So your task masters @ the DNC, CNN & MSNBC won’t allow you to watch Hannity & Dobbs, either, huh AW! Go ahead, educate yourself, I won’t tell em!
And someday you’ll tell the class WHY too, huh? I don’t think I’ll hold my breath for that, OK?
Orange man bad! Democrat Congress person good! Nancy don’t like impeachments! Nancy say only a few democrats want impeachment. Robo want impeachment though. Robo hate politician crooks. Robo say, “if good Democrat prove Orange man a crook, Robo be glad he get thrown out of office.” Robo also say “All Democrats in country should be impeached and thrown out of office” because Robo know all are crooks!
You learned all of that on CNN, right? When was the last time CNN was right about anything? Why is CNN laying off hundreds more employees? Why are CNN’s ratings suffering so much? You better start watching Fox, especially Tucker, Sean & Lew & learn the truth! I won’t tell your democrat neo-commie task masters, I promise!
Robo Please! Stop with the "Everybody's picking on little ole me and my president- little ole innocent- pure as driven snow- Donald Trump" act!
Not only does it make you look like an uninformed idiot, it is repugnant! Fox news is setting you up to look like a fool, by intentionally lying to you every day. Now, some journalists on Fox have been speaking up, and admitting that Donald Trump is lying and Obstructing Justice all at the very same time that others are just circling the wagons and thinking they can continue to lie to their audience and thinking this whole investigation thing will go away.
So, forget CNN, you have journalists who anchor for FOX who are telling you that Donald Trump is lying about the things in the investigation. So you can't blame CNN for telling the truth when you have FOX news saying the very same thing on every other one of their hourly programs.
What it is dude, is you are in a denial state, and you seem to be picking and choosing what you want to hear, and what you do not want to hear, even on Fox news.
Now, you are either one of two things, you are just some vulnerable idiot that can easily be lied to, or you are fully well knowing you are lying through your fucking teeth because you don't give a fuck about Donald Trump's or Fox New's lies- and you don't give a fuck if you have to lie yourself, because the only thing important to you is keeping Donald Trump in power. Because that is the only thing Fox News gives one flying fuck about, and that is the only thing Donald Trump gives one flying fuck about- is retaining Donald Trump as president. And all at a time when Donald Trump has been caught Obstructing Justice and committing impeachable offenses, while lying to this nation about it.
Donald Trump is a Cultist. You and millions of others are his Cult following who are either drinking the purple Kool-Aiid, or intentionally and immorally poisoning others with it.
Either way you are pathetic!
Kiss my ass! Fuck you! You are a disgrace!