What country in the world has the most guns?

It is no secret where libtards are headed with this. They will claim to want to have someone undergo a psych evaluation before being able to purchase a gun.
What makes you think your right to own a gun trumps the rights of 28 victims to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?

I am far from a constitutional expert but I see in the Bill of Rights the right to own a gun and I don't see anything in the constitution guaranteeing the government protecting anyone from dying in an accident or being murdered.
Which amendment gave 20 babies the right to attend school without getting blown away by a nut with a gun?

Which amendment gave the 1,000,000 + live human beings the right to be terminated (every year) before they took their first breath ?

for every Yin their is a Yang....
Which amendment gave the 1,000,000 + live human beings the right to be terminated (every year) before they took their first breath ?

for every Yin their is a Yang....

I wondered how long it would take before someone played the abortion card. You righties never disappoint.
Stop acting like a conservatard and listen; at any given time, 1 of four people suffer from mental health problems. Not the same people repeatedly. It is a revolving door issue.

Where's the disconnect? If someone currently has or has a proclivity for mental health problems - then no, they don't legally get to get their fuck'n mittens on a firearm...that's my opinion, it's not compartmentalized by political ideology other than those who're way out there with regards to the political spectrum are probably more than likely already suffer from some sort of mental illness and shouldn't be trusted high powered rifles or concealed weapons without a thorough background check.

The 2nd Amendment doesn't state that it's illegal to keep the god damned mongoloids from hoarding an arsenal in the basement. We're allowed to legislate standards for firearms ownership at both the state and Federal levels, no reason sanity and competence can't be included as factors...what would be great is the entertainment that would come out of it...just the thought of the "Deliverance" Chick Fil A crowd bitching and moaning that the competency tests for firearm ownership are demographically (I know, that's a long word for the average hillbilly bother father sister fucker) and culturally biased is funny...
What laws does Canada use to stop this from happening? They have nearly as many guns per capita as we do in the US.
The guns were secured. His mental health is the issue.

Do you propose forced incarceration for anybody the government deems to be a mental health risk? Maybe a new "pre-crime" division of some kind? What exactly are you proposing?
Do you propose forced incarceration for anybody the government deems to be a mental health risk? Maybe a new "pre-crime" division of some kind? What exactly are you proposing?

I am proposing more than a $500 yearly limit on mental health treatment for insurance policies, like maybe no limit.
I am proposing enough hospital beds available that when someone needs help there is somewhere to send them.
I am proposing training for police so at least sometimes they might recognize a mental health issue instead of opening fire.
I am proposing Judges be better educated in mental health issues.
I am proposing society accept someone with mental health problems the same way they accept someone with a broken leg, to de-stigmatize the condition.
I am proposing single payer insurance so anyone who needs help can get it.
I am proposing that school "psychologists" actually be psychologists.
I am proposing that society advances to the point where going to a therapist is a good idea, not something to be hidden and not talked about.
I am proposing that psychiatrists have some type of supervision so that when one dies, their patients are not left alone in the world with no one to turn to, and no idea what to do about it.
I am proposing that practitioners of western medicine be trained to treat or least be aware of the entire patient, and not meet every symptom with a chemical treatment.
I am proposing that social workers and child care providers be paid as if they are responsible for our most precious resources since they are.
I am proposing that children be asigned some value in society, despite that fact that they can't vote and seldom have much disposable money.
I am proposing that more woman be authority figures, since that is the only correlation I can make to the slight drop in violence we have finally achieved.
I am proposing that the ERA be passed, since it's failure was an act of violence itself. How could we as a country possibly judge women as less deserving than men?
I am proposing that the causes of despair and hopelessness be decreased by voting down the GOP in the next election.

I am not proposing anything like you assumed I was proposing.
Do you propose forced incarceration for anybody the government deems to be a mental health risk? Maybe a new "pre-crime" division of some kind? What exactly are you proposing?

not the government , the medical field.

It is a science Damo so it can be based on hard fast rules of sceince