Into the Night
Verified User
the people who got most of it for nothing while everyone else is on fixed salaries and such.
So...the government.
the people who got most of it for nothing while everyone else is on fixed salaries and such.
Except there's no such thing as a devalued dollar.
OK, I'll play your little game. Explain to me how the dollar is devalued.
That's correct. The entire world funnels 70% of its profit through Wall Street. That has to come to an end.
I hear the top bug out shelters are in new zealand.
Inflation, another word for default, one that hammers the middle class, which with the WOKE Suicide Cult is a feature not a bug.
There is no such thing as inflation. We do have supply and demand altering that what you meant or are you one of those fucking idiots that thinks there's a magick money fairy changing the value of a dollar?
it benefits rich people, like how all society is fucked up.
Those who have been killing the planet with excess consumption, to include plentiful heat and AC, must be hurt we are instructed.
there is inflation, ibdaman, intothenight, idiot sock.
Not when it is an international transaction
yes, china's dirty fuel problem will be corrected.
No, there really isn't. Supply and demand explains it all.
No, I'm talking cash price. That's what I can buy today. If you were correct I wouldn't be able to do that.
In 1978 my famuly moved to the suburbs and my dad bought our house for $175,000. I can buy that same house today for $140,000. How is that possible?
Again, the world is in deflation. It's our state-owned media trying to convince us to pay more than value.
I'm agreeing with you that using the word inflation as the entire system collapses is a joke. We've been in a 15-year recession with no end in sight. I am in no way confused on this.
Link? A single quote? Take your time looking for something that doesn't exist. LOL
Nice projection.
You're a schizo divider and liar, COgoat. What are you proposing people do? Start shooting like your WSE friends keep pushing?
Your paranoid schizophrenic fearmongering is noted. How many guns and how much ammo have you stocked up for when this happens? Are you even allowed to own guns, CO?
We are currently in an economic depression, and have been since 2019. It was started by the Democrats (again).
Economic depressions often have higher inflation. The Great Depression saw the dollar devalue to just half it's value (rapid inflation). Velocity also dropped. Do not confuse velocity with value.
Here's my understanding of the shell game. Once issued a social security number you become a commodity that can be borrowed against. Congress decides how to spend its new collateral being born every day and paying into the system for 45 years.No. All fiat currencies are currently being inflated. Governments tend to do this since it's easier to pay off their debts with funny money.
The media you speak of has no control over prices. They are not god.
Does your doctor condone your participation on Internet forums, Sybil, or do you hide it from him/her?Psycho quackery
Dancing daily with my Socks
You War Mongerer