We’ve Spent 4 Years Ignoring the Fact Melania Trump Posed Nude

The same way they did Michelle. Do you seriously believe Melania taking Trump's phone away is a realistic solution?

I'd like an honest answer please since it would help determine if you are a realist or some pie-in-the-sky dreamer who never leaves the couch.

It would have been helpful to her cause, assuming she had one. She did not. It was discordant that she had cyber selected for her. She did almost nothing. She was not happy with the "position".
It would have been helpful to her cause, assuming she had one. She did not. It was discordant that she had cyber selected for her. She did almost nothing. She was not happy with the "position".

I think that you managed to "trigger" TD.

I guess the tRump supporters conveniently overlook her brief lesbian photo shoots.
How do you know? Based solely on results, Michelle wasn't serious either. How do you know Trump didn't take Melania's phone away?

Oooooh, Michelle planted a garden. Awesome. God Bless America.

My point isn't to knock Michelle or Melania. They have no real powers, just a pulpit. Assholes all over America sought to shoot them down. I think that's wrong, but you think it's okay as long as they aren't Democrats.

Michelle had a real cause and used her pulpitess to push it. She went on TV, visited schools, and had a website pushing it. That is how you push a cause. Melania did practically nothing.
Michelle may have helped kids with exercise and better eating. Did Melania get one kid to stop cyberbullying? It was hilarious that someone picked it for her.
So funny, teabaggers defending a slutty, whore Malaria, who married a fat, orange, slob for $$$.
They will be in church Sunday, the orange, blob will be on the golf course and Malaria will be sulking at Mar a Lago, having an affair with the pool boy.
So funny, teabaggers defending a slutty, whore Malaria, who married a fat, orange, slob for $$$.
They will be in church Sunday, the orange, blob will be on the golf course and Malaria will be sulking at Mar a Lago, having an affair with the pool boy.

And mindless tRump supporting slobs like BulletDud will be fantasizing about it being them fondling Melania and Ivanka.....lol
Michelle had a real cause and used her pulpitess to push it. She went on TV, visited schools, and had a website pushing it. That is how you push a cause. Melania did practically nothing.
Michelle may have helped kids with exercise and better eating. Did Melania get one kid to stop cyberbullying? It was hilarious that someone picked it for her.

Dude, great on Michelle. How does all of that greatness and good will make Melania a useless slut? It's not an elected position. Maybe she only did the cyberbullying thing because Trump threw another $50M on the table in their prenup. Who knows? Why do you care?
Melania had a wonderful opportunity to make a difference with a pulpit very few ever have the privilege to use.
Instead, she was always more interested in being a fashionista than a First Lady that the country could be proud of.
Same deal when Michelle Obama wore a sleeveless dress. They were appalled. Now, Melania's lesbo photoshoots are okay.....lol

Decades of fake outrage over "loose women" thrown away as soon as they had to support Melania. The Right is such a clown show at this point.