What If the Dollar Falls?

eh...yeah I see your point but what bothers me is that people talking about the rest of the world talking about debt backed currency think the complaints are about the fed when they aren't, they're about our federal government forcing the rest of the world to accept Blackrock money which was really nothing more than a 20/1 derivative buy ledgered on a 1:1.


private bankers are also deeply involved in the state tyranny, and the fiat deception.

they benefit most actually. they are purely parasitical.
I disagree. Without fiat currency the poor and middle class have no chance at all to benefit from growth.

and now they have the benefit of bill gates buying all the farmland with fake money.

fuck the fiat currency scam forever.

tis of the devil, morally bankrupt anarcho-syndicalist.

just remember the bill of rights is a government document. mr I only blame government for fascism.

heal your mind.

heal your soul.
Who has more gold than anyone else fuckstick? One country is head and shoulders above the rest when it comes to gold reserves. Care to guess who it is? Here's a hint...it ain't China, China isn't even close to number one.

none of that matters when joe biden is making our own oil reserves off limit to ourselves, and making us buy chinese batteries.

they always say "oil must be sold on an international market".

this is where globalist zealotry can be seen clearly as purely an anti-american / pro-chinese idiot construct.
Retirement accounts are not invested in debt. They are invested in assets, typically a cross section of the stock market.
Social security is communism, but they will not stop because the government doesn't borrow more money.

What an ignorant jackass. Retirement accounts are invested in the stock market just like you said and if the right refuses to raise the debt limit that stock market will tumble taking everyones retirement account balance down with it.
What an ignorant jackass. Retirement accounts are invested in the stock market just like you said and if the right refuses to raise the debt limit that stock market will tumble taking everyones retirement account balance down with it.

are stock overvalued or something?

why would their value depend on interest rates?

are you a communist who hates america?

the stock market is honest and a great place to invest all your money.*

*your results may vary
the federal reserve is textbook fascism.

when the corporatists have a achieved full state capture, they effectively are the government, making fascism definitely a form of government.

Redefinition fallacy (communism<->fascism, corporation<->government, economics type<->government type).
This is an outright lie. You don't have to do that. Japan and America could conduct a transaction in dried cow dung if they wanted to. You can take economics courses online for free if you want to. You should do that.

I don't think Japan or America would accept dried cow dung as a currency.
eh...yeah I see your point but what bothers me is that people talking about the rest of the world talking about debt backed currency think the complaints are about the fed when they aren't, they're about our federal government forcing the rest of the world to accept Blackrock money which was really nothing more than a 20/1 derivative buy ledgered on a 1:1.

His 'point' is nothing but redefinitions (a fallacy). Blackrock does not print money.
It doesn't, in fact it never happens at all. "Inflation" is a boogeyman the government uses to distract people from the fact that the government fucked up big and negatively effected supply...you know, like shutting down the global supply chain.

Inflation is real. It's direct cause is printing money faster than wealth creation through capitalism.
It is DEMOCRATS that shut down supply chains in the States. It is liberals that shut down supply chains in other nations. They don't want capitalism to succeed (though they can't stop it).
Who has more gold than anyone else fuckstick? One country is head and shoulders above the rest when it comes to gold reserves. Care to guess who it is? Here's a hint...it ain't China, China isn't even close to number one.

The federal government currently owns 8133 metric tons of gold, worth about $480 million. The current debt is approaching $37 trillion.

The federal government is broke.

Meanwhile, China currently owns 1948 metric tons of gold, worth about $115 million. Their current debt is about $23 trillion.

The Chinese government is even more broke than we are.

You just argued in a circle. Aren't you the Fallacy guy?
Inversion fallacy. You are describing yourself again.
Our government chose to do a number of things which negatively effected supply, that is why things cost more right now.
Among the factors of inflation is printing money faster than wealth being created through capitalism. Shortages also causes inflation, but the direct cause is overprinting money.
A dollar is still worth a dollar
Circular definition fallacy.
but eggs are worth more than they were before.
No. The dollar is worth less. An egg is still worth an egg (using your own circular method of definition).
BTW, that's why you DON'T fucking tie your currency to a commodity,
There is nothing wrong with tying a currency to a commodity.
once you do it no longer stores value.
Money is not wealth. Money represents value. It doesn't store it.