What caused inflation?

“and greed,” greed escalates inflationary conditions, did you think profits were based upon benevolence
Greed is forever a human condition. Individuals, businesses and gov’t don’t really have an on/off switch so to speak when it comes to greed. It’s too facial an answer.
I am interested in what you believe caused inflation.

I know many of you will simply say, Biden... but what exactly did Biden do that caused inflation?
A massive increase in deficit spending starting with Trump and the Chinese Disease lockdown, and then doubled down on by Biden and his mostly greentard agenda disguised as infrastructure bills. Toss in on top of that Biden allowing massive new piles of expensive regulations, raising taxes, and going to war with certain industries like oil.

But, it was those spending bills both presidents mentioned doing that were the major contributing factor. That's why you see a huge surge in inflation in the first two years of Biden's presidency--started by Trump and then multiplied exponentially by Biden. The wiser of those in Congress and Biden's administration figured out that they needed to stop massive new spending and things have calmed down a bit, but inflation is still above where it was pre-Biden.
Should have seen that going in, this forum isn’t particularly noted for its actual exchange of views
I knew it the minute I saw the subject. I think I know the impetus now. Either Trump or some other Republican blamed Biden for inflation in a speech last night.

As we know there are multiple causes of the inflation we've endured. But an economic argument is different from a political one. The political one states you take (full) credit for anything good that happens on your watch and you give (full) blame to anything bad that happens on your opponents watch. There isn't nuance in partisan political arguments. And in this scenario, inflation occurred under Biden's watch so Republicans are going to pin it all on him.
A massive increase in deficit spending starting with Trump and the Chinese Disease lockdown, and then doubled down on by Biden and his mostly greentard agenda disguised as infrastructure bills. Toss in on top of that Biden allowing massive new piles of expensive regulations, raising taxes, and going to war with certain industries like oil.

But, it was those spending bills both presidents mentioned doing that were the major contributing factor. That's why you see a huge surge in inflation in the first two years of Biden's presidency--started by Trump and then multiplied exponentially by Biden. The wiser of those in Congress and Biden's administration figured out that they needed to stop massive new spending and things have calmed down a bit, but inflation is still above where it was pre-Biden.
What taxes did Biden raise?
I knew it the minute I saw the subject. I think I know the impetus now. Either Trump or some other Republican blamed Biden for inflation in a speech last night.

As we know there are multiple causes of the inflation we've endured. But an economic argument is different from a political one. The political one states you take (full) credit for anything good that happens on your watch and you give (full) blame to anything bad that happens on your opponents watch. There isn't nuance in partisan political arguments. And in this scenario, inflation occurred under Biden's watch so Republicans are going to pin it all on him.
This is why I asked what specifically caused it.
What taxes did Biden raise?
Included in the Inflation Production Act were a number of new and raised taxes on corporations, small business, and "The Rich."

  • Impose a 15% minimum tax on financial statement income for large corporations
  • Create a 1% excise tax on stock buybacks by publicly traded corporations
  • Reinstate a Superfund excise tax on crude oil and petroleum products at a rate of 16.4 cents per barrel
  • Extend the limit on losses under Section 461(l) for two years through 2027
  • Add a $268 billion package of new, expanded, and extended energy incentives
  • Double the cap on R&D credits refundable against payroll taxes for eligible small businesses
Included in the Inflation Production Act were a number of new and raised taxes on corporations, small business, and "The Rich."

  • Impose a 15% minimum tax on financial statement income for large corporations
  • Create a 1% excise tax on stock buybacks by publicly traded corporations
  • Reinstate a Superfund excise tax on crude oil and petroleum products at a rate of 16.4 cents per barrel
  • Extend the limit on losses under Section 461(l) for two years through 2027
  • Add a $268 billion package of new, expanded, and extended energy incentives
  • Double the cap on R&D credits refundable against payroll taxes for eligible small businesses
So taking corporate money out of the market?

That reduces inflation.