What do you think, Liberals?

Sure, here's an honest rebuttal. There is not one single item on that list which isn't a bigoted strawman. It's amazing how right wing conservatives can post stuff like this and then resent why they are percieved as both ignorant and racist. Now, can you please explain that contradiction?
That's not a rebuttal. It's a lazy, pseudo-intellectual response. The truth is, you lack the ability to address these points with any degree of intelligence..... poor kid.
That is not a rebuttal. It's a lazy response from a bored & tired Leftist.
Bored with your idiocy, yes. Tired of your ignorance, yes. Alas, you are incorrect. As noted, your premise is a strawman. Provide proof of your argument if you want to.procede
That's not a rebuttal. It's a lazy, pseudo-intellectual response. The truth is, you lack the ability to address these points with any degree of intelligence..... poor kid.
Yes it is a rebuttal and one you can't refute cause it's true.. The list you posted are not only gross misrepresentation and glittering generalities many of them are based on utterly false dichotomies that are completely irrational and ignorant.

Take contradiction #4. Pro Darwinian Evolution vs. Anti Human Domination.

That one is so incredibly stupid it's fucking laughable. First the writer simply does not understand the principles of biological evolution or ecology that are foundational to the sciece of biology. Second his argument is a completely false dichotomy (as are most of his arguments), that one cannot believe in the science of biology and believe in God. Thirdly the writer doesn't even understand natural selection and he's trying to generalize that all people he characterizes as "liberal" believe in his incorrect mischaracterization of the concept. Then he illogically draws a conclusion based on a strawman that only a complete moron incapable of critical thinking skills would do.

And you want me to waste time disputing 9 more of these innanities? Sorry, I've wasted enough time on this sort of stupidity.
Granual you have to be a college kid to think your post is half serious to a working adult!
Poor student
What relevancy does work status and adulthood have to the op? Based on your comments, it's hard to believe that you're an adult, in the first place. At least a mature adult. So far all you've come up with is a bunch of stupid one-liners. Also, is your brain fried, or are you an out of work comedian?
I don't know if Granule is a student or not.....I do know he's smarter than our Associates Biology grad and our GED drop out......
Christianity is a helluva lot more prevalent here than Islam, Judaism, or Buddhism. The Holy Bible is what used to be read in our schools, not the Koran. We're still a Christian nation, despite what your choice for President said.


Help me out...what freedoms does the FIRST Amendment guarantee again?

It doesn't matter one whit which religion is "more prevalent" here, the bottom line is this country was founded on RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, and when supposed "Christians" begin whining about "persecution" because they've been told to keep their religious displays off public land or else make room for other religions to have a similar display, it just makes them appear petty and vindictive.

yes, it is.

As long as they can prove their beliefs to a board of atheists; otherwise, it's STFU, Christians.

Oh Boo Hoo Hoo! So whiny Christians now want to bitch because they can't plead their case before a board stacked with like-minded ideologues? Cry me a river.

Liberals just love 'diversity', which is why they promote certain belief systems like Sharia Law.

Prove it...show some proof Liberals "promote Sharia law".

Liberals promote homosexuality and Sharia Law. Christians can take a flying leap.

Again? You already made this claim and just like the first time you've got NO PROOF...again...PROVE Liberals "promote Sharia Law".

Liberals do a helluva lot more than that: they promote Sharia Law.

So what's this? third time's a charm? Making the claim over and over doesn't make it the truth. Prove your claim or STFU.

That's what Liberals do. Conservatives endeavor to follow the Constitution.

There's nothing ridiculous about it. I provided an instance, and I'm willing to get more.

you proved you are full of it, yes you did!

Nothing more however.
I'll take a crack at #10 though I don't consider myself a liberal.

Anti-Israel, a stance of being opposed to the actions of a country, pretty simple. "Pro-Jewish" is pretty much the state of being american where anti-antisemitism is a word that's almost worse than racist. Therefore when one expresses distaste for Israel it is pretty much obliged to follow with the words, "But I don't hate jews, I just don't like what the Israeli government does, but I'm behind it's people 100%"

Rather like expressing discontent with the military really.

Not really...its
rather like saying, you're not racist, you just don't like black people....
But then Howey usually always says stupid stuff
That's not a rebuttal. It's a lazy, pseudo-intellectual response. The truth is, you lack the ability to address these points with any degree of intelligence..... poor kid.

All this from the guy whose "proof" that Liberals promote Sharia Law is to claim over and over Liberals promote Sharia Law?