Get a room, you two.More like hundreds of thousands.
Get a room, you two.More like hundreds of thousands.
You've already been told.
And you're saying that the godless aren't doing the same thing by NOT saying prayer? How stupid and woefully one sided this response is.
Let's start here:
No, I believe in maintaining the Christian standards that this country was founded on. Again, I call it maintenance, and you call it marginalization. I believe in God, you believe in man-made government. I support modest dress codes, very soon you will support public nudity. I believe in personal accountability, you believe in finger pointing. That's how it goes between the Right and the Left.
Because we are still a Christian nation. Of course, nothing's forever, as soon, you will be accepting Sharia Law as the ruling system. You probably do already. You're just not quite ready to embrace it fully yet.
Hey, I never said "real world Christians" were the model to follow. I'm fully aware that some religions are caving under pressure from the Left. The point is, your side is twisting this country into something it isn't, and we're not going to just sit back and watch.
Another dumb comment. People are constantly trying to change Christianity. How ignorant do you have to be?
Then disprove the site. Surely you don't think I'm going to accept your own words. Who do you think you are? You can start by linking comments that show Liberals opposing Sharia Law.
No, it isn't. It's catching polished liars testing the waters with round about comments so that they have an out when somebody is alerted to their highly suspicious comments.
Hello!, you don't know what liberals support!I said a "godless eunuch" as in a nation of godless politcal correctness drones. As a liberal, you do support that.
Wrong again. There is no system of republican justice. Another blatant lie.No, the "Republican system of justice" actually works. It's morally sound, and it helps protect law abiding citizens from the the unlawful. The Democrat system of justice accomplishes the exact opposite.
As long as they find the glass slipper before midnight.Wrong. Pro-traditional Marriage. The encouraging of young women to stay off their backs and get into traditional marriages. The utter support for single moms despite the enabling nature of liberal ineptness. Single mom can find good husbands if they themselves become good. This IS doable despite your negative outlook.
Interesting that you used a sexual description of homosexual relationships. It certainly supports the argument that sex comes before love in their circles.
God forbids the partaking of carnal treats, and sincere repentence is the ony way out.
Thank you, apple. Your ignorance, as well as your irreverence, may serve you now, but they won't save you under the knife of Sharia Law.
Hello!, you don't know what liberals support!
You, the second most ignorant poster here, after PissedOn calling Apple ignorant is truly hilarious.
Then show everyone some of these "polished liars" out testing the waters and promoting Sharia Law.
1)PissedON? Nope. I've heard piss cup, piss head, and cup of piss, but never that far cry. Finnish, are you? Well here is pisskop
And finally, did I call Apple ignorant? Where? In any case, let him/her take it up with me, don't poke the bear you crackpot..
Rune said:Derp Derp Derp, I has nothing important to contribute
I is a moron
To make my post a little more interesting, here are some links. Some I stand by more than others. Comments are appreciated.
I've read a few books, and one thing I regret is not noting their cites. Would come in handy here, for either side of this.
EDIT: In general I like these form most to least in descending order.
Then show everyone some of these "polished liars" out testing the waters and promoting Sharia Law.
Nooo, this is polished little liars promoting Radical Islam.
gah, I suppose this isnt my arguement to even be fighting.
Get fuck crusader freakGet a room, you two.
And why do Christians alone get to determine which belief system is the "rightful" system? Why do Christians and not Muslims? Or Buddhists? Or Hinduism?
No, that's not the only option. Give educated people a shot, fucking crusaderwe've been living with the current "rightful belief system" for over two hundred years now.....has it treated you that badly? you really want to give the Muslims a shot at it for a while?.....
Interesting that you used a sexual description of homosexual relationships. It certainly supports the argument that sex comes before love in their circles.
God forbids the partaking of carnal treats, and sincere repentence is the only way out.
Thank you, apple. Your ignorance, as well as your irreverence, may serve you now, but they won't save you under the knife of Sharia Law.
Eh, the "lid and pot" reference is heterosexual. In the old days it was said by mothers to daughters who didn't have a boyfriend or prospective husband. The old days when women raised kids and were continually cooking to feed their family. They had many pots and the daughters understood it took time to find the right lid but there was always one.
As for sex coming before love sex is love. Why do you think so many marriages slowly disintegrate? The quirks/habits one found so cute in their partner become an annoyance that grates on their nerves later down the road. Why? If one takes a closer look they'll see sex waned and then disagreements arose. Unfortunately, many reverse the cause and effect. They claim the annoyances came first resulting in less of a desire for sex but that's not the case as the quirks/habits never changed. Those who malign, ridicule and mock sex do so to their own detriment.
Unless he forces a man to have sex with a woman he doesn't want to have sex with and when the man refuses God striikes him dead. Check your Bible. And I've heard all kinds of reasons/interpretations regarding that but it is what it is.
You'll be happy to know I'll fight tooth and nail should any government interfere with my sex life! As the late, great Prime Minister of Canada said in 1968, "The government has no place in the bedrooms of the nation."
One last note. If God didn't want us to have sex he wouldn't have made it so damn enjoyable! at a time for ease and comfort. Let's do an easy one first.
Contradiction #3: Pro-Homosexual vs. Pro-Muslim
Muslims want to kill homosexuals. Yet, Liberals promote the Homosexual agenda and Shariah Law. If the Muslims take over the United States, they will start by expunging the land of Homosexuals and Liberals. (Please see my conclusion to explain why Liberals really hold to these two contradictory positions.
This is just total horseshit...not to mention a complete misrepresentation. Liberals believe that each and every living breathing individual has the right to believe what they like.
Liberals believe homosexuals, as well as Muslims, have the right to their own personal idea of freedom. Liberals may not believe as Muslims do regarding some specific areas of their religion, but they don't begrudge them the right to have their own belief system.
While Conservatives have demonstrated time and again they are willing to tell others how they must live their lives.
The author makes the ridiculous claim that Liberals PROMOTE Sharia Law...odd how he couldn't be bothered to provide even one instance as proof to back up his nonsense.
Eh, the "lid and pot" reference is heterosexual. In the old days it was said by mothers to daughters who didn't have a boyfriend or prospective husband. The old days when women raised kids and were continually cooking to feed their family. They had many pots and the daughters understood it took time to find the right lid but there was always one.
As for sex coming before love sex is love. Why do you think so many marriages slowly disintegrate? The quirks/habits one found so cute in their partner become an annoyance that grates on their nerves later down the road. Why? If one takes a closer look they'll see sex waned and then disagreements arose. Unfortunately, many reverse the cause and effect. They claim the annoyances came first resulting in less of a desire for sex but that's not the case as the quirks/habits never changed. Those who malign, ridicule and mock sex do so to their own detriment.
Unless he forces a man to have sex with a woman he doesn't want to have sex with and when the man refuses God striikes him dead. Check your Bible. And I've heard all kinds of reasons/interpretations regarding that but it is what it is.
You'll be happy to know I'll fight tooth and nail should any government interfere with my sex life! As the late, great Prime Minister of Canada said in 1968, "The government has no place in the bedrooms of the nation."
One last note. If God didn't want us to have sex he wouldn't have made it so damn enjoyable!
Sex is love ?.......anyone who thinks sex is love or love is sex, shows a true ignorance of both.........or at best, an adolescents limited understanding