You got it right early on. At least partially right. Take away the bullshit and and the sarcasm, and you pretty much nailed it. The right to display the Ten Commandments on public property. The right to open sporting events with prayer. The right to be openly Christian in a Christian nation. Your side is trying to end all of it.
You're the one with no proof, my friend. What is it with you liberals? Do you actually believe that all you have to do is simply say it and it's so?
But 19th century Democrats actually shed blood to keep their slaves. Did early Christians do that?
I will tell you what you believe based on what you communicate to me. I will happily do this all day.
And your
god loves your silence. It makes your life as a liberal so much easier.
I've already given you one link which you STILL haven't broken down. I guess the proper question to you is, are you openly opposed to Sharia Law in the US? If so, what are you doing to prevent it?
Deceptive comment. It comes down to this: I want Christianity to have its rightful place in this Country, and you don't. I want Christians and Muslims to be judged by their individual actions; you want to judge Christianity by the acts of a few stupid Christians.
Is that what atheists gave you permission to believe?
Because you're a liberal.
I gave you a link, and Y-O-U chose to ignore it. Break it down. Prove to me that it's wrong. You are the liberal, remember? Dazzle me with your superior intellect.
Sorry pal. I provided observations that support my belief that you are defending Sharia Law. It's up to you to prove otherwise. Link some examples that show Democrats opposing Sharia Law.
That's your job. I provided the link. Now you demolish it with your powers of enlightenment.