It means exactly that.
I swear to God you people talking about the dollar failing seriously need to look into taking Econ 101, Hillsdale offers Econ 101 online for free, I urge you to take advantage of that.
No. It is YOU that needs to study what money actually is. Straw man fallacy.
You made a statement about the dollar failing. How exactly is that going to happen? In your own words.
Money is two things:
1. A store of value (you can trade it for things of value, such as food, housing, vehicles, clothes, etc). You can also trade things of value for money. In other words, it's a medium of barter.
2. A unit of account. You can set a price with it.
Anything can be used for money. Gold, silver, clamshells, pieces of paper, plastic, stones, etc. Gold is the oldest form of money for one simple reason: You can verify the amount and purity of gold easily. The technique for doing so is in the capability of most any merchant.
Fiat currency always fails. The dollar is no exception. Even a cursory look at history is rife with examples...the hyperinflation of the German Mark...the hyperinflation of the Brazilian Real...the hyperinflation of the Japanese Yen...the hyperinflation Mexican peso...and now the rapid inflation of the dollar.
For example: a gallon of gasoline in 1960 was approx. 20 cents per gallon. Today, it is $5 per gallon. The value of the dollar against this single commodity has fallen to 1/25th of it's value in just that interval of time. Most of it took place in the Obama years and again during the Biden administration.
Transportation costs (and associated prices of all goods) increase just from this single factor alone.
The federal government buys the same shit you do, just a lot more of it. To do this, they must raise even MORE money then they already did by printing it. In other words, they print even MORE of it.
It's a hopeless circle, leading to the rejection of the dollar by the population. That population is ALREADY looking for an alternative currency. Once they settle on one, the switch will happen almost overnight. There is NOTHING the government can do to stop it.
Other nations are returning to gold and silver. The federal government is one lousy place for converting to that! They're broke!