We've reached the end of antibiotics': Top CDC expert declares.

Another example of the corruption in the US. Mainly because they allow the peddling of pharmaceuticals on t.v. and the lemmings just can't resist. Go tell your doctor you saw it on t.v. and you need it too!

Whereas in Canada we don't allow the peddling of pharmas but depend on our doctors to prescribe what is right and is needed.
A reason why your health care system is defunct and failing the people. Hmmmm! Must be something to do with that blca president?

Congratulations on squeezing so much ignorance into a very small post.

Allow me to educate you.

1) yes, Pharma is allowed to advertise on television. But, I have NEVER seen a television commercial for an antibiotic. Not one. Maybe you can find one for me. So your notion that Pharma advertising is somehow contributing to bacterial resistance is completely 100% false

2) even if a patient requests a drug from their physician, the physician is the ultimate arbiter of whether a prescription is written

3) the notion that Canadians don't ask their physicians for certain drugs is laughable on its face. Unless of course you are saying that you Canadians are uneducated lemmings who do whatever you are told

Apparently you recent banishment hasn't made you any smarter
Most Canadians do lack a degree in medicine and so we are uneducated on the use of pharmaceuticals. We actually do rely on our doctors to prescribe the right drugs, not the high priced designer drugs we saw on t.v..

And quite proud of the US/Canada distinction too!
Most Canadians do lack a degree in medicine and so we are uneducated on the use of pharmaceuticals. We actually do rely on our doctors to prescribe the right drugs, not the high priced designer drugs we saw on t.v..

And quite proud of the US/Canada distinction too!


A link that tells stupid people why antibiotics shouldn't be advertised in the US.
Most Canadians do lack a degree in medicine and so we are uneducated on the use of pharmaceuticals. We actually do rely on our doctors to prescribe the right drugs, not the high priced designer drugs we saw on t.v..

And quite proud of the US/Canada distinction too!

But your entire premise has been blown up. You said that the antibiotic resistance is due to advertising on TV. You are wrong. There is zero advertising of antibiotics on TV.

Why not just admit you were wrong?
And another link: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1592169/?page=1

For stupid kids who think that antibiotics aren't advertised.

WOW you will stoop to no depth to not admit you are wrong.

Congrats on finding a letter to the editor in a British journal in 1973. Yep you sure proved with this one piece of evidence that forty years later Pharma is advertising antibiotics on television.

Tell ya what, let's make this interesting. You find me ONE SINGLE television commercial for an antibiotic in the last 15 years and I will submit myself to a one week ban from JPP.

You fail to find one and you take a one week ban.

No bullshit. No excuses. Man up. Or shut the fuck up.

Ball is in your court mate.

1973. :rofl2:

BTW. You have until 5 PM EST
WOW you will stoop to no depth to not admit you are wrong.

Congrats on finding a letter to the editor in a British journal in 1973. Yep you sure proved with this one piece of evidence that forty years later Pharma is advertising antibiotics on television.

Tell ya what, let's make this interesting. You find me ONE SINGLE television commercial for an antibiotic in the last 15 years and I will submit myself to a one week ban from JPP.

You fail to find one and you take a one week ban.

No bullshit. No excuses. Man up. Or shut the fuck up.

Ball is in your court mate.

1973. :rofl2:

BTW. You have until 5 PM EST

No, the ball is in your court mutt. You misread my post #20 where I mentioned antibiotics being advertised on t.v. LOL
No, the ball is in your court mutt. You misread my post #20 where I mentioned antibiotics being advertised on t.v. LOL

I didn't misrepresent shit. You responded to a thread about antibiotic resistance claiming that it was another example of advertising pharmaceuticals on TV.

Now that you have been proven wrong like the disengenuous git that you are. You are back pedaling and trying to claim you were "taken out if context"
Another example of the corruption in the US. Mainly because they allow the peddling of pharmaceuticals on t.v. and the lemmings just can't resist. Go tell your doctor you saw it on t.v. and you need it too!

Whereas in Canada we don't allow the peddling of pharmas but depend on our doctors to prescribe what is right and is needed.
A reason why your health care system is defunct and failing the people. Hmmmm! Must be something to do with that blca president?

Tell us how you are being misrepresented? Are you saying that no reasonable person could come to the conclusion that I did given the OP and your response?

Back your shit up. Here is your chance to get me a one week ban from JPP. You could accomplish something HowAIDS and his minions have not been able to. But, you have until 5 PM ESt today.
And again, the ball's in your court so check back and find where I said that antibiotics are advertised on t.v..

Here, I'll help you by reposting what you posted as what I said so everyone in your audience can see where I said t.v!

For stupid kids who think that antibiotics aren't advertised.

Why, there it is, so you must be right again!

mutt bagger.
And here's another quote from me where I talk about 'antibiotics' being advertised on t.v.

Another example of the corruption in the US. Mainly because they allow the peddling of pharmaceuticals on t.v. and the lemmings just can't resist. Go tell your doctor you saw it on t.v. and you need it too!

Whereas in Canada we don't allow the peddling of pharmas but depend on our doctors to prescribe what is right and is needed.
A reason why your health care system is defunct and failing the people. Hmmmm! Must be something to do with that blca president?

Why, it's plain as day so you and your mutt friend just have to be right. How much time do I have left to find where I said antibiotics are advertised on t.v? LOL
Time's running out for me and I just can't find where I said that antibiotics are advertised on t.v. Unless you can help me out then I guess I'll just have to admit that I'm wrong!

Had your mother been hanging around garbage cans in back allies with stray dogs?

Time's running out for me and I just can't find where I said that antibiotics are advertised on t.v. Unless you can help me out then I guess I'll just have to admit that I'm wrong!

Had your mother been hanging around garbage cans in back allies with stray dogs?


The last refuge of internet losers. Now you are claiming that you didn't make the exact quote, which is correct. But you implied it and you know it.

Now you are feverishly backtracking trying to save face. But any sentient being with a modicum of objectivity will know what just took place.

I humbly accept your concession. Looks like I am still ban free from JPP
I humbly admit that you are ban free. And that takes some doing and an immense loss of my Canadian pride because everybody knows that I promised to have you banned! I'll have to keep working on it I guess?

Was it perhaps a pit bull crossed with a Pekinese that mounted mama?

Now go feed daddy his crunchies.
I don't think we have to worry about the mutts seeing that advert. I hear that they've both been killed in a street shooting by a black guy. Apparently got both of the fuckers right between the eyes. Black guy said they were into his garbage cans out on the street. My guess is that knowing their breeding, it's probably true.