What If the Dollar Falls?

Ah...the old 'New World Order' BS again.
Gold is just another currency. China cannot control it. Indeed, China is in it's own dire financial mess right now...a big reason why people are fleeing it.
America is not over. You need to get out more and meet the people of America.
The dollar will be around as long as the federal government, in whatever form of government it becomes.

how about fascist form of government?

you can't wait for that, eh fashy?
The U.S. Is Facing A Major Challenge As Petrodollar Loses Force
https://markets.businessinsider.com › news › stocks › the-us-is-facing-a-major-challenge-as-petrodollar-loses-force-1032063614?op=1
Feb 2, 2023The petrodollar is the result of US efforts to secure access to Middle Eastern oil while also lessening the slide of the dollar in the early 1970s. By 1974, the US dollar was in a precarious position.
What Is the Petrodollar? - The Balance
https://www.thebalancemoney.com › what-is-a-petrodollar-3306358
Jun 4, 2022What Is the Petrodollar? The U.S. dollar is the standard currency used to pay for oil globally, prompted by an agreement between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia in 1945. This agreement led to other oil-exporting countries accepting the dollar as payment for oil, and the relationship between the dollar and oil began.
Petrodollar Warfare: Dollars, Euros and the Upcoming Iranian Oil Bourse ...
https://www.resilience.org › stories › 2005-08-08 › petrodollar-warfare-dollars-euros-and-upcoming-iranian-oil-bourse
The upcoming bourse will introduce petrodollar versus petroeuro currency hedging, and fundamentally new dynamics to the biggest market in the world - global oil and gas trades. In essence, the U.S. will no longer be able to effortlessly expand its debt-financing via issuance of U.S. Treasury bills, and the dollar's international demand ...
Petrodollar Warfare: Dollars, Euros and the Upcoming Iranian Oil Bourse ...
https://mediamonitors.net › petrodollar-warfare-dollars-euros-and-the-upcoming-iranian-oil-bourse
The upcoming bourse will introduce petrodollar versus petroeuro currency hedging, and fundamentally new dynamics to the biggest market in the world - global oil and gas trades. In essence, the U.S. will no longer be able to effortlessly expand credit via U.S. Treasury bills, and the dollar's demand/liquidity value will fall. ... "Oil bourse ...


There is no such thing as a 'petrodollar'.
The dollar is not 'standard currency' anywhere except in the States and in the federal government.
how about fascist form of government?
Fascism is not a form of government. It is a type of economic system. It is government manipulation of markets.
Since fascism is a form of socialism, it is based on theft. Since people generally don't want their wealth stolen, fascism can usually only be implemented by oligarchies or dictatorships (which ARE forms of government).

The Federal Reserve isn't fascism. It is communism. That is government ownership of markets. The government owns the fed and responsible for every dollar created.
Fascism is not a form of government. It is a type of economic system. It is government manipulation of markets.
Since fascism is a form of socialism, it is based on theft. Since people generally don't want their wealth stolen, fascism can usually only be implemented by oligarchies or dictatorships (which ARE forms of government).

The Federal Reserve isn't fascism. It is communism. That is government ownership of markets. The government owns the fed and responsible for every dollar created.

the federal reserve is textbook fascism.

when the corporatists have a achieved full state capture, they effectively are the government, making fascism definitely a form of government.
International transactions are done using one of the two local currencies between the parties.
For example:
If I buy some from Japan, I must convert the transaction to Yen.
If I pay in dollars, the vendor I buy from must convert the transaction to Yen for me.
If I buy from Mexico, I must convert the transaction to pesos. If I buy from Canada, I must convert the transaction the Canadian dollar.

It's the same no matter which international transaction I conduct.

This is an outright lie. You don't have to do that. Japan and America could conduct a transaction in dried cow dung if they wanted to. You can take economics courses online for free if you want to. You should do that.
the federal reserve is textbook fascism.

when the corporatists have a achieved full state capture, they effectively are the government, making fascism definitely a form of government.

eh...yeah I see your point but what bothers me is that people talking about the rest of the world talking about debt backed currency think the complaints are about the fed when they aren't, they're about our federal government forcing the rest of the world to accept Blackrock money which was really nothing more than a 20/1 derivative buy ledgered on a 1:1.
We are currently in an economic depression, and have been since 2019. It was started by the Democrats (again).
Economic depressions often have higher inflation. The Great Depression saw the dollar devalue to just half it's value (rapid inflation). Velocity also dropped. Do not confuse velocity with value.

Velocity creates wealth. That's why we had QE.
We are not in a depression, not even a recession, a depression implies little economic activity, so explain to us, without employing your usual pseudo intellectual semantics as a deflection, how in the hell does inflation happen when there is little money in circulation

It doesn't, in fact it never happens at all. "Inflation" is a boogeyman the government uses to distract people from the fact that the government fucked up big and negatively effected supply...you know, like shutting down the global supply chain.
they fare better is what I said, actually.

I stand by that.

position in the money dispersion hierarchy matters more with fiat currency and the inflation that comes with it

I disagree. Without fiat currency the poor and middle class have no chance at all to benefit from growth.
The New World Order is managed by the Chinese, and it will run on gold. America and the dollar are over.

Who has more gold than anyone else fuckstick? One country is head and shoulders above the rest when it comes to gold reserves. Care to guess who it is? Here's a hint...it ain't China, China isn't even close to number one.
Alright, then explain the GDP over the last twenty plus years (https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/USA/united-states/gdp-growth-rate), and given it fell thru the floor in 2020, your man Trump leads the way, ironic after he added eight trillion to the debt in just four years

And no one prints money, rather, the Fed decreases interest rates, lowers reserve requirements, plus buys securities and bonds, do you fail highschool

Had he not spent on the covid boondoogle would you be giving him props for fiscal responsibility?
Inflation. That's what devaluing of any currency means.

You just argued in a circle. Aren't you the Fallacy guy?

Our government chose to do a number of things which negatively effected supply, that is why things cost more right now. A dollar is still worth a dollar but eggs are worth more than they were before. BTW, that's why you DON'T fucking tie your currency to a commodity, once you do it no longer stores value.