What exactly is "compromise"?

Lol... Life's a bitch, ain't it boris?

Your country's fillin' up with negroes and mexicans and asians and they all vote for democrats and there ain't a goddamn thing you can do about it.

It must suck to be you!

The Right like himself are trying to say it's a dictatorship when it's actually them outnumbered. Wonder if the Indians ever felt that way.
Lol... Life's a bitch, ain't it boris?

Your country's fillin' up with negroes and mexicans and asians and they all vote for democrats and there ain't a goddamn thing you can do about it.

It must suck to be you!
Oh, but there is. Secession! And there ain't a tinker's damn you could do about that either.
Oh, but there is. Secession! And there ain't a tinker's damn you could do about that either.
which state you planning on moving to for the big secession? Better make sure it's a lily white state, and you'd better hurry, cuz they're all getting more colorful with each passing day. Ya see... in order to secede, ya gotta get a majority of fellow citizens to agree with you. My guess is the folks in New York - the home of the Erie Canal - won't be lining up with you on that. Good luck, though... And don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
which state you planning on moving to for the big secession? Better make sure it's a lily white state, and you'd better hurry, cuz they're all getting more colorful with each passing day. Ya see... in order to secede, ya gotta get a majority of fellow citizens to agree with you. My guess is the folks in New York - the home of the Erie Canal - won't be lining up with you on that. Good luck, though... And don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.

Who are the first you will put up against a wall for summary execution?
Will that non tyranny extend to families?
Reprisal killings?

Is it true that its not tyranny to kill opposition or suspected opposition?

When does it become tyranny?
When the gas chambers open, will you move back to the USA to help fill them?
I could see you taking great joy as a death camp commandant.
You would have fun hashing out the dead!
Ya missed this one Boris, and I'm REALLY interested in your response.

which state you planning on moving to for the big secession? Better make sure it's a lily white state, and you'd better hurry, cuz they're all getting more colorful with each passing day. Ya see... in order to secede, ya gotta get a majority of fellow citizens to agree with you. My guess is the folks in New York - the home of the Erie Canal - won't be lining up with you on that. Good luck, though... And don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
About your comment in Red (ironic you would use that color) I am one who rejects everything you stand for and would opt to negotiate with the Devil (read you) if it meant we might move beyond the incredible stupidity of either of us declaring omniscience as to what is right for the country. When you get over your blasphemous certainty of your correctness in all things, (God - move over - Boris has taken over), let's talk. Maybe you know something valuable - maybe you don't. Declaring everyone who doesn't believe as you to be an idiot only proves your credentials for the title of idiot. As for communists, I'll wait until you define the term to decide whether you even know what one is.
Exactly! and sometimes one side of the coin comes up, sometimes the other! Debating is good; at some point, we decide what makes sense for society and move forward....or backwards...depending.

Where did you hear debating is good? Fox News didn't teach you that. ..

I listen to Fox News and they tell me not to listen to anything the Liberal dictator Left has to say. They teach me not to listen to Obama's speeches. They pride themselves on how long they have gone without hearing a word out of Obama's mouth in months.

It's one of the signs of brainwashing. Tell people that information that doesn't come from you is bad and corrupt and never intake it.

I tend to research all parties because I'm not a party whore and I want to make the best decision.
To Liberals, compromise means Republicans and Conservatives cave in and kowtow to everything being rammed down our throats by the left. I view compromise as dangerous and to be avoided at all costs. Compromise means selling out principles for the sake of "bipartisanship" and other feel good kumbayah bullshit. Sorry, but the name of the game is that once Conservatives regain the majority in DC, we quash all opposition in order to repair the damage Democrats have caused.

“Conservatives?” What the fuck is a conservative? Are those beady-eyed bastards like John McCain, Lindsey Graham, John Boehner, Mitt Romney, Carl Rove and John Bolton conservatives or are they war mongering Military Industrial Complex neo-cons?

Yeah right! Put those bastards back in the majority and they’ll start a bunch more undeclared, unconstitutional fucking wars that the Democrats will also vote for in the Congress, (like they did before), and the next Democrat President, (after they kick out the next Republican), can put the wars on fucking steroids like our present Communist-n-Chief.
Boris.... Boris.... Come on back!

Oh, but there is. Secession! And there ain't a tinker's damn you could do about that either.

which state you planning on moving to for the big secession? Better make sure it's a lily white state, and you'd better hurry, cuz they're all getting more colorful with each passing day. Ya see... in order to secede, ya gotta get a majority of fellow citizens to agree with you. My guess is the folks in New York - the home of the Erie Canal - won't be lining up with you on that. Good luck, though... And don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.

Ya missed this one Boris, and I'm REALLY interested in your response.
“Conservatives?” What the fuck is a conservative? Are those beady-eyed bastards like John McCain, Lindsey Graham, John Boehner, Mitt Romney, Carl Rove and John Bolton conservatives or are they war mongering Military Industrial Complex neo-cons?

Yeah right! Put those bastards back in the majority and they’ll start a bunch more undeclared, unconstitutional fucking wars that the Democrats will also vote for in the Congress, (like they did before), and the next Democrat President, (after they kick out the next Republican), can put the wars on fucking steroids like our present Communist-n-Chief.
No, I am not talking about those mealymouthed RINOs. I'm referring to REAL Conservatives that will uphold the Constitution for a change.