What has happened in America?

Normally I would say the opposing side has a legitimate grievance that causes them to vote against the Dems. Those of us who have lived some time remember all the elections of people and some of us thought W was the lowest point for the GOP.

I really am struggling to map the LEGITIMATE fears that Conservative voters have about the economy and the way the country is run. But the shift toward Trump feels SO DIFFERENT. And now we even lack a common perception of reality.

How many times do you see Trump supporters outright deny events that we all saw in real time on the television or on video or in real life?

I'm don't know if Kamala is the best possible person to run the country. There's sufficient reason to question that idea. But I honestly cannot see how Trump is a legitimate alternative to the voters who don't like Kamala.
Nixon was the Repubs low point until Trump arrived. Now crimes and busting norms are OK for presidents. Note, Biden governed as a normal president respecting and knowing how Congress and diplomacy function. Trump sees a mass of people whom he will order around and HE makes the rules.
"The fuckers are so dumb that they have no idea that they are historically moronic.....in a universe where stupid hurts mind you"
Hawkeye the Wise
Injecting kids with experimental Big Pharma Juice for no good reason....almost no humans who have ever walked the planet suck that badly.

We Do.
No shit. In fact she isn't even LIKED. The word hero attached anywhere to Harris is absurd. At least Joe was likable,....Harris? Not so much. No worries,...only two more weeks and we will never have to hear about the loser again.
Yes we know you hate women cock bag
Its clear that the trumppers do not care if the president takes extra constitutional power from the people, as long as its trump who takes it.

They support rule by force over rule of the people.

Might over right.
Nixon was the Repubs low point until Trump arrived. Now crimes and busting norms are OK for presidents. Note, Biden governed as a normal president respecting and knowing how Congress and diplomacy function. Trump sees a mass of people whom he will order around and HE makes the rules.
W was the low point. If not for him the fake negro wouldn't have been possible.
Why is America so stupid?

Did we really do such a poor job on educating Americans that almost 46% will chose trump over Harris?

I am very sad for our nation and culture. I knew our culture was very sick, but its so much worse than I thought. Hilary was correct about the deplorables.
You asking me to vote for Harris over Trump is asking me to vote for:

1. Fewer restrictions and more funding for abortion when I believe it is murder.
2. Fewer checks at the southern border allowing the presence of more illegal immigrants (Vasilli and Demetri have driven from Tulsa and are putting windows in my house as I type. Antonio has opened a restaurant in a nearby community. Anecdotal, I know, but they agree with me on this).
3. Allowing the cities to make the rules for all of the US. That's enough but I could expand.
4. Allowing more restrictions on the 2nd ammendment.
5. Making it easier to get by without working for a living. The able-bodied should work for a living. A safety net is for those who are unable to.
6. Making our culture more European-like than it already is. I like my Native American/Hillbilly hybrid culture. My tribe is split almost like the whole nation is as far as who they support in this election. I find that interesting.
7. Making the promotion of people like Rachel Levine and others "...Joe Biden has appointed at least 200 known LGBTQ appointees to his administration, exponentially more than any other president at this point..." https://victoryinstitute.org/news

There's more but you get the drift. And you can call people "uneducated" and "sick" and "deplorable" but 46% look at the other side and see the same.

It's not about Trump the person or even Harris the person for most of us. It's what they represent or would promote as policy. And your side has made it next to impossible to get a guy like Mike Pence (one of the really good guys in politics I could really get behind) to be elected. So you...we...get a guy like Trump and a woman like Harris. Even with their known backgrounds, if I were voting for the person only, I'd have to vote for Harris. But it is not about the person anymore.
Nixon was the Repubs low point until Trump arrived. Now crimes and busting norms are OK for presidents. Note, Biden governed as a normal president respecting and knowing how Congress and diplomacy function. Trump sees a mass of people whom he will order around and HE makes the rules.
He was so great your team ousted him
Its clear that the trumppers do not care if the president takes extra constitutional power from the people, as long as its trump who takes it.

They support rule by force over rule of the people.

Might over right.
Stop your whining. You looked the other way when Biden and Harris ignored the law and Constitution