What if?

If the swamp rat Mueller ever believed in the "Department Policy" he calls unconstitutional, he sure as hell as a Special Counsel knows he could have sued the DOJ for an unconstitutional law, won if he was right & then indict Trump if he actually believed Trump committed a crime and thereby FINISHED HIS FUCKING JOB!

If Mueller was a true patriot & straight shooter as alleged by the fucking SWAMP, he would know and have reported that Trump was and is considered as "INNOCENT" until proven guilty, like he made sure we all knew he considered those Russians in his (bloody bone speech for Democrats), instead of reversing the principle and the law for Trump as being guilty until he gets proven innocent, like never, ever by any rabid, mad junkyard dog Democrat, huh friend?

Don't give us your delusional "if/would" bullshit. Mueller played by the rules and DOJ policy.

Muller DIDN'T tell Barr three times that he didn't rely on DOJ policy, you fucking liar.

So that was Justice Department policy. Those were the principles under which we operated. And from them, we concluded that we would not reach a determination one way or the other about whether the president committed a crime.”

“As set forth in the report, after the investigation, if we had confidence that the president did not clearly commit a crime, we would have said so. We did not.”

What part of “would not” confuses you, illiterate dumbfuck?
The emails shed the light on the conspiracy. Even Mueller had to rid the “Frame Trump Team” from Strzok and McCabe got fired for something, guess what! Strzok & Page both resigned & Comey’s signature is all over the application for the FISA warrant obtained by the Hillary paid for Steel dossier. All of that is only the tip of the iceberg.

So the Hillary closet email server & the thousands of classified and secret U.S. Government information transmitted over that server was uncovered by a Witch Hunt, right? It’s not a serious felony in lefty la-la land, or Obama’s Justice Department, correct?
You are deep in the right-wing swamp of lies and propaganda. McCabe got fired because he didn't vote for Trump and was too honest for Trump to abide.

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The emails shed the light on the conspiracy. Even Mueller had to rid the “Frame Trump Team” from Strzok and McCabe got fired for something, guess what! Strzok & Page both resigned & Comey’s signature is all over the application for the FISA warrant obtained by the Hillary paid for Steel dossier. All of that is only the tip of the iceberg.

So the Hillary closet email server & the thousands of classified and secret U.S. Government information transmitted over that server was uncovered by a Witch Hunt, right? It’s not a serious felony in lefty la-la land, or Obama’s Justice Department, correct?
Hillary's private email server was standard practice at State for many years. Trump himself uses his personal iPhone for official business. Get some actual news, not the fake and filtered garbage that you get from Fox.

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When did truth become propaganda? Oh! I know never!!!!! Just don't try to blame me when the roof comes down around your Democrats & RINO Republicans in the Obama Justice Department and Intel agencies and you were totally ignorant about all of it because you watched CNN & MSNBC propaganda & obeyed their instruction to never watch Fox where the REAL news is.

To you, right-wing propaganda is all the truth there is.

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Nope. we watch the news. You tout a far-right propaganda network and think it is news. Studies show that people who rely on Fox, know less about the news and politics, than people who watch none. Your posting shows how much you swallow the disinformation they broadcast.
Robo is completely brainwashed. His brain is washed clean of all reality.

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Name your news sources please!

"Far right" by who's standard? Please report some Fox far right propaganda and be specific, I need to be converted to the truth. I'll understand if you can't!

Ah yes! The old leftist "studies show" horseshit again! What studies, name them. I'll understand if you don't.

"disinformation" such as? Be specific please! I'll understand if you can't!
Just about everything you post is disinformation. And no matter how much or how often that gets pointed out, you insist that it must be right because it comes from Fox.

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If that were the only issue with Hillary's server, why was it a secret & private server? Why wasn't Hillary using authorized government protected servers? Why do you see no crime, "felony" in communicating classified & secret government information on an unauthorized & secret, private email server? Please explain why that's not a crime and shouldn't be a crime, I'll wait!

Please report Trump's "CLASSIFIED & SECRET" twitter communications & explain why you think they're unauthorized, secret & private, I'll wait!

Please report & explain all or any unauthorized, classified, secret & private information that Trump's administration people have communicated on their private phones, that would be a felony punishable by the full rule of the law except if your name is Hillary.
When was Hillary's server a secret? At the time, such servers were common State Department practice.

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The national TV media aside from Fox are a disgrace to the traditions of news reporting. They're exactly what Trump says they are "The enemy of the people."
You, Fox and Trump are the enemies of the people.

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Until & unless you watch Fox News, you're gonna get the surprise of your life. Your CNN & MSNBC propaganda cover up horseshit is compounding your willful ignorance.
Fox is feeding you nothing but propaganda cover up horseshit. You are deep in your willful ignorance.

