If folks don’t understand the relationship of words one to the other Goober then they don’t understand the language period! Like you they’re simply babbling idiots!
If someone makes the statement: "He likes to clean his balls before he plays." Can you explain what they have told us? I can come up with literally millions of such statements, which can be interpreted differently, depending on context. A simple three-letter word like "set" can mean 100 (or more) different things, depending on context. So we can't say that because the Constitution is "easy to read" that it's also easy to understand and comprehend intended meaning and context.
I comprehend the fact that you now realize that you’ve been caught in another contradiction in your babbling and you’re trying pathetically and unsuccessfully to lie your idiot way out of it.
I've not been caught in any contradiction, you're just proving to everyone how you only consider personal understanding of context, and nothing else. However you read something, that is what it HAS to mean, what YOU think it means. So it doesn't really matter what I post, or what I mean by it, you are going to assign your own meaning, that's the only possible meaning which can exist.
Speak for yourself Goober! It’s perfectly apparent you have severe difficulties comprehending the English language or making rational arguments.
I have no problems with either. In order to begin comprehending English, and this is explained to every person who is ever taught to speak English, you have to understand that words can mean completely different things, depending on context of how they are used, and what meaning is applied, as well as how other words used may influence the context or meaning.
Because Goober, it’s not the Constitution that needs deliberation over, it’s the written laws of the law makers, many of whom are lawyers skilled in linguistic gymnastics and intentional confusions of the English language, unlike the Constitution. Our founders intentions were not to confuse the average human intelligence but rather to construct the Constitution in plain uncomplicated language so that we could know our rights and privileges and the limits of government. Most modern law makers have no such intensions. As a matter of fact it is known that the fucking law makers themselves don’t even bother to read most of that crap. As Nancy Pelosi noted they just “pass it to find out what’s in it.”
Hey, I'm not here to defend Nancy Pelosi, lawyers, law makers, or the art of "linguistic gymnastics." We are discussing the Constitution. Yes, it was written in uncomplicated language, but that does not mean it is easy to understand. As I pointed out, "set" is a simple three-letter word, it has hundreds of meanings. If I came up to you on the street and simply said the word "set" would you know what I was communicating to you? No, I would need to add a few more words to "set" in order for you to make some rationalization for the context. But I could add a few more words, and still, the context may be unclear, and it doesn't matter how simple these words are to read. Now, unfortunately, "set" is not a unique or unusual word, most of our words do have multiple meanings, go look at any dictionary.
So people will often read a sentence of these words, and derive a completely different interpretation than the author intended when he wrote the words. You can say, oh...it's simple, they meant this or that... but someone else is reading the same sentence, and they don't interpret these words the same way as you have. They believe it is just as conceivable their interpretation is what was intended. We have to dig deeper than the idea of "simple words in plain English" and look at what the Founding Fathers were discussing in the Federalist Papers, because that is where they made the more detailed arguments for or against different ideas and interpretations. If you are able to get into the way they used language back then, and actually stick with reading the Federalist Papers, you can gain a
complete understanding of every single "simple word" they wrote. We sometimes forget, they argued for 12 years over this... that's about as long as most of us have been on the message boards. All of the relevant pinhead issues were debated, addressed or dismissed in the end, and we had nearly every debate we're currently having between left, right, and 'libertarian' back then. A system and process was established so that we can Amend the Constitution, and we have done this numerous times.
I realize Goober that YOU do need others to interpret the Constitution for you, but the fact remains that folks of average intelligence who are also honest need little to no such tutoring.
If you stop smoking meth and posting, you will start to realize, you are having an argument with someone who is not making the arguments you believe they have challenged you with. Where have I said a thing about needing someone to interpret the constitution for me? What do average intelligence and honesty have to do with comprehending words have different meaning and context, and the Founding Fathers wrote the Federalist Papers as a guide to what they meant? Where did I say I needed to tutor you? I mean, I know that I am schooling your ass right now, but I didn't gloat.