Werewolf Game VII signup thread

Voltaire needs a tagline. I'd recommend "The Emerald Archer," but the Green Arrow is such a fag, I would not wish such an insult upon him.
START THE GAME AHOLE OMGGGGGG you better not waste a perfectly good nonweekend day for night zero O__O

if I end up being seer, peeeeek superfreak
I was gone all day.
Can you give me the link to the cite that random picks who is who?

If you are talking about my little script, its down, I have to find a new host.

The other option that is regularly used is http://www.random.org

Just look at the roster, then plug in a random drawing for 1-9. Whatever number comes up on the generator match that to the roster number. Do the wolves first, then seer, then whatever else roles you have in the game.