What are your priorities ?

you have simpletons on both sides BB on the right, cypress, desh, and usmoron on the left.
The moderates have the duty to deal with the complex issues that are not as black and white as the morons on both exteemes make them out to be.

shut up you sawed off runt...your tennis racket is bigger and smarter than you!:rolleyes:

Dude they have had complete control for 7 years and still are blunting everything the Dems in congress try to do for the last year.

Why dont you tell just how great things in the US are?

Unending war, thousands Dead, Massive Debt, economy in the deep freeze and the world sees us as a pariah.

You people seem to love failure.

'broken record' why don't you also address both parties when doing your same ole'-same ole' diatribes...really getting old desh!
Because your team had complete control you old fool.

They screwed the pooch and you refuse to give them the blame.
I do believe.............

Because your team had complete control you old fool.

They screwed the pooch and you refuse to give them the blame.

you need to go back to school...try civics 101...and govt 101 for a start who is you and your you are always referring too...? Good Lord desh keep up with politics...'canned' responses are years late for rebuttal...Both parties controlled policy over the last eight years and long before!...You old coot!:cof1:
If it didn't begin with a partisan hack attack I'd likely have participated in the thread.

duuhh it is a politics borad and you started it. sheesh. but I guess embaressed republicans are that way. I guess I should have mentioned the gay sheepherder that died in it somewhere.
Would have gotten more republican particiaption that way.
duuhh it is a politics borad and you started it. sheesh. but I guess embaressed republicans are that way. I guess I should have mentioned the gay sheepherder that died in it somewhere.
Would have gotten more republican particiaption that way.

Damo is being boring again. "If it didn't start with an attack, wah wah wah". What a girl!
damo will get more testy as the republicans do worse and the election gets closer. It is inevitable.

i guess he might as well convert the board to a people magazine site.