What caused inflation?

inflation is the increase in the supply of money

period. the end.

you can try to create a basket of commodities and obfuscate what inflation actually is, but that just makes you a liar
When the Fed wanted to end the money pumping, what president went bizerk and threatened the head of the Federal reserve?
can you shit stains stop treating this like a bears packers game?

both "sides" make horrible economic decisions. the left more so, but they both are bad
Ok. maybe you are correct, what did Biden do that caused inflation?
this was obviously never an actual question about inflation; it was just asked to start a partisan pissing match
Maybe you can tell me, what specifically did Biden do that caused inflation? Other than allowing the fed to end QE, and ending the Afgan war...

Did forgiving some student loans cause this inflation?
I am interested in what you believe caused inflation.

I know many of you will simply say, Biden... but what exactly did Biden do that caused inflation?
Biden's aggressive policies against fossil fuels which in turn raised energy prices which affects EVERYTHING.