What caused the implosion of Champlain Towers?

The place was ill-built because its owners cared more for profit than for other people's lives, just like all capitalists. What's to prove, kid - it's standard?

The owners were the residents, sheep-fucker.

You don't understand how condominiums work, do you, Welsh fucktard?
If they are built for sale, corners will be cut. The whole point about capitalism, as opposed to all earlier systems, is that things can be made totally safe if the owners choose to spend the money. It is the nature of the system that they prefer profit.

Is that why the Communist-built power plant at Chernobyl was so well- constructed?
The owners were the residents, sheep-fucker.

You don't understand how condominiums work, do you, Welsh fucktard?

Bit stuck for arguments, peasant? The people who did the building didn't own the result: they just made money by selling it. You can fuck off back to your reservation now, peasant scumbag.:)
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Is that why the Communist-built power plant at Chernobyl was so well- constructed?

A capitalist construction, child. When you have any education classes there in jail, read some Marx, if you are allowed, and ask yourself what Stalinism had to do with control by the working class.
A capitalist construction, child. When you have any education classes there in jail, read some Marx, if you are allowed, and ask yourself what Stalinism had to do with control by the working class.

THE USSR was capitalist? What did they teach Bolshie boys when you were playing truant from school?
Bit stuck for arguments, peasant? The people who did the building didn't own the result: they just made money by selling it. You can fuck off back to your reservation now, peasant scumbag.:)

I prefer to rub your ignorant nose in your own stupidity, old man.

What are you going to do about it? Have a wank thinking about Alwyn Jones and George Taylor?