What do you think, Liberals?


Help me out...what freedoms does the FIRST Amendment guarantee again?

It doesn't matter one whit which religion is "more prevalent" here, the bottom line is this country was founded on RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, and when supposed "Christians" begin whining about "persecution" because they've been told to keep their religious displays off public land or else make room for other religions to have a similar display, it just makes them appear petty and vindictive.
So, the First Amendment guarantees the freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion, like you people are relentlessly working toward.

Christianity is a defining part of this Country; in fact it's at the core. Its relevancy far exceeds that of any other religion, as its values and beliefs have helped shape America into what it is today. Your side of the spectrum is trying to diminish that role, and turn this country into some kind of godless eunich.
So, the First Amendment guarantees the freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion, like you people are relentlessly working toward.

Christianity is a defining part of this Country; in fact it's at the core. Its relevancy far exceeds that of any other religion, as its values and beliefs have helped shape America into what it is today. Your side of the spectrum is trying to diminish that role, and turn this country into some kind of godless eunich.
You won't do so well in college little crusader!
^^ He is correct, unfortunately. My class line up is chock full of liberal bullets. One professor (of six) is not a hard line liberal, and another has the guts to debate with me.

“We already have documented 51 cases of Sharia law used in the United States, in different states. The one very famous one I can share with you is the case in New Jersey last year, where a Muslim woman went to the judge asking for a protective order where her husband was raping her repeatedly and beating her up to four times a day. The judge told her that because her husband was a Muslim, on his belief, he did not believe he was committing a crime. To think that this was happening in the United States last year is unacceptable. No woman should be subjected to this. So, the reason why the Republican Party inserted that into their plank is because they are already seeing, there is already evidence. 51 cases have already documented. That’s too many. We don’t want Sharia Law in the United States.”


But Democrats in Oklahoma respond to this with utter contempt. They were battered in the 2010 elections, left with around one-third of the seats in the House and Senate. The anti-sharia ballot measure, they say, was key to that. Cory Williams is a Democrat who voted against sending the sharia measure to the ballot then survived the election by only 280 votes. He thinks Republicans have found a clever way to exploit the unpopularity of Barack Obama in this state as well as the fear that he finds secluded locations to bow toward Mecca five times a day. To make the point, Williams cues up one of the ads that was run against him last fall.
Hey IDIOT; There is no Sharia law in the U.S.
None, anywhere.
Furthermore, no liberals support Sharia law, but thanks for exposing your complete stupidity so early.
Where did I say that there was? I said Liberals support Sharia Law, and I even posted a link that supports that statement. You've posted absolutely zero links. Why are you so damn lazy? Is it because you are a Communist?
Where did I say that there was? I said Liberals support Sharia Law, and I even posted a link that supports that statement. You've posted absolutely zero links. Why are you so damn lazy? Is it because you are a Communist?
good to know you answer when called.
Christianity is a helluva lot more prevalent here than Islam, Judaism, or Buddhism. The Holy Bible is what used to be read in our schools, not the Koran. We're still a Christian nation, despite what your choice for President said.

We have a constitution for a reason, Granule.
So, the First Amendment guarantees the freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion, like you people are relentlessly working toward.

Correct, but that doesn't give Christians the right to force feed their dogma to those who have chosen another path.

Christianity is a defining part of this Country; in fact it's at the core. Its relevancy far exceeds that of any other religion, as its values and beliefs have helped shape America into what it is today. Your side of the spectrum is trying to diminish that role, and turn this country into some kind of godless eunich.

True, Christianity WAS a defining part of the creation of this nation, but then again, so was slavery. The demographic of this nation has changed in 230+ years, it continues to change to this day and it's ludicrous for Christians to assume that they have carte blanche to continue to treat practitioners of other religions as red-headed stepchildren.

"My side of the spectrum" is merely trying to ensure ALL religions have the same right to practice their faith that Christians enjoy.
Correct, but that doesn't give Christians the right to force feed their dogma to those who have chosen another path.
The only force feeding that's taking place in this country is coming from your side. We're just trying to restore what's been taken away.

True, Christianity WAS a defining part of the creation of this nation, but then again, so was slavery.
What the hell are you trying to say here? That Christianity breeds slavery?

The demographic of this nation has changed in 230+ years, it continues to change to this day and it's ludicrous for Christians to assume that they have carte blanche to continue to treat practitioners of other religions as red-headed stepchildren.
Blanketing statement. You're implying that all Christians mistreat non-Christians, which is total hog wash. And yes, the country is changing, but not for the better. I'd even go as far as to say that Christians are the ones who are chiefly being victimized.

"My side of the spectrum" is merely trying to ensure ALL religions have the same right to practice their faith that Christians enjoy.
No, your side of the spectrum is trying to relegate Christianity to the status of "just another religion" so that Secularists can rule them all.

"Islamists To Open DNC With Prayer For Sharia To Replace US Constitution"

Sorry, bad source. Just another racist in sheep's clothing.

Floyd G. Brown is the Chairman of the Board of Citizens United, which he founded in 1988, and served as its founding President until 2000.[SUP][1][/SUP] He is also president of Excellentia Inc., "a company specializing in marketing to conservatives and Christians"[SUP][2][/SUP], described as "a new media company specializing in the IPTV[SUP][3][/SUP] field."[SUP][4][/SUP] Brown served 2001 to 2006 as Executive Director of Young America's Foundation.[SUP][5][/SUP] In 1988, he was political director of Americans for Bush, which was affiliated with Citizens United. He also served as President of the Board of the Reagan Ranch, a division of the Young America's Foundation.[SUP][6][/SUP] Brown is also the head of the Western Journalism Center.[SUP][7][/SUP]

Brown is described as an "ultra-conservative" who "remains proud of the 1988 Willie Horton ad, widely denounced as racist pandering" by The Public Eye.[SUP][8][/SUP] Brown is "perhaps best known as being one of the major architects, along with Lee Atwater, behind the infamous and racist Willie Horton ad that some credit to George H.W. Bush winning the presidency in 1988," Bryan Pfeifer wrote February 5, 2007, in The UWM Post, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee student newspaper.[SUP][9][/SUP]

The only force feeding that's taking place in this country is coming from your side. We're just trying to restore what's been taken away.

What precisely has been taken away from Christians? The right you used to have to force feed your dogma to captive audiences? Too bad!

What the hell are you trying to say here? That Christianity breeds slavery?

I'm saying the Christian FOUNDING FATHERS helped propagate slavery in this country.

Blanketing statement. You're implying that all Christians mistreat non-Christians, which is total hog wash. And yes, the country is changing, but not for the better. I'd even go as far as to say that Christians are the ones who are chiefly being victimized.

I never said ALL Chjristians mistreat members of other religions, but the fact remains many Christians do their very best to marginalize practitioners of other religions.

No, your side of the spectrum is trying to relegate Christianity to the status of "just another religion" so that Secularists can rule them all.

And that is all that Christianity is...just another religion in the eyes of the courts. Maybe it's time Christians understood they don't always get to crowd to the front of the line because of their numbers.

btw...I am STILL waiting on some proof to back up your claim that Liberals promote Sharia law. You still haven't provided one example.
So, the First Amendment guarantees the freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion, like you people are relentlessly working toward.

Christianity is a defining part of this Country; in fact it's at the core. Its relevancy far exceeds that of any other religion, as its values and beliefs have helped shape America into what it is today. Your side of the spectrum is trying to diminish that role, and turn this country into some kind of godless eunich.

As a Liberal I wouldn't want anyone turned into a eunuch and as for your signature line, “Get the sluts off their backs and into traditional marriages” would you mind telling me what you have against working gals?

If any political party can be accused of neutering it’s the Republicans. It appears in the Republican system of justice the only crime that surpasses sex is murder and I’m still somewhat unsure about that.

Anti-gay marriage. The prodding and poking of pregnant women. The utter disdain for single Moms. As an older guy I can sympathize with those who go through a dry spell but I can tell you the dry spells of today are nothing like the type we suffered in my younger days. No internet. No dating sites. No chat lines. Just as it is offensive, today, to make disparaging remarks regarding the mentally and/or physically handicapped in my day it was equally unacceptable to make fun of those who relied on the companionship of a barnyard friend.

Today, there is no excuse! As a young lady recently told me she can’t figure out why it’s so difficult for people to find a partner when we have the internet. The saying, “There’s someone for everyone”, couldn’t be truer. As a wise old gal used to say, “There’s a lid for every pot.” I suppose in homosexual circles it could mean there’s a top for every bottom.

Anyway, the point is if your religion forbids the partaking of carnal treats the penance dished out at confession is definitely a bargain. Or so I heard from my Catholic friend in high school.

So, just to set the record straight this Liberal doesn’t want to neuter any one or any thing. And, finally, it’s well known those who do partake of the so-called forbidden fruit, when compared to those who do not, are many times more likely to loudly proclaim, “Ohhhhhh Goddddd.”