil rights attorney, a professor of constitutional law, a state senator, and a U.S. senator.

Just keeping it real, mimi. :cof1:

* [ame][/ame]

** [ame][/ame]
A community organizer, a graduate of Harvard Law School*, president of the Harvard Law Review**, a civil rights attorney, a professor of constitutional law, a state senator, and a U.S. senator.

Just keeping it real, mimi. :cof1:



well then by golly I should be bowing down at this feet..:rolleyes:
funny how you all overlooked Bushs college education and the fact he was a GOVONOR of a state when you all called him "stupid"
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well then by golly I should be bowing down at this feet..:rolleyes:
funny how you all overlooked Bushs college education and the fact he was a GOVONOR of a state when you all called him "stupid"

Texas is a "weak governor" state. Most of the real power is in the hands of the lieutenant governor.