APP - We're going to court': Sarah Palin to face legal battle over grandson

When will we all agree to disregard the polite fiction that Plain is a viable candidate for national political office? This is Jerry Springer Show material. Yeah, it's hilarious and all but at the same time it is quite depressing.
When will we all agree to disregard the polite fiction that Plain is a viable candidate for national political office? This is Jerry Springer Show material. Yeah, it's hilarious and all but at the same time it is quite depressing.

It is certainly a damning comment about the Republican party.
Sarah Palin has as much chance to run for President as any citizen in this country..

the Republican party better wake up and start listening to the people who vote for them, we are not going to be Commie-lite ...if we wanted to be like the Democrat party, we would join them..

and talk about what things say about a party, the Democrats just voted in a inexperienced COMMUNITY ORGINIZER Chicago thug as a President..what the hell does that tell ya...
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Sarah Palin has as much chance to run for President as any citizen in this country..

the Republican party better wake up and start listening to the people who vote for them, we are not going to be Commie-lite ...if we wanted to be like the Democrat party, we would join them..

and talk about what things say about a party, the Democrats just voted in a inexperienced COMMUNITY ORGINIZER Chicago thug as a President..what the hell does that tell ya...

I didn't realize that 53% of the country are Democrats. The folks at the DNC will be glad to hear the news.

And what's the deal with your use of periods? Do you think single periods are lonely or something so you give them a friend to hang out with?
I didn't realize that 53% of the country are Democrats. The folks at the DNC will be glad to hear the news.

And what's the deal with your use of periods? Do you think single periods are lonely or something so you give them a friend to hang out with?

do you have anything to say? didn't think so.............................
Sarah Palin has as much chance to run for President as any citizen in this country..

the Republican party better wake up and start listening to the people who vote for them, we are not going to be Commie-lite ...if we wanted to be like the Democrat party, we would join them..

and talk about what things say about a party, the Democrats just voted in a inexperienced COMMUNITY ORGINIZER Chicago thug as a President..what the hell does that tell ya...

It tells me that you are a sour faced old loser.
It tells me that you are a sour faced old loser.

nope, just looking ahead to getting rid of the Commies who have taken over the white house..starting with 2010 and then 2012 here we come..

then we will see the "sour faces" and I hope one will be yours..LOL
What does a custody case have to do with being liberal or conservative? Johnson is the baby's biological father and has every right to see his son, unless he signed those rights away, which he didn't. If the story is true, the Palins are going to get a big dose of reality from the courts.

lol, the irony, the irony!.....turn it down, it hurts my eyes!..........
Please, pretty please run Palin vs Obama in 2012

I got money says she loses worse than Carter did to Reagan
When will we all agree to disregard the polite fiction that Plain is a viable candidate for national political office? This is Jerry Springer Show material. Yeah, it's hilarious and all but at the same time it is quite depressing.
Nothing but ridicule, right on queue. :good4u:
Even top Rs think shes a uninformed and shy a few hampsters for her wheel.

Its funny as hell you people think she is qualified (its also killing your party).
Truth is not ridicule.

The founders would be horrified you think her qualified.

hey, a lot of us are HORRIFIED right now that you all elected a no experience (except for community organizing) Chicago thug to be our you all just might have to deal with a Madame President Sarah Palin..

man would that be fun...:cof1: