

Uwaa OmO
Ok not nearly as excited to propose the idea because last time people took the thread and basically used it as their own personal bitching post. If you don't wanna play cool, stay outta this thread and keep all your personal bullshit to yourself, playing or not.

So who's interested?

EDIT: I'm trying to get as many new faces as I can, so if you're new to this board I STRONGLY suggest you play. It's a lot of fun.
I should note for everybody that if we get everything ready, the game won't start till at least next monday, after thanksgiving and all that.
i think desh should play, given the way she debates...she would be fun in this game and i think she would like it

nigel played once i think, and did awesome, he should play again

as for other new players....onceler would be fun....asshat would be a riot....he would win no matter what...
Wow, I guess I'm a pretty hot commodity around here, but like I was telling the Captain earlier, I'm not around enough and I think I'd slow down the game.

But for all the grief I've read about this game, I actually think that its is good diplomacy and gives the board cohesion, lets people put their personal politics aside in the name of good times. I'll play soon, but now's not the time for me.
yes, it brings people together, hones debating skills, buffs up everyone on logic and analysis, it was pretty much the most genius idea ever brought forth to this website. And of course . . . the person that came up with it is just that much more amazing.
yes, it brings people together, hones debating skills, buffs up everyone on logic and analysis, it was pretty much the most genius idea ever brought forth to this website. And of course . . . the person that came up with it is just that much more amazing.

It must be BDW.
Ok not nearly as excited to propose the idea because last time people took the thread and basically used it as their own personal bitching post. If you don't wanna play cool, stay outta this thread and keep all your personal bullshit to yourself, playing or not.

So who's interested?

EDIT: I'm trying to get as many new faces as I can, so if you're new to this board I STRONGLY suggest you play. It's a lot of fun.

I'm up for a game.

We need at least 3 more and I'd prefer 7 more for a more robust 13.
lets recruit watermark. and lets go back to that old thread and find who was participating and spam/contact them O_O
And Mott makes 7. Watermark would be awesome. Grind, can we still do these with the auto mod thingy?