What do homosexuals, LGBT, pedophiles, incest abusers, animal rapists all have in com

Why do you spell it that way? We don't know jack about what all our DNA codes for, although we're working on it. Sorry to disappoint you, but nearly all adults who self-identify as gay report that they had that orientation even as a young child. These are ppl who come from diverse family backgrounds so we can't blame "poor parenting," "domineering mother and weak father," "gang rape by males," etc. Homosexuality is also found in the animal kingdom as well. It's an aberration (used in the scientific sense) that affects a very small percentage of a given species' population. Sorry you have issues with your fellow citizens who are gay. As a straight person, I do not... just like most straight ppl do not. Why does this bother you?

to be fair, anecdotal accounts are not evidence of a gay gene.

A lot of indians like indian food. I hate indian food. If I ate indian food my whole life, maybe i'd like it. Yet even without a genetic reason, different sets of people are different depending on their environment.

Now I am not saying there isn't something linking people being gay genetically either, I am simply saying we don't really know yet. It could be an environmental thing.
to be fair, anecdotal accounts are not evidence of a gay gene.

A lot of indians like indian food. I hate indian food. If I ate indian food my whole life, maybe i'd like it. Yet even without a genetic reason, different sets of people are different depending on their environment.

Now I am not saying there isn't something linking people being gay genetically either, I am simply saying we don't really know yet. It could be an environmental thing.

If I had to make a semi-educated guess, I would say that it is a combination of factors, with genetics most likely being the chief driver. Our phenotypes are almost all the result of several genes working together. For instance, if you are tall and thin, more than one gene has coded for that. If you have Type II diabetes, ditto. If you've ever done one of those Ancestry or 23-and-Me gene tests, you can plug your data into Promethease.com and it will give you a very detailed breakdown including health factors and phenotype. There are even a few results indicating personality things like optimism/pessimism, thrill-seeking behaviors, risk avoidance, and so on. It's really cool.