What caused the implosion of Champlain Towers?

We learned from the WTC collapse that just the weight of one floor falling onto another causes a chain reaction all the way up and down the structure.

Finding the weak spot now is going to be very difficult. They may never really find the support that failed that caused the whole structure to fail!


Condominiums are not infrastructure.

Let's pick nits instead of addressing issues. Because that's where you do your best work, troll.

Inspection is an infrastructure issue and a regulatory issue. But if you want to separate them, just say so. Try making your own point rather than criticizing everyone else's. Oh, I know why. You're a troll.
Let's pick nits instead of addressing issues. Because that's where you do your best work, troll.

Inspection is an infrastructure issue and a regulatory issue. But if you want to separate them, just say so. Try making your own point rather than criticizing everyone else's. Oh, I know why. You're a troll.

You are wrong to pretend that condominiums are infrastructure.
And Florida not acting to prevent crap like this due to unfettered capitalism is the Republican party’s ultimate goal

sorry that I cannot feed your delusion, but zoning is not a state level issue.....if you want to point fingers it will have to be at a demmycrat.....
Wow are you fucking dumb. Who do you think inspects and approves of building structures? Have another drink.

the federal government is not involved.......the state government is not involved.......private residences are not infrastructure.......you are an idiot........
Did it? Buildings collapse all over the world, and did so before capitalism had even been defined.

If they are built for sale, corners will be cut. The whole point about capitalism, as opposed to all earlier systems, is that things can be made totally safe if the owners choose to spend the money. It is the nature of the system that they prefer profit.