What has happened in America?

Why is America so stupid? Did we really do such a poor job on educating Americans that almost 46% will chose trump over Harris? I am very sad for our nation and culture. I knew our culture was very sick, but its so much worse than I thought. Hilary was correct about the deplorables.
This is the kind of thing that the grossly undereducated say. You probably believe in Global Warming. You probably support the killing of living humans who have not committed any crime. Your opinion is probably only valued by the less than one-tenth of one percent of the US population who are currently incarcerated in maximum security prisons.
You asking me to vote for Harris over Trump is asking me to vote for:

1. Fewer restrictions and more funding for abortion when I believe it is murder.
2. Fewer checks at the southern border allowing the presence of more illegal immigrants (Vasilli and Demetri have driven from Tulsa and are putting windows in my house as I type. Antonio has opened a restaurant in a nearby community. Anecdotal, I know, but they agree with me on this).
3. Allowing the cities to make the rules for all of the US. That's enough but I could expand.
4. Allowing more restrictions on the 2nd ammendment.
5. Making it easier to get by without working for a living. The able-bodied should work for a living. A safety net is for those who are unable to.
6. Making our culture more European-like than it already is. I like my Native American/Hillbilly hybrid culture. My tribe is split almost like the whole nation is as far as who they support in this election. I find that interesting.
7. Making the promotion of people like Rachel Levine and others "...Joe Biden has appointed at least 200 known LGBTQ appointees to his administration, exponentially more than any other president at this point..." https://victoryinstitute.org/news

There's more but you get the drift. And you can call people "uneducated" and "sick" and "deplorable" but 46% look at the other side and see the same.

It's not about Trump the person or even Harris the person for most of us. It's what they represent or would promote as policy. And your side has made it next to impossible to get a guy like Mike Pence (one of the really good guys in politics I could really get behind) to be elected. So you...we...get a guy like Trump and a woman like Harris. Even with their known backgrounds, if I were voting for the person only, I'd have to vote for Harris. But it is not about the person anymore.
You are voting for Republicans, not for Trump. Trump is none of those things. Unless we forgot Trump's positions before he became a political showman.
You were told to shut the fuck up. Use your finger emoji if you must but keep your cock holster closed.

Got it son?
I have as much right to be on here as YOU do.
Trump isn't in office yet and hasn't taken our CONSTITUTIONAL Rights away YET .