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You're about to find out differently! The hammer is about to drop on the swamp rat scumbags that handed Clinton the "get out of jail free ticket" & failed to frame Trump of a phony crime.
Yeah, as soon as Fox and your GOP scumbags can work up a frame of their own.

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Were about to find out who’s full of shit. Be prepared for some indictments and convictions of Obama’s crooked Justice Department & Intel agencies Democrats & RINO Republicans.

Name names and produce their quotes! I’ll understand if you don’t!

That’s your story. I disagree! You’re uninformed and in for a gigantic shock! You better start watching Fox and getting informed old pal of mine!!!!!

Your rabid mad junkyard Democrat & RINO Republican dog swamp skunks are comin DOWN!!! Get your coloring books and crayons ready old buddy, sweep out your new home in that closet safe space, you’re moving back in with tears and crying towles!!!!!

I didn’t even vote for Donald Trump! I think he’s a world class exaggerator and narcissist who needs his tweeter shoved up his ass. He’s also at the same time probably the best President of my 83 years and if he keeps up the good works and his love for America and America’s people and financial well being and is successful at reversing the fucking Americas has been getting world wide from so-called allies and enemies alike, I’ll vote for him in 2020.

His tariffs are just indirect taxes on the people

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Where are the collusion conspiring with the Russians & the obstruction charges against Trump or anybody else? Where's Mueller's report on the DNC & Hillary Clinton conspiring & colluding with the Russians? Oh wait! that's coming with the "BARR REPORT, huh?

You are obviously not capable of dealing with reality. Collusion is not a crime, although colluding with a foreign government to influence an election should be a crime. And Mueller came up with plenty of evidence of collusion. Mueller only cleared Trump of criminal conspiracy. There was also no shortage of evidence of obstruction. But, again your inability to pay attention, Mueller couldn't pursue those, so he's leaving that up to Congress. As for the "BARR REPORT", just another right-wing witch hunt.

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Where's the President's actual actions to obstruct anything? The man was pissed about a cabal of rabid mad junkyard Hillary loving Hillary supporting DOG DEMOCRATS & RINO REPUBLICANS attempting a coup-de-qua to trash his Presidency, frame him for a phony crime & remove him from office, spy on him & trash his family. Words and conversations don't amount to crimes until illegal actions become the result thereof. So again, WHERE'S TRUMP'S ACTIONS AMOUNTING TO OBSTRUCTION? He cooperated totally with the Special Counsel, turned over without resistance thousands of documents, claimed no executive privilege and allowed his family & White House cabinet to be interviewed under oath to the FBI & answered questions himself in writing to the Mueller team of rabid mad junkyard dog Democrat prosecutors. Again, wheres the OBSTRUCTION???????
YOU'RE saying "Words and conversations don't amount to crimes until illegal actions become the result thereof"?!? Yet that's all you've got on Strzok, but he's, according to you, guilty of treason against, not the U.S., but against our illegitimate President.

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Please name those "corrupt Republicans" & report specifically their criminal corrupt actions to protect Trump. I'll understand when you can't. Please make sure you hang around here when the indictments and prosecutions of Obama's corrupt DOJ & Intel agencies comes down, I'll love seeing your excuses & absurd post then.

You've put all your faith into a crooked President, right-wing propaganda and yet another series of right-wing witch hunts. All you've got is excuses & absurd posts.

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So you don't know! You can't post a quote from the Mueller Report accusing Trump of actual actions proving obstruction. I'll wait for your reply with that missing evidence, child!
Who reads these posts to you and transcribes yours? Must be an AI. No human could do so without laughing at you.

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So again child, you can't produce any Trump actions of obstruction. I'll wait! I'll give you one more chance junior!
The only reason that you're not on my ignore list is because you are so pitifully funny. Not one bit of reality in any post. Complete denial.

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Bob Mueller claimed in his little, (no questions), (throw the rabid mad dog Democrats a bloody bone) speech, that the Justice department’s policy that a sitting President can’t be indicted for a crime, was “unconstitutional” So, if we’re to actually believe but for that policy Mueller would have indicted Trump for obstruction, why didn’t the Democrat’s champion Mueller go the full mile & challenge the DOJ policy as being unconstitutional in a court of law & if he won, jump up and prosecute Trump? Apparently Mueller is either a bleeping coward, a lackey that refused to finish his job, or he knew there wasn’t enough evidence to indict Trump for anything, let alone obstruction. I know every lefty has to agree with me about that, right?
Mueller works for the DOJ. He would have no standing to sue.

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