What if?

Bob Mueller claimed in his little, (no questions), (throw the rabid mad dog Democrats a bloody bone) speech, that the Justice department’s policy that a sitting President can’t be indicted for a crime, was “unconstitutional” So, if we’re to actually believe but for that policy Mueller would have indicted Trump for obstruction, why didn’t the Democrat’s champion Mueller go the full mile & challenge the DOJ policy as being unconstitutional in a court of law & if he won, jump up and prosecute Trump? Apparently Mueller is either a bleeping coward, a lackey that refused to finish his job, or he knew there wasn’t enough evidence to indict Trump for anything, let alone obstruction. I know every lefty has to agree with me about that, right?
You are so far out in left field that no one can agree with you about anything.

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There's nothing in the Mueller report that proves Trump "TOOK ANY ACTION" to obstruct the Mueller Witch Hunt contrived by Obama's DOJ's cabal of treasonous scum to give Hillary Clinton a "get out of jail free ticket," & frame Trump for a phony crime. The evidence therefore & the indictments are on the way folks! Get your popcorn ready!!!!!

You are totally delusional and deep in the right-wing swamp of lies. The "Mueller Witch Hunt" was a fairly straightforward investigation. You are cheering for real witch hunts, intended to punish everyone who tried to tell the truth about Trump.

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Nope, He said the justice department rules say a sitting president cannot be indicted. That is why he did not. So he pointed out that the house has the power to charge obstruction and then gave 10 examples in the report. He gave 3 in the statement he made. There are plenty of posts enumerating them. Why are you so damn dishonest.
He's a Trump cultist. Honesty is a violation of their sacred beliefs.

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Robo is trying to prove that people who watch Fox exclusively know less about politics than people who watch none. Studies have shown that. He is trying to be living proof of it. He is doing a very good job. I feel sorry for him. What has he done to his mind?
Robo is trying to prove that people who watch Fox exclusively know less about politics than people who watch none. Studies have shown that. He is trying to be living proof of it. He is doing a very good job. I feel sorry for him. What has he done to his mind?

I have noticed others say that about him?? Odd, not like I hear ppl that about other tragic & pathetic cases here, & lord knows they need someone to feel pity upon them..

So why, if I may ask do you feel pity on this one??
FISA warrant abuse, unmasking and spying on hundreds of Americans, emails about stopping Trump and an insurance policy if he got elected, the illegal exoneration of Hillary Clinton, the DNC & Hillary's dirty dossier, Inspector General's report about to happen, declassification of Intel documents being received by Barr. A Grand Jury being seated, investigating the investigators. The Mueller ALL Democrat Hillary donors lawyers & prosecutors, Obama being kept informed of how the coup-de-qua was going. Comey, Brennan & Clapper all lying to Congress. Comey blaming Brennan, Brennan blaming Comey. The swamp rats turning on each other.

A BIG nothing burger, right???????

You really are not well. Is there ever anything you hear on Fox that you question? Ever? Have you ever spent a second wondering if it is true, or do you hear the voice of god? If not, you should understand you have a problem.
You really are not well. Is there ever anything you hear on Fox that you question? Ever? Have you ever spent a second wondering if it is true, or do you hear the voice of god? If not, you should understand you have a problem.
He's definitely not well. Just one example is his claim of "emails about stopping Trump and an insurance policy if he got elected". There's clearly nothing there but some empty boasts. No action, no "insurance policy". But Robo is convinced that there was some dark conspiracy, probably involving hundreds of conspirators, just to stop Trump. The only actual conspiracy that we've got even a hint of was the conspiracy to put Trump in the White House

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Nope, He said the justice department rules say a sitting president cannot be indicted. That is why he did not. So he pointed out that the house has the power to charge obstruction and then gave 10 examples in the report. He gave 3 in the statement he made. There are plenty of posts enumerating them. Why are you so damn dishonest.

Why then did Mueller tell Barr 3 times that the reason he made NO recommendations regarding obstruction was NOT determined by the DOJ's principle that no sitting President could be indicted for a crime? Why did Mueller in his (bloody bone for Democrats), speech say that the DOJ rule was "unconstitutional" then not challenge it in the courts and actually finish his job that he spent 2 bleeping years and million's of taxpayer's dollars on? WHY????? Because Mueller knows he hadn't a dime's worth of evidence worthy to indict OUR PRESIDENT of any crime!!!!!! Mueller's & the mad dog Democrats agenda is proliferate phony investigations right up to and through the 2020 election. Good luck with that insane tactic lefties!!!!!
The Republicans, as a party, are corrupt. Obama's corruption is, yet again, a product of right-wing lies.

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How very typical of a leftist post. No evidence & nothing but wild unproven accusations.
Typical Robo hypocrisy. Trump's gotta be innocent, so now let loose the rabid junkyard dogs on anyone who says otherwise.
And "Words and conversations don't amount to crimes until illegal actions become the result thereof." Unless, of course, those words and conversations are critical of Trump.

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NAH! Robo just needs actual evidence of a crime before he actually believes somebody is guilty. It’s called “DUE PROCESS.” Actually those conversations Trump was having with his staff & especially with his lawyer, were protected by executive privilege, but Trump never claimed executive privilege & that’s the only reason Mueller was even able to get them into his report. So, where’s the OBSTRUCTION? Trump wasn’t trying to hide anything!
You are totally delusional and deep in the right-wing swamp of lies. The "Mueller Witch Hunt" was a fairly straightforward investigation. You are cheering for real witch hunts, intended to punish everyone who tried to tell the truth about Trump.

If the Mueller investigation was really a “straight forward” investigation about Russian meddling in our election, then why wasn’t Mueller investigating Hillary’s paid for Steele dossier that fostered illegal & criminal FISA warrants to spy on Hillary’s opponent Donald J. Trump? OH! That’s right the Mueller investigation was never really about Russian meddling in our election, it was SIMPLY all about framing Donald J. Trump of a phony crime to impeach his orange ass and remove him from his duly democratically elected Presidency and thereby expel the will of the people of the vast majority of our American United States, huh?

It’s all coming down around your ears pal of mine! Better start watching the truth and the future of American justice on Hannity, Tucker Carlson & Lew Dobbs. Better watch Fox buddy & get informed!
You really are not well. Is there ever anything you hear on Fox that you question? Ever? Have you ever spent a second wondering if it is true, or do you hear the voice of god? If not, you should understand you have a problem.

Get your popcorn ready friend, the FOX truth is about to reveal itself to y'all uninformed leftist CNN, MSNBC drones!