What exactly is "compromise"?

To Liberals, compromise means Republicans and Conservatives cave in and kowtow to everything being rammed down our throats by the left. I view compromise as dangerous and to be avoided at all costs. Compromise means selling out principles for the sake of "bipartisanship" and other feel good kumbayah bullshit. Sorry, but the name of the game is that once Conservatives regain the majority in DC, we quash all opposition in order to repair the damage Democrats have caused.

Ah, so to you, compromise means crushing the opposition and instigating CONSERVATIVE principles regardless of what over half the people of this country want.

So it's okay by you if Conservatives all march in lockstep and force everyone else to do what they want, but not for Liberals to believe just that.

Just as we all expected...Boris is just another "do as I say and not as I do" Rightie
Ah, so to you, compromise means crushing the opposition and instigating CONSERVATIVE principles regardless of what over half the people of this country want.

So it's okay by you if Conservatives all march in lockstep and force everyone else to do what they want, but not for Liberals to believe just that.

Just as we all expected...Boris is just another "do as I say and not as I do" Rightie
It does not matter what "the other half" wants because they are all wrong on all fronts. And why should Conservatives bend over and get assraped by you Liberals for "compromise?
n your twisted little world, all political opposition to your sick agenda would be quashed in a heartbeat. You're just afraid that strict Constitutionalists like myself and Classical Liberal were right all along.

then come over to the throw down on the REAL words of the founders as they designed and adopted the constitution.

you don't because you KNOW you stand on a pile of fox news trash
No, I hate Liberalism because Liberals like you and Stealplate are the enemy. And enemies either surrender or die.

who is it that wants the country shrunk until its small enough to kill out right in the bathtub?

that's you.

Me and the government our founders left us are both your enemies
It does not matter what "the other half" wants because they are all wrong on all fronts. And why should Conservatives bend over and get assraped by you Liberals for "compromise?

Why should Liberals bend over and "ass raped" by Conservatives?

I've got just as many voices coming from my side of the fence that say you and your bullshit is what is "wrong on all fronts".

You've got no facts to back up your claim whatsoever...your opinion is nothing more than that...your OPINION.
Why should Liberals bend over and "ass raped" by Conservatives?

I've got just as many voices coming from my side of the fence that say you and your bullshit is what is "wrong on all fronts".

You've got no facts to back up your claim whatsoever...your opinion is nothing more than that...your OPINION.
The difference is that unlike you Communists, I've got truth on my side. And I live in a Liberal shithole, so I know firsthand the destruction Liberalism causes.
The difference is that unlike you Communists, I've got truth on my side. And I live in a Liberal shithole, so I know firsthand the destruction Liberalism causes.

Right...it was Liberalism that caused the financial crisis that resulted in Liberals getting elected all across this country.

Was it Liberalism that crashed the economy and resulted in MILLIONS losing their jobs?

No...wait...that was EIGHT YEARS of CONSERVATIVE policies.
Desh, talking with Boris must be like looking in the mirror for you. My side always right, the other side always wrong. You two are like peas in a pod.
Right...it was Liberalism that caused the financial crisis that resulted in Liberals getting elected all across this country.

Was it Liberalism that crashed the economy and resulted in MILLIONS losing their jobs?

No...wait...that was EIGHT YEARS of CONSERVATIVE policies.

Zap, that's if you believe policies signed into law have an expiration date on them. Do you believe the financial deregulation signed into law during the '90's had no effect on the financial crisis? Do you believe our government's push over multiple decades to increase home ownership had no effect on the housing bubble and financial crisis?
Zap, that's if you believe policies signed into law have an expiration date on them. Do you believe the financial deregulation signed into law during the '90's had no effect on the financial crisis? Do you believe our government's push over multiple decades to increase home ownership had no effect on the housing bubble and financial crisis?

I agree policies first implemented in the 90's had a hand in forging the financial crisis, but it was Conservative implementation of policies that made it easier for businesses to reap greater profits while engaging in extremely risky business ventures during the Bush years that exacerbated the problem and led to the crisis we are now just digging ourselves out from under.
Boris... You ever gonna grow a set and answer my question? What state do you plan to move to in order to launch your plan to secede?
Desh, talking with Boris must be like looking in the mirror for you. My side always right, the other side always wrong. You two are like peas in a pod.

Um - you realize Boris is just a big old troll? no idea why he hasn't been banned for rule 14 violations given the crap he floods this board with. So saying he's always wrong is a pretty safe bet.
Um - you realize Boris is just a big old troll? no idea why he hasn't been banned for rule 14 violations given the crap he floods this board with. So saying he's always wrong is a pretty safe bet.

Wasn't sure but yeah, I figured he's a troll.