What are your core political beliefs?

This particular argument against Roe v. Wade is particularly troubling because it ignores part of the Constitution, an actual Amendment in the Bill of Rights that specifically points out that not every right of "The People" (that's us, the citizens of the USofA) is enumerated...

The ninth amendment justification for Roe v. Wade was an idiosyncratic one, the official opinion rejected it and relied on different logic. Of course, to say "the ninth amendment means there are rights not listed in the constitution" is one thing. But for the courts to decide that they get to decide precisely what those rights are, and impose their interpretation on the other branches? That's obviously opening up a huge can of worms. The amendment is vague, and really, how is the courts opinion better than anyone else's when it comes to something like that?
The ninth amendment justification for Roe v. Wade was an idiosyncratic one, the official opinion rejected it and relied on different logic. Of course, to say "the ninth amendment means there are rights not listed in the constitution" is one thing. But for the courts to decide that they get to decide precisely what those rights are, and impose their interpretation on the other branches? That's obviously opening up a huge can of worms. The amendment is vague, and really, how is the courts opinion better than anyone else's when it comes to something like that?
It isn't. The founders were looking to limit Federal Government, giving more rights to "The People" is one way to do that. Every right "The People" get is one more tool to tell the Feds something that they cannot do.
My core political belief is that I fucking hate the obamacult!
They are fucking vicious, malicious, evil cunts!!