When was the last time the Fed contracted the money supply?
For about a year, the money supply has been falling.
We are now in quantitative tightening, the opposite of quantitative easing.
Standard Disclaimer: 2008, as part of the TARP response to the financial crisis. When Obama took office in 2009 - this was reversed and the Fed engaged in aggressive QE, throwing the the nation into deep recession.
So many things wrong in your tiny statement. Quantitative easing started in 2008, when Bush was President, not when Obama was President. TARP was never "reversed", in fact, it was extended by Obama. TARP and quantitative easing are for very different purposes. Quantitative easing did not throw the country into a deep recession, it staved off deflation, which would have caused a depression. In fact, it also fought having a recession, but that was not its intent.