What a lack of sleep can cause

you sure it wasn't milk and cereal that started it.

Seriously read up on some of the medicle benefits.

Topper, we all understand that you enjoy smoking pot and think is should be legal.

But the man's wife has issues with it. Since we don't know her background, there is no real way to argue with it.

This entire "you either like pot or you are wrong" is bullshit.

He asked for help with insomina. He didn't ask to have you list the reasons his wife is wrong and to have you try and explain why he should ignore her reasons.

Give it up.
Topper, we all understand that you enjoy smoking pot and think is should be legal.

But the man's wife has issues with it. Since we don't know her background, there is no real way to argue with it.

This entire "you either like pot or you are wrong" is bullshit.

He asked for help with insomina. He didn't ask to have you list the reasons his wife is wrong and to have you try and explain why he should ignore her reasons.

Give it up.

Winter, many people are woefully uneducated on Jah's herb.
It's not even debatable that it doesn't help with insomnia, and from the dad had a drug problem comment I can tell his wife is clueless on the herb.
It's illegal due to racism, not science.
don't read my post if you don't want the truth:good4u:
Winter, many people are woefully uneducated on Jah's herb.
It's not even debatable that it doesn't help with insomnia, and from the dad had a drug problem comment I can tell his wife is clueless on the herb.
It's illegal due to racism, not science.
don't read my post if you don't want the truth:good4u:

There are people who have problems with pot too. Your insistence that his wife is clueless shows your own lack of knowledge about it.

Pot can help with insomnia. I didn't argue with that. But the man has said that his wife has issues with it and they have discussed it at length. He even said he had a choice, his wife or pot. And yet you still are pressing that he should try and convince her? WTF?

We get that you like it. We get that there are medical uses. But the fact that you answered with "you sure it wasn't milk and cereal that started it" shows you are clueless about what she experienced in her life.
There are people who have problems with pot too. Your insistence that his wife is clueless shows your own lack of knowledge about it.

Pot can help with insomnia. I didn't argue with that. But the man has said that his wife has issues with it and they have discussed it at length. He even said he had a choice, his wife or pot. And yet you still are pressing that he should try and convince her? WTF?

We get that you like it. We get that there are medical uses. But the fact that you answered with "you sure it wasn't milk and cereal that started it" shows you are clueless about what she experienced in her life.

Anybody clinging to the lie that pot is a gateway drug is the one that is clueless. Again, nobody's twisting your arm to read it. And he's free to ignore it, I'm genuinely trying to see if she knows or if she thinks.
Anybody clinging to the lie that pot is a gateway drug is the one that is clueless. Again, nobody's twisting your arm to read it. And he's free to ignore it, I'm genuinely trying to see if she knows or if she thinks.

There are people who have a predisposition to being addicted to various substances. If this girl's father was one of those, then pot was his first step.

There are people who develop an addiction to pot. Whether it is a psychological addiction or a physical one is not the point.

He has said that he would have to leave her to be able to smoke pot. That sounds pretty cut & dried to me.
Your wife has problems with marijuania prescribed for medical purposes, but allows you to drink yourself into oblivion in a futile attempt to solve problems that would be much better dealt with using weed?

Hopefully the Klo works. You can get addicted to this stuff, though, and you can take it, at most, for about a year.
The thing about medicines like Klonopin is that it basically just binds to GABA receptors in the brain, so it's effect is a lot like that of alcohol (although alcohol hits a lot of other receptors too, it mainly effects GABA). It won't give you a hangover, but if alcohol's not working for you then it may not either. It's safe to take with ambien (in the prescribed amounts), though, whereas you could easily take to much alcohol and kill yourself if you take ambien + alcohol.
Your wife has problems with marijuania prescribed for medical purposes, but allows you to drink yourself into oblivion in a futile attempt to solve problems that would be much better dealt with using weed?

No, she doesn't agree with my drinking in excess. But beer is an important aspect in my life and cultural identity, so she has much less say in it. Plus I don't get hammered to get to sleep, it just happens to work out that way sometimes.

Hopefully the Klo works. You can get addicted to this stuff, though, and you can take it, at most, for about a year.

I've got a scrip bible so I should be good.
Never tried the 2nd one, might ask my doc for a scrip. But I have a high tolerance for drugs, 4 Ambien CR only get me about 3-4 hours max.

Be careful when you use Klonopin or for that matter even Tylenol PM if you drink a lot. Both are very bad for your liver and if you are drinking a lot as a post of yours indicates, tell your doctor before they prescribe meds to you.
Be careful when you use Klonopin or for that matter even Tylenol PM if you drink a lot. Both are very bad for your liver and if you are drinking a lot as a post of yours indicates, tell your doctor before they prescribe meds to you.

I don't drink that much. Usually it's 2-4 beers. Almost never more than 8.