What do Conservatives say when they think no one is listening?

I have no idea what this has to do with bombing Iran. Are you proposing that the Iranian people are oppressed and that we can free them by bombing them and murdering their children?
It looks to me like Iran is having enough of it's own internal problems. No need for us to give them more problems and a bigger reason to hate us.
I agree Darla, a life is a life, whether it is a CEO, "trailer trash", a celebrety, or someone in the middle east.
If I know them personally it is of course a bigger hit....
But in the end it is all the same.
And I sort of got the impression that Jesus felt the same way....

I think that if everyone really believed this simple truth, it would go a long way.
I have no idea what this has to do with bombing Iran. Are you proposing that the Iranian people are oppressed and that we can free them by bombing them and murdering their children?

About Iran? I agree, though my post was in response to this, the bolded. Sorry for going OT.:

Originally Posted by Darla
To most Americans the life of one, is worth far more than the life of many.

Thus, if Dick Cheney is going to bomb Iran, and kill hundreds of thousands, and I say I hope Cheney drops dead, I'd call that a bargain, then I'm a left-wing crazy.

But, the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, not effecting you because they're not white, or they're not here, or they're not Americans, or, they're just that most unfathomable of all things "the other", what does that make a person?

Something I never want to be.
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Who would go on an all Liberal or all Conservative cruise anyway? What a nightmare that would be.
HI Jarod, where ya been ?
and to answer your question only nuts of one flavor or another I would think. Or sycophants (sp?).
Harry Potter sells tons too. They are for those that don't really like to think much, but be entertained. Coulter is the pablum for the conservatives that don't really like to think, as is Savage, another best seller.

Then again, there are those intellectual giants on the left like David Corn and Al Franken.

The depth of many on both sides is what is leading to the serious problems we are seeing through society and congress. It's all soundbites, ridicule, and rigidity of thought.

Coulter is the pablum for the conservatives that don't really like to think

She's always on Hannity, Limbaugh, and she's always featured as a prominent, or keynote speaker at important national republican conferences.

Randi Rhodes isn't invited to keynote speak at important, national Democratic meetings.
The lexicon after the election was to ask Bush to follow the Iraq report, which recommended a surge on Baghdad to allow the Government to come to an agreement that would allow us to leave earlier.

I think Kerry would have done that. He was constantly speaking of the report.

So yes, I do believe that there would be a surge.

The ISG report didn't "recommend" a surge. That was not in any of their recommendations.

The report said that if commanders felt it neccessary, they wouldn't object to a temporary surge. But, that was not one of their specific recomendations.
First of all, knock it off with that 9/11 report bullshit. They specifically told bush it wasn't a "fruit salad". He wanted to escalate and used that report as a cover. He did shit all else about that report.

Second of all, if you believe Kerry would have surged at the point in time when bush did, when all polls showed a super-majority against it, and for starting to pull down our troop levels, you're delusional. Now, I understand it makes you feel better to believe so. But what it doesn't do, is make it remotely believable or true.

Kerry was introducing Timeline withdrawls in Senate legislation, WELL before the ISG report came out.
I dont like being around rabid whackos from either side. Those who are not openminded are booring and predictable.