What a lack of sleep can cause


Uwaa OmO
So since we all know about my sleeping problems, I don't need to go into anymore detail.

I don't know why I'm posting about my stupid night/morning activity, I'm just bored. I'm sitting here in the pitch black watching Daria on various free internet tv sources.

Beer doesn't help. Meds don't help. Anyone got any ideas?
So since we all know about my sleeping problems, I don't need to go into anymore detail.

I don't know why I'm posting about my stupid night/morning activity, I'm just bored. I'm sitting here in the pitch black watching Daria on various free internet tv sources.

Beer doesn't help. Meds don't help. Anyone got any ideas?
Get thee to a shrink. It sucks, but they can help with this stuff. Go to one that specializes in PTSD.
dont force yourself to sleep. Let it come naturally. Stay up until you feel tired. If this affects your job to the point where you are exhausted the next day think of how easily it will be to sleep the following night
Ambien doesn't help? Seriously?

I have problems going to sleep too. I stayed up 3 hours the other night in bed with my eyes closed.

It'll get me to sleep if I take a lot (about 2x the recommended dosage). But I won't stay asleep.
Get thee to a shrink. It sucks, but they can help with this stuff. Go to one that specializes in PTSD.

I'm working on that. But the good ole' VA is going about setting my appointments slower than a molasses turtle. Or something that makes more sense. The point is, the VA is taking it's merry ass old time getting me help. I could use my companies insurance to get me one faster probably, but I doubt they'd know any shrinks who specialize in PTSD.
εxoendo;568279 said:
dont force yourself to sleep. Let it come naturally. Stay up until you feel tired. If this affects your job to the point where you are exhausted the next day think of how easily it will be to sleep the following night

I would like to point out being exhausted while working with HUNDREDS of amps coursing through a piece of metal that is inches from my face is not exactly my idea of a good day.
I'm working on that. But the good ole' VA is going about setting my appointments slower than a molasses turtle. Or something that makes more sense. The point is, the VA is taking it's merry ass old time getting me help. I could use my companies insurance to get me one faster probably, but I doubt they'd know any shrinks who specialize in PTSD.
Talk to your local Fire Department and Police Department, they use those kind of shrinks regularly and they'll not look down on you for seeking one after Iraq. Once you get a list from your insurance company telling you what shrinks you can see you can find one on their list that specializes in this.
Talk to your local Fire Department and Police Department, they use those kind of shrinks regularly and they'll not look down on you for seeking one after Iraq. Once you get a list from your insurance company telling you what shrinks you can see you can find one on their list that specializes in this.

Good idea, shame I didn't think of it.
Good idea, shame I didn't think of it.
I hope it works for you.

If the VA is going to drag their feet (I can't believe that supposedly they get high marks from people who use them) then you sometimes have to take matters into your own hands... Hopefully you can get some relief soon.
I hope it works for you.

If the VA is going to drag their feet (I can't believe that supposedly they get high marks from people who use them) then you sometimes have to take matters into your own hands... Hopefully you can get some relief soon.

Who gives them high marks? I don't know anyone, other than the disability pay, which is awesome.
Who gives them high marks? I don't know anyone, other than the disability pay, which is awesome.
Oh, I was making a little point that came from another thread. They (I think it was Nigel) were telling me that Medicare and the VA "consistently poll better" than private companies.
I have trouble sleeping when I haven't accomplished anything. I find hard work, exercise, and participation sports to work wonders. Plus a shot of scotch or maybe a Manhattan followed by a hot shower.
So since we all know about my sleeping problems, I don't need to go into anymore detail.

I don't know why I'm posting about my stupid night/morning activity, I'm just bored. I'm sitting here in the pitch black watching Daria on various free internet tv sources.

Beer doesn't help. Meds don't help. Anyone got any ideas?

I've been up since six or nine am for months until a couple days ago. I had the DR give me Ambien CR AND klonopin. I take two klonopin and an ambien and i'm out for the night. The klonopin takes care of the anxiety that keeps your brain running all night and relaxes you. It's basically a really effective chill pill. Ambien just keeps me asleep. I wake up pretty refreshed.
herb works way better than ambien, Southerncoward is right exercise works wonders too. However, I wouldn't suggest that for a guy busting ass welding all day. God's plant.
εxoendo;568279 said:
dont force yourself to sleep. Let it come naturally. Stay up until you feel tired. If this affects your job to the point where you are exhausted the next day think of how easily it will be to sleep the following night

Yeah, being sleepy doesn't help me much. I've had three hours of sleep and stayed awake until 3 AM the next day because I couldn't go to sleep. The only thing that really helps me is getting NO sleep, but obviously that's impractical b/c it kills me for the whole day.
herb works way better than ambien, Southerncoward is right exercise works wonders too. However, I wouldn't suggest that for a guy busting ass welding all day. God's plant.

Yeah, pot gets rid of my anxiety and puts me to sleep super-fast. And I feel good the next day.

Problem is the paranoia and PSTD probably doesn't mix well.
I've been up since six or nine am for months until a couple days ago. I had the DR give me Ambien CR AND klonopin. I take two klonopin and an ambien and i'm out for the night. The klonopin takes care of the anxiety that keeps your brain running all night and relaxes you. It's basically a really effective chill pill. Ambien just keeps me asleep. I wake up pretty refreshed.

Never tried the 2nd one, might ask my doc for a scrip. But I have a high tolerance for drugs, 4 Ambien CR only get me about 3-4 hours max.