Into the Night
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How was your day, Sybil? Are Tuesdays Water colors or basket weaving? Something else?
Insulting people changes nothing, dumbass.
How was your day, Sybil? Are Tuesdays Water colors or basket weaving? Something else?
That's true, Sybil. Do you ever take your own advice?Insulting people changes nothing, dumbass.
The so-called 'debt ceiling' (there really isn't one!) has nothing to do with why the dollar has fallen and will continue to fall.
What? Void argument fallacy.Dude, this is about paying the Bill for something YOUR SIDE OF THE AISLE agreed that you wanted.
I'm not in debt.Is this how you handle your own personal debt- refuse to pay up?
I pay for everything I own.If you don't want to pay for something- DON'T ASK FOR IT!
Void argument fallacy.If you do ask for it- PAY YOUR DEBT LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE!
"Biden has pissed off many allies." that's funny, he has an international coalition aiding the Ukraine fighting your hero Vladimir so he can't be pissing them too bad, besides, it was during your Messiah's Administration that China spread their influence worldwide including influence in EU
And who the f*ck is going to take an opinion coming from a bloated Fox demogogue offered in a recognized propaganda site as serious
In fact, the other nations are shocked at the Repubs for threatening to not vote for the debt ceiling passing. It seems the Reds are willing to allow America to crash, thinking it will help them in the next election. The Reds will blame Biden. I think the people will know better.
It's an astounding calculation.
Parties out of power usually talk the economy down. But the idea that the GOP wants America to fall apart - which is real - really shows how dopey our national leadership has gotten.
What If the Dollar Falls?
Blatant lie.
The federal government raises money in one of three ways:
1. Borrowing it.
2. Tax for it.
3. Print it.
International trade is settled in either gold or local currency.
Commodity value (wealth).Against what? That is a serious question.
Bitcoin, gold, silver, Diamonds, the SDR, and a host of other currencies.What is out there to replace the Dollar?
Blatant lie.Everything out there is either falling against the Dollar at official rates, or against the Dollar at blackmarket rates.
Blatant lie.Every businessman in China is desperately trying to get Dollars.
Blatant lie.Russia is stuck accepting non-tradable Yuan.
I will call this argument 1; and yes, it does.The Fed does not feed dollars into the budget, so you are mostly wrong.
I will call this argument 2. You are now locked in paradox. You are being irrational. Quantitative easing did NOT end.There was quantitative easing, which did mean that the Fed was printing money to feed indirectly into the budget, but that ended years ago.
Blatant lie.We now have quantitative tightening.
Bonds are not involved. Blatant lie.The Fed is in the process of selling the bonds they bought to destroy $2.5 trillion.
Blatant lie.This is causing the money supply to CONTRACT. They are not creating more, but rather destroying more.
Argument from randU fallacy. Blatant lie. Inversion fallacy.Not in the last 80 years. You are living in a fantasy world.
It's an astounding calculation.
Parties out of power usually talk the economy down. But the idea that the GOP wants America to fall apart - which is real - really shows how dopey our national leadership has gotten.
It means no such thing. I swear to God you people talking about the dollar failing seriously need to look into taking Econ 101, Hillsdale offers Econ 101 online for free, I urge you to take advantage of that.
You made a statement about the dollar failing. How exactly is that going to happen? In your own words.
China wants to replace the dollar as the international currency
Which means that Joe Biden wants to replace the dollar with the yuan as the international currency.
Xi's man Quid Pro wants what's best for China.
How about in the words of Larry Arnn?
"When oil is no longer pegged to the U.S. Dollar, countries around the globe will seek to repatriate stockpiles of reserve currency. This will flood the U.S. with currency creating hyper-inflation and devaluing the currency."
It's in this month Imprimis.
What does Hillsdale say about the fed getting a CBDC?It means no such thing. I swear to God you people talking about the dollar failing seriously need to look into taking Econ 101, Hillsdale offers Econ 101 online for free, I urge you to take advantage of that.
You made a statement about the dollar failing. How exactly is that going to happen? In your own words.
No it won't but I'll play your little game. Explain why you think it will make the dollar worth less.
If we repatriate say $20 trillion in foreign reserve currency, value of the dollar will utterly collapse.
Are you admitting you are not an American? For "we" to repatriate foreign reserves to America, "we" would have to not be Americans.
The second question is how would the rest of the world exchange more foreign reserves than actually exist. The total Dollar foreign reserves is under $10 trillion, with it being impossible to redeem all at once. Because of the way it is structured, they would take the bulk of the change of the exchange rate, and would be lucky if they could receive $1 trillion a year in value over 5 years.
That would cause moderate inflation, but probably not double digit inflation. We would need far more to get hyperinflation (5 digit inflation).
So, add "repatriate" to the long list of things that "Walt" has no clue as to the meaning of...
[FONT=DDG_ProximaNova][FONT=ddg-serp-icons !important]
[FONT=DDG_ProximaNova][h=3]transitive verb[/h]
- To restore or return to the country of birth, citizenship, or origin.
- To restore to one's own country.