Scut Farkus
are all libertarians fascist fake money ponzi scheme deniers?
it's called inflation. look into it.
billion dollar golden parachutes and selling 500 dollar no bid contract hammers to the government is not my situation.
it's called inflation. look into it.
Inflation, another word for default, one that hammers the middle class, which with the WOKE Suicide Cult is a feature not a bug.
OK, that didn't answer the question.
So you're not going to answer? OK. Par for the course.
yes. they hate the 'useless eaters' as they affectionately call them. they're genocide nazis.
I corrected your missstatement as to "same for you".
i 'm happy with my post.
it benefits rich people, like how all society is fucked up.
There is no such thing as inflation. We do have supply and demand altering that what you meant or are you one of those fucking idiots that thinks there's a magick money fairy changing the value of a dollar?
No need. The transaction is done using the local currencies between the parties.
Those who have been killing the planet with excess consumption, to include plentiful heat and AC, must be hurt we are instructed.
there is inflation, ibdaman, intothenight, idiot sock.
No you didn't, you're just an asshat...a zombie if you will...
Explain how.
I can explain how...why won't you?
yes, fascist water carrier.
No, there really isn't. Supply and demand explains it all.
no it doesn't.
that's why inflation is a word, a concept, and a de facto reality.
why have you become a lying fucking idiot?
yes, china's dirty fuel problem will be corrected.