What do homosexuals, LGBT, pedophiles, incest abusers, animal rapists all have in com

The LGBTQ community has nothing whatsoever to do with the other groups that you listed in your original post. You do also realize that homosexuality has been around since the dawn of humanity, right? I don't see any threat to population growth whatsoever.

We already have to many people on the Rock!
You not acknowledging the factual difference between a heterosexual and a bi sexual is not my lack of understanding.

It is a fact that when a man has sex with another man he is not heterosexual.

It is a fact that when a man has sex with another man he is either homosexual or bi sxual.

What you are factually describing are bi sexuals and you are lying by calling them heterosexual while telling me I lack the education. I do not consider factually proven foundations of LGBT lies a valid education. Here is a valid education for you: A bi sexual has sex with those born with the same sex genital that the bi sexual is born with and also has sex with those born with th oppose sex genital that the bi sexual them self is born with.

No need to thank me, it's my pleasure to share the facts with you ;)

If you ever masterbated,you had sex with a man,and you're gay!
And everyone of them would let a man blow them

Here's a disturbing story for you. A year or two before we left STL and moved up here, there was a story about a guy who advertised on Craigslist. He had guys come to his home, put their most treasured appendage through a hole in the wall in a special room, and receive either a hand job or a blow job. I guess what they got depended on the fee. The guy was busted. He was a Chesterfield (MO) cop.

Who in their right mind would go to a stranger's house, pay some $$, and stick their happy bit into a hole? What if there was an alligator over there? Or a bear trap? WTF.

Here's a disturbing story for you. A year or two before we left STL and moved up here, there was a story about a guy who advertised on Craigslist. He had guys come to his home, put their most treasured appendage through a hole in the wall in a special room, and receive either a hand job or a blow job. I guess what they got depended on the fee. The guy was busted. He was a Chesterfield (MO) cop.

Who in their right mind would go to a stranger's house, pay some $$, and stick their happy bit into a hole? What if there was an alligator over there? Or a bear trap? WTF.


Some guys will put in anything.
Pfft. Gay ppl start out that way; they're not turned. The cop in the story told them that it was a woman on the other side of the hole, did you catch that bit?

No one starts out gaye. There's no gaye gene.

And women turn lesbo because they can't find a guy who's not a pervert.
No one starts out gaye. There's no gaye gene.

Why do you spell it that way? We don't know jack about what all our DNA codes for, although we're working on it. Sorry to disappoint you, but nearly all adults who self-identify as gay report that they had that orientation even as a young child. These are ppl who come from diverse family backgrounds so we can't blame "poor parenting," "domineering mother and weak father," "gang rape by males," etc. Homosexuality is also found in the animal kingdom as well. It's an aberration (used in the scientific sense) that affects a very small percentage of a given species' population. Sorry you have issues with your fellow citizens who are gay. As a straight person, I do not... just like most straight ppl do not. Why does this bother you?
Why do you spell it that way? We don't know jack about what all our DNA codes for, although we're working on it. Sorry to disappoint you, but nearly all adults who self-identify as gay report that they had that orientation even as a young child. These are ppl who come from diverse family backgrounds so we can't blame "poor parenting," "domineering mother and weak father," "gang rape by males," etc. Homosexuality is also found in the animal kingdom as well. It's an aberration (used in the scientific sense) that affects a very small percentage of a given species' population. Sorry you have issues with your fellow citizens who are gay. As a straight person, I do not... just like most straight ppl do not. Why does this bother you?

You constantly resort to that logical fallacy "why does it bother you", to distract from your weak argument. Lol