What If the Dollar Falls?

that part about makets backed by rule of law is false now that china was given favored nation trading status while their firms are not held to standard accounting practices.

the elites have fucked over "their" own system to accomodate china's takeover.

they are traitors.

There is no 'standard accounting practices' in any corporation. Accounting must handle local tax law and provide required reporting in accordance with investor trading laws. That's it.
That said, businesses generally run accounting systems for AR, AP, GL, INV, and payroll. Payroll is the nastiest, with so many screwy laws around it in the States.
Manufacturers also typically run MRP as well.

WTF is an 'international traitor'?????!?
Fiat currencies come and go, Guille, same with empires. The dollar has run its course, crypto proved that. Time to move into the 21st century.

I don't think the dollar is going to be abandoned quite yet. People are looking around for other currencies though.
Do you know what a currency is? It has to hold value to be a currency.

Currency is not wealth. It is a medium for trading wealth. It is easier to use than direct barter.
Money does NOT have to hold value to still be money, so long as it has a value at all (the ability to buy something with it).
That's not what I said.

1) Crypto doesn't hold value, it's not a currency.

2) The dollar does hold value...it's always worth a dollar.

Suck it enemy agent.

Certain crypto, such as Bitcoin, is a currency. You can buy things with it. That is value. Like any money, it does not have to 'hold it's value'...it just has to have value (you can buy something with it).
A dollar's value is not that it's a dollar. That is a circular definition and a fallacy. Money is not wealth. It is only a medium of exchange of wealth.
they printed it into oblivion, making sure they got tons of the fake shit to buy up all the real assets and fuck everyone else.

"they" is the banker fascists we often discuss.

our elites are clearly with the ccp.

the "but they wouldnt do that" argument doesn't work anymore.

'Printing it into oblivion' is of course a colloquial description of what is happening to the dollar (not all of them are printed).
What 'banker fascists' do you refer to? Banks are corporations like any other, except for being under the heel of the Federal Reserve.
Do what? Void argument fallacy. Who is 'they'?
Who profits from a devalued dollar? This isn't rocket science.

No one profits from a devalued dollar...not even the government.
It DOES make it easier for the government to repay it's debt with money of less value though...essentially paying off it's debt with funny money.
Almost every one of these fucks has no idea how late it is, how brutal the future will be, and how poorly they are prepared for their fate.

Here you are quite right. The federal government cannot escape it's fate, no matter how many dollars it 'prints' to get itself out of it's financial mess.
Welfare recipients are going to be hit particular hard, as these programs fail.